#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Upload changes from inside repository using GIN CLI # Assumes no submodules # Assumes gin init was performed or the repository was downloaded via gin get if (( $# > 0 )); then echo "This script takes no arguments" exit 1 fi checkerror() { err=$1 msg=$2 if [[ ${err} != 0 ]]; then echo ${msg} >> ./log/gin.log echo ${msg} echo "Press [Enter] to close this window" read exit 1 fi } loc=$(dirname $0) projectdir=$(git -C ${loc} rev-parse --show-toplevel) pushd ${loc} > /dev/null mkdir -p ./log echo "$(date -Iseconds): Sync script executed" >> ./log/gin.log gin sync checkerror $? "Error occurred during 'gin sync'" gin commit . checkerror $? "Error occurred during 'gin commit'" gin upload checkerror $? "Error occurred during 'gin upload'" # this is removing big file content if the upload is successful: gin remove-content checkerror $? "Error occurred during 'gin remove-content'" # Uncomment the two lines below to download all large files, you may also want to comment the gin remove-content line above # gin get-content . # checkerror $? "Error occurred during 'gin get-content'" popd > /dev/null