% Inspect a subject and extract a range of interest import tools.GetCSVs; subjectPath = uigetdir("Please choose a subject"); modulesPath = fullfile(subjectPath, 'Modules'); times = inputdlg({'Begin time (in seconds, first second is 1)', 'End time (in seconds, first second is 1)'}, 'Time frame inspector'); start = str2num(times{1}); stop = str2num(times{2}); [modules csvs]= GetCSVs(modulesPath, "Mouse"); for i=1:length(modules) data = readmatrix(fullfile(modulesPath, csvs{i})); out = data(start:stop, :) if i == 1 filteredPath = fullfile(modulesPath, sprintf("Filtered-%d-%d", start, stop)); disp(filteredPath); mkdir(filteredPath); end outPath = fullfile(filteredPath, string(modules{i}) + ".csv"); writematrix(out, outPath); end