# SEB3R Validation Dataset ## About This repo contains all data used for the validation of MATLAB pipeline: Whisker Nuisance test 3D for Rodents. The script are available [here](https://gin.g-node.org/gchelini/SEB3R_pipeline). **Note**: this dataset was generated through DeepLabCut and SEB3R! Original video tracking files are released in a [separate](https://gin.g-node.org/gchelini/SEB3R_video_tracking) dataset. ## Usage - [Download and setup SEB3R](https://gin.g-node.org/gchelini/SEB3R_pipeline#installation) - [When launching any script](https://gin.g-node.org/gchelini/SEB3R_pipeline#how-to-use), use one of the subfolders `WN-HH`, `WN-MH`, or `Open Field group` under `WiN3R results`. All results will be generates within the same subfolder. ## Structure - `WiN3R`: specific dataset groups. Note that they have already been processed with the SEB3R pipeline. - `Open Field group`: mice placed in open field for 15 minutes, divided into 5 3-minute sessions. Used as control. - `WN-MH`: mild habituation group. - `WN-HH`: heavy abituation group. - `Cohort WNt3R validation.xlsx`: summary of the subjects identifiers used in each experimental condition. - Analyzed Data: a number of statistical tests on the aforementioned datasets performed with GraphPad Prims8 and provided as XLSX file.