% G.V. Anguelova % 07-06-2022 %% split input (X_sin) en output (Y_sin) data in train en test data % first 300 are 'epil' (=1), the last 700 normal (=0) % for test use the first 50 (epil) and the last 100 (normal) % input variabel % test X_test_epil = X_sin(1:50,:,:); X_test_nl = X_sin(901:1000,:,:); X_test = [X_test_epil; X_test_nl]; % train X_train = X_sin(51:900,:,:); % output variabel % test Y_test_epil = Y_sin(1:50,:); Y_test_nl = Y_sin(901:1000,:); Y_test = [Y_test_epil; Y_test_nl]; % train Y_train = Y_sin(51:900,:); %% plot dummy var for k = 101:103 % 1 figure for each epoch figure for i = 1:18 % 1 subplot for each EEG channel in 'dubbele banaan' subplot(18,1,i); plot(X_sin(k,:,i)) hold on xlim([0 250]); ylim([-17 17]); ylabel(seizureLocations.labels(1,i)) % EEG channel ax = gca; ax.Position(4) = 1.5*ax.Position(4); grid on end title(k) grid on pos = get(gcf, 'Position'); set(gcf, 'Position',pos+[0 0 -400 500]) set(gca,'YtickLabel',{'Cz-Pz','Fz-Cz','P3-O1','C3-P3','F3-C3','Fp1-F3','P4-O2','C4-P4','F4-C4','Fp2-F4','T5-O1','T3-T5','F7-T3','Fp1-F7','T6-O2','T4-T6','F8-T4','Fp2-F8'}); set(gca,'XtickLabel',{'0','1','2'}); end