ROIid;ROIabbr;ROIname;ROIcolor 1;lPreCG;Left Precentral gyrus;203 142 203 2;rPreCG;Right Precentral gyrus;203 142 203 3;lSFG;Left Superior frontal gyrus-dorsolateral;0 117 115 4;rSFG;Right Superior frontal gyrus-dorsolateral;0 117 115 5;lMFG;Left Middle frontal gyrus;191 23 23 6;rMFG;Right Middle frontal gyrus;191 23 23 7;lIFGoperc;Left Inferior frontal gyrus-opercular part;198 198 2 8;rIFGoperc;Right Inferior frontal gyrus-opercular part;198 198 2 9;lIFGtriang;Left Inferior frontal gyrus-triangular part;149 203 203 10;rIFGtriang;Right Inferior frontal gyrus-triangular part;149 203 203 11;lIFGorb;Left IFG pars orbitalis;102 102 102 12;rIFGorb;Right IFG pars orbitalis;102 102 102 13;lROL;Left Rolandic operculum;203 203 108 14;rROL;Right Rolandic operculum;203 203 108 15;lSMA;Left Supplementary motor area;152 69 47 16;rSMA;Right Supplementary motor area;152 69 47 17;lOLF;Left Olfactory cortex;162 81 203 18;rOLF;Right Olfactory cortex;162 81 203 19;lSFGmedial;Left Superior frontal gyrus-medial;0 254 0 20;rSFGmedial;Right Superior frontal gyrus-medial;0 254 0 21;lPFCventmed;Left Superior frontal gyrus-medial orbital;203 203 3 22;rPFCventmed;Right Superior frontal gyrus-medial orbital;203 203 3 23;lREC;Left Gyrus rectus;76 47 127 24;rREC;Right Gyrus rectus;76 47 127 25;lOFCmed;Left Medial orbital gyrus;54 54 203 26;rOFCmed;Right Medial orbital gyrus;54 54 203 27;lOFCant;Left Anterior orbital gyrus;0 203 0 28;rOFCant;Right Anterior orbital gyrus;0 203 0 29;lOFCpost;Left Posterior orbital gyrus;162 0 54 30;rOFCpost;Right Posterior orbital gyrus;162 0 54 31;lOFClat;Left Lateral orbital gyrus;254 254 4 32;rOFClat;Right Lateral orbital gyrus;254 254 4 33;lINS;Left Insula;184 148 39 34;rINS;Right Insula;184 148 39 35;lACC;Left Anterior cingulate & paracingulate gyri;0 203 203 36;rACC;Right Anterior cingulate & paracingulate gyri;0 203 203 37;lMCC;Left Middle cingulate & paracingulate gyri;128 102 0 38;rMCC;Right Middle cingulate & paracingulate gyri;128 102 0 39;lPCC;Left Posterior cingulate gyrus;0 203 0 40;rPCC;Right Posterior cingulate gyrus;0 203 0 41;lHIP;Left Hippocampus;203 142 203 42;rHIP;Right Hippocampus;203 142 203 43;lPHG;Left Parahippocampal gyrus;162 54 13 44;rPHG;Right Parahippocampal gyrus;162 54 13 45;lAMYG;Left Amygdala;203 203 3 46;rAMYG;Right Amygdala;203 203 3 47;lCAL;Left Calcarine fissure and surrounding cortex;162 0 56 48;rCAL;Right Calcarine fissure and surrounding cortex;162 0 56 49;lCUN;Left Cuneus;203 102 0 50;rCUN;Right Cuneus;203 102 0 51;lLING;Left Lingual gyrus;0 200 203 52;rLING;Right Lingual gyrus;0 200 203 53;lSOG;Left Superior occipital gyrus;94 0 26 54;rSOG;Right Superior occipital gyrus;94 0 26 55;lMOG;Left Middle occipital gyrus;204 204 204 56;rMOG;Right Middle occipital gyrus;204 204 204 57;lIOG;Left Inferior occipital gyrus;72 72 200 58;rIOG;Right Inferior occipital gyrus;72 72 200 59;lFFG;Left Fusiform gyrus;81 0 176 60;rFFG;Right Fusiform gyrus;81 0 176 61;lPoCG;Left Postcentral gyrus;162 0 54 62;rPoCG;Right Postcentral gyrus;162 0 54 63;lSPG;Left Superior parietal gyrus;134 53 0 64;rSPG;Right Superior parietal gyrus;134 53 0 65;lIPG;Left Inferior parietal gyrus-excluding supramarginal and angular gyri;122 203 67 66;rIPG;Right Inferior parietal gyrus-excluding supramarginal and angular gyri;122 203 67 67;lSMG;Left SupraMarginal gyrus;94 69 54 68;rSMG;Right SupraMarginal gyrus;94 69 54 69;lANG;Left Angular gyrus;0 135 203 70;rANG;Right Angular gyrus;0 135 203 71;lPCUN;Left Precuneus;13 176 67 72;rPCUN;Right Precuneus;13 176 67 73;lPCL;Left Paracentral lobule;0 200 0 74;rPCL;Right Paracentral lobule;0 200 0 75;lCAU;Left Caudate nucleus;108 0 162 76;rCAU;Right Caudate nucleus;108 0 162 77;lPUT;Left Lenticular nucleus-Putamen;61 61 203 78;rPUT;Right Lenticular nucleus-Putamen;61 61 203 79;lPAL;Left Lenticular nucleus-Pallidum;203 203 0 80;rPAL;Right Lenticular nucleus-Pallidum;203 203 0 81;lTHA;Left Thalamus;162 54 13 82;rTHA;Right Thalamus;162 54 13 83;lHES;Left Heschls gyrus;94 13 13 84;rHES;Right Heschls gyrus;94 13 13 85;lSTG;Left Superior temporal gyrus;203 53 0 86;rSTG;Right Superior temporal gyrus;203 53 0 87;lTPOsup;Left Temporal pole: superior temporal gyrus;38 0 83 88;rTPOsup;Right Temporal pole: superior temporal gyrus;38 0 83 89;lMTG;Left Middle temporal gyrus;162 0 56 90;rMTG;Right Middle temporal gyrus;162 0 56 91;lTPOmid;Left Temporal pole: middle temporal gyrus;0 94 92 92;rTPOmid;Right Temporal pole: middle temporal gyrus;0 94 92 93;lITG;Left Inferior temporal gyrus;128 102 0 94;rITG;Right Inferior temporal gyrus;128 102 0 95;lCERCRU1;Left Crus I of cerebellar hemisphere;140 36 42 96;rCERCRU1;Right Crus I of cerebellar hemisphere;140 36 42 97;lCERCRU2;Left Crus II of cerebellar hemisphere;61 61 203 98;rCERCRU2;Right Crus II of cerebellar hemisphere;61 61 203 99;lCER3;Left Lobule III of cerebellar hemisphere;0 152 64 100;rCER3;Right Lobule III of cerebellar hemisphere;0 152 64 101;lCER4_5;Left Lobule IV-V of cerebellar hemisphere;203 149 149 102;rCER4_5;Right Lobule IV-V of cerebellar hemisphere;203 149 149 103;lCER6;Left Lobule VI of cerebellar hemisphere;0 94 92 104;rCER6;Right Lobule VI of cerebellar hemisphere;0 94 92 105;lCER7b;Left Lobule VIIB of cerebellar hemisphere;203 0 67 106;rCER7b;Right Lobule VIIB of cerebellar hemisphere;203 0 67 107;lCER8;Left Lobule VIII of cerebellar hemisphere;203 149 149 108;rCER8;Right Lobule VIII of cerebellar hemisphere;203 149 149 109;lCER9;Left Lobule IX of cerebellar hemisphere;94 17 76 110;rCER9;Right Lobule IX of cerebellar hemisphere;94 17 76 111;lCER10;Left Lobule X of cerebellar hemisphere;203 67 16 112;rCER10;Right Lobule X of cerebellar hemisphere;203 67 16 113;VER1_2;Lobule I-II of vermis;254 177 254 114;VER3;Lobule III of vermis;239 29 29 115;VER4_5;Lobule IV-V of vermis;254 254 0 116;VER6;Lobule VI of vermis;101 0 220 117;VER7;Lobule VII of vermis;203 203 3 118;VER8;Lobule VIII of vermis;0 250 0 119;VER9;Lobule IX of vermis;160 127 0 120;VER10;Lobule X of vermis;0 203 0 121;ltAV;Left Thalamus-Anteroventral Nucleus;254 66 0 122;rtAV;Right Thalamus-Anteroventral Nucleus;191 23 23 123;ltLP;Left Lateral posterior;254 254 4 124;rtLP;Right Lateral posterior;128 128 128 125;ltVA;Left Ventral anterior;217 217 217 126;rtVA;Right Ventral anterior;0 117 115 127;ltVL;Left Ventral lateral;90 90 250 128;rtVL;Right Ventral lateral;230 185 49 129;ltVPL;Left Ventral posterolateral;230 185 49 130;rtVPL;Right Ventral posterolateral;202 0 70 131;ltIL;Left Intralaminar;162 0 56 132;rtIL;Right Intralaminar;76 76 254 133;ltRe;Left Reuniens;76 76 254 134;rtRe;Right Reuniens;0 117 115 135;ltMDm;Left Mediodorsal medial magnocellular;203 203 3 136;rtMDm;Right Mediodorsal medial magnocellular;0 203 0 137;ltMDl;Left Mediodorsal lateral parvocellular;0 250 0 138;rtMDl;Right Mediodorsal lateral parvocellular;254 254 0 139;ltLGN;Left Lateral geniculate;202 0 70 140;rtLGN;Right Lateral geniculate;254 186 186 141;ltMGN;Left Medial Geniculate;0 117 115 142;rtMGN;Right Medial Geniculate;203 67 16 143;ltPuA;Left Pulvinar anterior;203 67 16 144;rtPuA;Right Pulvinar anterior;118 0 33 145;ltPuM;Left Pulvinar medial;0 190 80 146;rtPuM;Right Pulvinar medial;118 86 68 147;ltPuL;Left Pulvinar lateral;0 169 254 148;rtPuL;Right Pulvinar lateral;162 81 203 149;ltPuI;Left Pulvinar inferior;203 0 67 150;rtPuI;Right Pulvinar inferior;0 254 0 151;lACCsub;Left Anterior cingulate cortex-subgenual;254 254 4 152;rACCsub;Right Anterior cingulate cortex-subgenual;149 203 203 153;lACCpre;Left Anterior cingulate cortex-pregenual;186 254 254 154;rACCpre;Right Anterior cingulate cortex-pregenual;67 67 254 155;lACCsup;Left Anterior cingulate cortex-supracallosal;254 254 135 156;rACCsup;Right Anterior cingulate cortex-supracallosal;203 67 16 157;lNacc;Left Nucleus accumbens;168 66 0 158;rNacc;Right Nucleus accumbens;254 186 186 159;lVTA;Left Ventral tegmental area;254 66 0 160;rVTA;Right Ventral tegmental area;191 23 23 161;lSNpc;Left Substantia nigra-pars compacta;162 0 56 162;rSNpc;Right Substantia nigra-pars compacta;198 198 2 163;lSNpr;Left Substantia nigra-pars reticulata;101 0 220 164;rSNpr;Right Substantia nigra-pars reticulata;135 0 203 165;lRedN;Left Red nucleus;190 86 59 166;rRedN;Right Red nucleus;118 86 68 167;lLC;Left Locus coeruleus;135 0 203 168;rLC;Right Locus coeruleus;76 76 254 169;RapheD;Raphe nucleus-dorsal;118 16 16 170;RapheM;Raphe nucleus-median;162 54 13