# Localize-MI ## Simultaneous human intracerebral stimulation and HD-EEG: ground-truth for source localization methods The dataset comprises high density-EEG data from a total of 61 sessions, obtained from 7 subjects. In addition, it includes the spatial locations of the stimulating contacts in native MRI-space, MNI152-space and Freesurfer’s surface-space, and the digitized positions of the 256 scalp EEG electrodes. It also contains the BEM, pial and inflated surface reconstructions created with the subjects’ original MRIs, as well as the source-spaces and forward-models from them derived. Furthermore, it includes the anonymized MRIs of each subject. The code used for data curation, analysis and utility functions, as well as usage demonstration scripts can be found in the following repository: https://github.com/iTCf/mikulan_et_al_2020 For questions regarding this dataset please contact: Ezequiel Mikulan (ezequiel.mikulan@unimi.it) or Andrea Pigorini (andrea.pigorini@unimi.it) ### Changelog 8/7/2020 - _Update forward model files to avoid including bad channel selection on them_. The forward model files of all subjects have been updated by removing the list of bad channels included in them. MNE-python stores the list bad channels that were marked in the epochs file that was used to get the digitalization of the EEG channels and then makes the union of these channels with the channels marked as bad on the epochs that are being used for applying the inverse solution. As bad channels vary slightly between stimulations sessions and this information is present on each epochs file, the bad channels list on the fwd has been removed 14/04/2020 - _Improve trans file for sub-05_. The alignment between HDEEG and MRI has been improved for subject sub-05 as is was slightly rotated. This improves the localization accuracy for this subject. 09/10/2020 - _Fix export error_. Files of *electrodes.tsv and *coordsys.tsv have been updated due to export error.