function [p, teststat] = lrtest(varargin) % Based on if isnumeric(varargin{1}) % Assume we are doing the form of fullLL, redLL, dof fLL = varargin{1}; rLL = varargin{2}; dof = varargin{3}; varargin = varargin(4:end); elseif isobject(varargin{1}) if ismethod(varargin{1},'fixedEffects') % This is a mixed effect model error('Mixed-Effects models not get implemented.\n Use compare'); end % Assume we were passed in model objects. m1 = varargin{1}; m2 = varargin{2}; m1_params = m1.NumEstimatedCoefficients; m2_params = m2.NumEstimatedCoefficients; if m1_params > m2_params fullm = m1; redm = m2; else fullm = m2; redm = m1; end dof = fullm.NumEstimatedCoefficients - redm.NumEstimatedCoefficients; fLL = fullm.LogLikelihood; rLL = redm.LogLikelihood; varargin = varargin(3:end); end if dof==0 error('Models are not nested - same number of free params'); end teststat = 2*(fLL - rLL); p=1-chi2cdf(teststat, dof); fprintf('Full Model log likelihood:\t %.3f\n', fLL); fprintf('Reduced Model log likelihood:\t %.3f\n', rLL); fprintf('Extra parameters in full model:\t %d\n', dof); fprintf('\t\tChi-Sqr Test, \tp=%.4f\n', p);