function v=flda(varargin) % v = flda(G1,G2) % v = flda(mean1,mean2,cov1,cov2,n1,n2) % % v is fisher's linear discriminant between the two "groups" of data % Using syntax 1 % G1 is an n x d matrix % G2 is an m x d matrix % Using syntax 2 % Group1 has mean mu1, covariance cov1, and n1 number of samples % Group2 has mean mu2, covariance cov2, and n2 number of samples % v is a d x 1 vector % % if nargin==2 X=varargin{1}; Y=varargin{2}; [x_n, xdim]=size(X); [y_n, ydim]=size(Y); if xdim~=ydim error end muX=nanmean(X,1); muY=nanmean(Y,1); nX=X-repmat(muX,x_n,1); nY=Y-repmat(muY,y_n,1); nX(isnan(nX))=0; nY(isnan(nY))=0; S1 = nX'*nX; % This is an estimate of the covariance matrix -> divide by x_n to get COV(X) S2 = nY'*nY; elseif nargin==6 muX=varargin{1}; muY=varargin{2}; cx=varargin{3}; cy=varargin{4}; nx=varargin{5}; ny=varargin{6}; S1 = cx*(nx-1); S2 = cy*(ny-1); end Sw=S1+S2; % Solve eigenproblem Sb*V = Lambda*Sw*V v=Sw\(muX-muY)';