function [yM,xM,h]=rasterplot(r,t,pre,post, varargin) % [yM,xM,h]=tsraster2(r,t,pre,post, varargin) % Drows a rasterplot of two point processes, r(ef) and t(arget) % using a time w(indow) in seconds. % either provide one window input and it will use +/- w or provide pre and % post. % r and t should be vectors of timestamps in seconds % if would be way faster if i find the smaller of r and t and run through % r. but i'm not using this for the bootstrap anyway. %% SETUP r=r; t=t; if nargin<4 post=pre; end % if either are empty return empty if isempty(r) yM=[]; xM=[]; return end if isempty(t) t=r(1)-pre-1; end % if w is zero or negative, complain if (post+pre)<=0 y=[]; display('window is negative in size') return end % make sure r and t are column vectors. if isvector(r) r=r(:); else % we might have passed in multipl refs. use the first one r=r(:,1); end t=t(:); % deal with vararin % opts.plotthis=1; % opts.post_mask=+inf; % opts.pre_mask=-inf; %[]; % this should be a struct with name, iod = @utils.inputordefault; plotthis = iod('plotthis',1,varargin); post_mask = iod('post_mask',+inf,varargin); pre_mask = iod('pre_mask',-inf,varargin); events = iod('events',[],varargin); %parseargs(varargin,opts,{},1); if isscalar(post_mask) post_mask=repmat(post_mask, size(r)); end if isscalar(pre_mask) pre_mask=repmat(pre_mask, size(r)); end %% The meat of the code. Really brain dead simple. spks=zeros(numel(t),2); spk_ind=1; for i=1:numel(r) s=r(i)-pre; f=r(i)+post; cc=stats.qbetween(t, s,f)-r(i); cc=cc(cc>pre_mask(i)); cc=cc(cc