% homotopy_denoising.m % Within-subjects: % 1. Linear trends % 2. Quadratic trends % 3. 6 rigid-body motion parameters % 4. 5 principal components of CSF signals % 5. Body temperature % 6. Isoflurane dose % 7. Global signal regression (optional) % 8. Bandpass filtering % Between-subjects: % 1. Age % 2. Mean Body Temperature % 3. Mean Isoflurane Dose % 4. ROI pair Euclidean distance % 5. ROI volume % Note: requires Tools for NIfTI and ANALYZE image % (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/8797-tools-for-nifti-and-analyze-image) % Use smoothed or unsmoothed data for ROI extraction? useSmoothedData = false; % Use homotopic-SC as well as homotopic-nSC? useSC = true; % Regress out global signal? useGlobalSignal = false; %% LOAD DATA % Collect file paths to normalized functional images: functPath = ''; nscan = 19; timeSeries = cell(1,nscan); % 5 normals, 4 scans each (except normal #5, 3 scans) for scan = 1:nscan timeSeries{scan} = cell(1,175); for timepoint = 6:180 % skip first 5 volumes (T1 equilibration) if useSmoothedData timeSeries{scan}{timepoint-5} = fullfile(functPath,sprintf('funct_%02g',scan),... sprintf('s_w_funct3D_bird_%02g_time_%03g.nii',[scan, timepoint])); else timeSeries{scan}{timepoint-5} = fullfile(functPath,sprintf('funct_%02g',scan),... sprintf('w_funct3D_bird_%02g_time_%03g.nii',[scan, timepoint])); end end end % Load ROIs: ROI_path = ''; SongSystem = fullfile(ROI_path,'SongSystemROIs.nii'); % n = 20 mask = load_nii(fullfile(ROI_path,'new_temp_brain_mask.nii')); nROI = 20; % Get ROI Subscripts/Coordinates: rois = load_nii(SongSystem); roi_subscripts = cell(1,nROI); for i = 1:nROI [x, y, z] = ind2sub(size(rois.img),find(rois.img(:)==i)); roi_subscripts{i} = [x,y,z]; end % Get CSF Subscripts/Coordinates: CSF_mask = load_nii(fullfile(ROI_path, 'CSF_mask.nii')); [CSF_x,CSF_y,CSF_z] = ind2sub(size(CSF_mask.img), find(CSF_mask.img(:)>0)); n_CSF = length(CSF_x); % Extract ROI Data & CSF Signals: ROI_dat = cell(1,nscan); CSF = cell(1,nscan); globalSignal = zeros(175,nscan); % Initialize hWait = waitbar(0,'Extracting functional data...'); for scan = 1:nscan waitbar(scan/nscan, hWait); ROI_dat{scan} = zeros(175, nROI); CSF_dat = zeros(175, n_CSF); % Initialize for j = 1:175 % iterate through time (j) img = load_nii(timeSeries{scan}{j}); globalSignal(j, scan) = mean(img.img(mask.img(:)>0)); % Average whole brain signal for time point j for k = 1:nROI % iterate through ROIs (k) nvox = size(roi_subscripts{k}, 1); % # voxels in ROI roi_holder = zeros(1, nvox); for l = 1:nvox % iterate through voxels of ROI roi_holder(l) = img.img(roi_subscripts{k}(l,1), roi_subscripts{k}(l,2), roi_subscripts{k}(l,3)); end ROI_dat{scan}(j,k) = mean(roi_holder); % average voxels of ROI end for k = 1:n_CSF % iterate through CSF voxels (k) CSF_dat(j,k) = img.img(CSF_x(k), CSF_y(k), CSF_z(k)); end end [~, PCs] = pca(CSF_dat); % pca across voxels of CSF mask CSF{scan} = PCs(:,1:5); % save PC's 1-5 end; delete(hWait) % Load Motion Data: motionPath = ''; motion_params = cell(1,nscan); for i = 1:nscan load(fullfile(motionPath, sprintf('motion_scan_%02g.mat',i))) motion_params{i} = motion; end % Load Physiology Data (Temperature (degrees Celsius), Isoflurane (%)): physio_path = ''; physio_params = cell(1,nscan); physio_times = [60:60:540,576]; % 60 seconds to 576 seconds TR = 1.0671*3; scan_times = TR:TR:TR*175; for i = 1:nscan tbl = readtable(fullfile(physio_path,'All_Normal_Condition_Physiology_Records.xlsx'),'Sheet',i); pp_temp = spline(physio_times,tbl.Temperature); % piecewise polynomial of cubic spline pred_temp = ppval(pp_temp,scan_times); % evaluate PP at x pp_iso = spline(physio_times,tbl.Isoflurane); % piecewise polynomial of cubic spline pred_iso = ppval(pp_iso,scan_times); % evaluate PP at x physio_params{i} = [pred_temp',pred_iso']; end ages = [25, 45, 65, 89, 24, 45, 65, 90, 25, 46, 67, 89, 24, 46, 66, 90, 24, 45, 67]; % Get ROI-level tSNR Data: tSNR_mat = zeros(nscan, nROI); for i = 1:nscan for j = 1:nROI mean_sig = mean(ROI_dat{i}(:,j)); noise_SD = std(ROI_dat{i}(:,j)); tSNR_mat(i,j) = mean_sig ./ noise_SD; end end % Get Mean Physiological Parameters: temps = zeros(19,1); iso = zeros(19,1); for i = 1:19 temps(i) = mean(physio_params{i}(:,1)); iso(i) = mean(physio_params{i}(:,2)); end % Get Mean Volumes and Euclidean Distances: vox_dim = rois.hdr.dime.pixdim(2:4); vox_volume = prod(vox_dim); m_volumes = zeros(nROI); euclideans = zeros(nROI); % Get ROI Centroids: centroids = zeros(nROI,3); for i = 1:nROI [x,y,z] = ind2sub(size(rois.img),find(rois.img==i)); centroids(i,:) = [mean(x),mean(y),mean(z)].*vox_dim; end for i = 1:nROI for j = 1:nROI m_volumes(i,j) = mean([sum(rois.img(:)==i)*vox_volume,sum(rois.img(:)==j)*vox_volume]); euclideans(i,j) = sqrt(sum((centroids(i,:)-centroids(j,:)).^2)); end end %% RUN DENOISING % Labels for FC: labels = {'R Area X','L Area X','R LMAN','L LMAN','R RA','L RA',... 'R HVC','L HVC','R Aud. Forebrain','L Aud. Forebrain','R Field L',... 'L Field L','R Diencephalon','L Diencephalon','R Medulla','L Medulla',... 'R Uva','L Uva','R DM','L DM'}; useScans = 1:19; if useSC nROI = 20; else nROI = 12; end % Preprocess ROI Data / Within-Subjects Nuisance Regression: Fs = .3124; TR = 1.0671*3; time = (TR:TR:TR*175)'; time_sq = time.^2; intercept = ones(175,1); hWait = waitbar(0,'Denoising...'); for scan = useScans if ishandle(hWait); waitbar(scan/nscan, hWait); end % Get nuisance regression covariates: if all(physio_params{scan}(:,2)==mode(physio_params{scan}(:,2))) % iso is a constant, so don't need if useGlobalSignal nuisance = [intercept, time, time_sq, motion_params{scan}, CSF{scan}, physio_params{scan}(:,1), globalSignal(:,scan)]; else nuisance = [intercept, time, time_sq, motion_params{scan}, CSF{scan}, physio_params{scan}(:,1)]; end else if useGlobalSignal nuisance = [intercept, time, time_sq, motion_params{scan}, CSF{scan}, physio_params{scan}, globalSignal(:,scan)]; else nuisance = [intercept, time, time_sq, motion_params{scan}, CSF{scan}, physio_params{scan}]; end end % Perform nuisance regression, retain residuals: for j = 1:nROI [~, ~, ROI_dat{scan}(:,j)] = regress(ROI_dat{scan}(:,j), nuisance); end % Perform bandpass filtering: [ROI_dat{scan},~,~] = bst_bandpass_filtfilt(ROI_dat{scan}', Fs, .008, .1, 0, 'iir'); ROI_dat{scan} = ROI_dat{scan}'; end if ishandle(hWait); delete(hWait); end % Calculate Correlation Matrix: zmats = zeros(nROI, nROI, nscan); for scan = useScans zmats(:,:,scan) = fisherz(corr(ROI_dat{scan}(:,1:nROI))); end % Between-Subjects Nuisance Regression: nscan = length(useScans); numconn = nROI*(nROI-1)/2*nscan; birds = [1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5]; scan = zeros(numconn,1); bird = zeros(numconn,1); FC = zeros(numconn,1); age = zeros(numconn,1); connection_type = zeros(numconn,1); euclidean = zeros(numconn,1); m_volume = zeros(numconn,1); mean_temp = zeros(numconn,1); mean_iso = zeros(numconn,1); conn_label = cell(numconn,1); count = 0; for i = 1:nROI-1 for j = i+1:nROI FC(count+1:count+nscan) = squeeze(zmats(i,j,:)); conn_label(count+1:count+nscan) = {[labels{i},'_',labels{j}]}; age(count+1:count+nscan) = ages(useScans); bird(count+1:count+nscan) = birds(useScans); scan(count+1:count+nscan) = useScans; euclidean(count+1:count+nscan) = repmat(euclideans(i,j),nscan,1); m_volume(count+1:count+nscan) = repmat(m_volumes(i,j),nscan,1); if ((mod(i,2) && ~mod(j,2)) || (~mod(i,2) && mod(j,2))) && ~(mod(i,2) && j==(i+1)) % 4: heterotopic (contralateral) connection_type(count+1:count+nscan) = 4*ones(nscan,1); elseif mod(i,2) && j==(i+1) if i>12 || j>12 connection_type(count+1:count+nscan) = 3*ones(nscan,1); % 3: homotopic-SC else connection_type(count+1:count+nscan) = 2*ones(nscan,1); % 2: homotopic-nSC end elseif (mod(i,2) && mod(j,2)) || (~mod(i,2) && ~mod(j,2)) % 1: ipsilateral connection_type(count+1:count+nscan) = ones(nscan,1); end mean_temp(count+1:count+nscan) = temps(useScans); mean_iso(count+1:count+nscan) = iso(useScans); count = count+nscan; end end bird = categorical(bird); scan = categorical(scan); if useSC connection_type = categorical(connection_type,1:4,{'Ipsilateral','Homotopic-nSC','Homotopic-SC','Heterotopic'}); else connection_type = categorical(connection_type,1:4,{'Ipsilateral','Homotopic','Homotopic','Heterotopic'}); end % Mixed Model: FC_data = table(FC, bird, scan, conn_label, connection_type, age, mean_temp, ... mean_iso, euclidean, m_volume, 'VariableNames', {'FC', 'Bird', 'Scan', ... 'Connection', 'Type', 'Age', 'Temp', 'Iso', 'Euclidean', 'Volume'}); % Select Between-subjects nuisance parameters for formula: FC_formula = 'FC ~ Type*Age + Type*Iso + Temp + Euclidean + Volume + (1|Bird)'; % Run LME random intercept model: lme = fitlme(FC_data, FC_formula, 'StartMethod','random', 'verbose',true, 'CheckHessian',true); lme.display % Get random effect coefficients: [B, Bnames, stats] = randomEffects(lme) %#ok % Check residuals: figure; lme.plotResiduals % Get marginal (fixed-effects only) vs. conditional (w/ random) R2 lme.Rsquared resid_marginal = residuals(lme, 'Conditional',false); % fixed-effects only resid_conditional = residuals(lme, 'Conditional',true); % fixed-effects only R2_marginal = 1 - sum(resid_marginal.^2) / lme.SST R2_conditional = 1 - sum(resid_conditional.^2) / lme.SST