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Basic README and metadata

Michael Hanke 8 anni fa
4 ha cambiato i file con 407 aggiunte e 0 eliminazioni
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  3. 331 0
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+1.0 2015-11-10
+  - Initial release as a separate dataset

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+See https://github.com/psychoinformatics-de/studyforrest-data-multires7t/issues

+ 331 - 0

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+Open Data Commons – Public Domain Dedication & Licence (PDDL)
+The Open Data Commons – Public Domain Dedication & Licence is a document
+intended to allow you to freely share, modify, and use this work for any
+purpose and without any restrictions. This licence is intended for use on
+databases or their contents ("data"), either together or individually.
+Many databases are covered by copyright. Some jurisdictions, mainly in Europe,
+have specific special rights that cover databases called the "sui generis"
+database right. Both of these sets of rights, as well as other legal rights
+used to protect databases and data, can create uncertainty or practical
+difficulty for those wishing to share databases and their underlying data but
+retain a limited amount of rights under a "some rights reserved" approach to
+licensing as outlined in the Science Commons Protocol for Implementing Open
+Access Data. As a result, this waiver and licence tries to the fullest extent
+possible to eliminate or fully license any rights that cover this database and
+data. Any Community Norms or similar statements of use of the database or data
+do not form a part of this document, and do not act as a contract for access or
+other terms of use for the database or data.
+The position of the recipient of the work
+Because this document places the database and its contents in or as close as
+possible within the public domain, there are no restrictions or requirements
+placed on the recipient by this document. Recipients may use this work
+commercially, use technical protection measures, combine this data or database
+with other databases or data, and share their changes and additions or keep
+them secret. It is not a requirement that recipients provide further users with
+a copy of this licence or attribute the original creator of the data or
+database as a source. The goal is to eliminate restrictions held by the
+original creator of the data and database on the use of it by others.
+The position of the dedicator of the work
+Copyright law, as with most other law under the banner of "intellectual
+property", is inherently national law. This means that there exists several
+differences in how copyright and other intellectual property rights can be
+relinquished, waived or licensed in the many legal jurisdictions of the world.
+This is despite much harmonisation of minimum levels of protection. The
+internet and other communication technologies span these many disparate legal
+jurisdictions and thus pose special difficulties for a document relinquishing
+and waiving intellectual property rights, including copyright and database
+rights, for use by the global community. Because of this feature of
+intellectual property law, this document first relinquishes the rights and
+waives the relevant rights and claims. It then goes on to license these same
+rights for jurisdictions or areas of law that may make it difficult to
+relinquish or waive rights or claims.
+The purpose of this document is to enable rightsholders to place their work
+into the public domain. Unlike licences for free and open source software, free
+cultural works, or open content licences, rightsholders will not be able to
+"dual license" their work by releasing the same work under different licences.
+This is because they have allowed anyone to use the work in whatever way they
+choose. Rightsholders therefore can't re-license it under copyright or database
+rights on different terms because they have nothing left to license. Doing so
+creates truly accessible data to build rich applications and advance the
+progress of science and the arts.
+This document can cover either or both of the database and its contents (the
+data). Because databases can have a wide variety of content – not just factual
+data – rightsholders should use the Open Data Commons – Public Domain
+Dedication & Licence for an entire database and its contents only if everything
+can be placed under the terms of this document. Because even factual data can
+sometimes have intellectual property rights, rightsholders should use this
+licence to cover both the database and its factual data when making material
+available under this document; even if it is likely that the data would not be
+covered by copyright or database rights. 
+Rightsholders can also use this document to cover any copyright or database
+rights claims over only a database, and leave the contents to be covered by
+other licences or documents. They can do this because this document refers to
+the "Work", which can be either – or both – the database and its contents. As a
+result, rightsholders need to clearly state what they are dedicating under this
+document when they dedicate it.
+Just like any licence or other document dealing with intellectual property,
+rightsholders should be aware that one can only license what one owns. Please
+ensure that the rights have been cleared to make this material available under
+this document.
+This document permanently and irrevocably makes the Work available to the
+public for any use of any kind, and it should not be used unless the
+rightsholder is prepared for this to happen. 
+Part I: Introduction
+The Rightsholder (the Person holding rights or claims over the Work) agrees as
+1 Definitions of Capitalised Words
+"Copyright" – Includes rights under copyright and under neighbouring rights and
+similarly related sets of rights under the law of the relevant jurisdiction
+under Section 6.4.
+"Data" – The contents of the Database, which includes the information,
+independent works, or other material collected into the Database offered under
+the terms of this Document. 
+"Database" – A collection of Data arranged in a systematic or methodical way
+and individually accessible by electronic or other means offered under the
+terms of this Document. 
+"Database Right" – Means rights over Data resulting from the Chapter III ("sui
+generis") rights in the Database Directive (Directive 96/9/EC of the European
+Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of
+databases)  and any future updates as well as any similar rights available in
+the relevant jurisdiction under Section 6.4. 
+"Document" – means this relinquishment and waiver of rights and claims and back
+up licence agreement. 
+"Person" – Means a natural or legal person or a body of persons corporate or
+"Use" –  As a verb, means doing any act that is restricted by Copyright or
+Database Rights whether in the original medium or any other; and includes
+modifying the Work as may be technically necessary to use it in a different
+mode or format.  This includes the right to sublicense the Work.
+"Work" – Means either or both of the Database and Data offered under the terms
+of this Document. 
+"You" – the Person acquiring rights under the licence elements of this
+Words in the singular include the plural and vice versa.
+2.0  What this document covers
+2.1. Legal effect of this Document. This Document is:
+a. A dedication to the public domain and waiver of Copyright and Database
+   Rights over the Work; and
+b. A licence of Copyright and Database Rights over the Work in jurisdictions
+   that do not allow for relinquishment or waiver.
+2.2. Legal rights covered.
+ a. Copyright. Any copyright or neighbouring rights in the Work. Copyright law
+ varies between jurisdictions, but is likely to cover: the Database model or
+ schema, which is the structure, arrangement, and organisation of the Database,
+ and can also include the Database tables and table indexes; the data entry and
+ output sheets; and the Field names of Data stored in the Database. Copyright
+ may also cover the Data depending on the jurisdiction and type of Data; and
+ b. Database Rights. Database Rights only extend to the extraction and
+ re-utilisation of the whole or a substantial part of the Data. Database Rights
+ can apply even when there is no copyright over the Database. Database Rights
+ can also apply when the Data is removed from the Database and is selected and
+ arranged in a way that would not infringe any applicable copyright.
+2.2 Rights not covered. 
+ a. This Document does not apply to computer programs used in the making or
+ operation of the Database; 
+ b. This Document does not cover any patents over the Data or the Database.
+ Please see Section 4.2 later in this Document for further details; and
+ c. This Document does not cover any trade marks associated with the Database.
+ Please see Section 4.3 later in this Document for further details.
+Users of this Database are cautioned that they may have to clear other rights
+or consult other licences.
+2.3 Facts are free.
+The Rightsholder takes the position that factual information is not covered by
+Copyright. This Document however covers the Work in jurisdictions that may
+protect the factual information in the Work by Copyright, and to cover any
+information protected by Copyright that is contained in the Work.
+Part II: Dedication to the public domain
+3 Dedication, waiver, and licence of Copyright and Database Rights
+3.1 Dedication of Copyright and Database Rights to the public domain.
+The Rightsholder by using this Document, dedicates the Work to the public
+domain for the benefit of the public and relinquishes all rights in Copyright
+and Database Rights over the Work.
+ a. The Rightsholder realises that once these rights are relinquished, that the
+ Rightsholder has no further rights in Copyright and Database Rights over the
+ Work, and that the Work is free and open for others to Use.
+ b. The Rightsholder intends for their relinquishment to cover all present and
+ future rights in the Work under Copyright and Database Rights, whether they are
+ vested or contingent rights, and that this relinquishment of rights covers all
+ their heirs and successors.
+The above relinquishment of rights applies worldwide and includes media and
+formats now known or created in the future.
+3.2 Waiver of rights and claims in Copyright and Database Rights when Section
+    3.1 dedication inapplicable.
+If the dedication in Section 3.1 does not apply in the relevant jurisdiction
+under Section 6.4, the Rightsholder waives any rights and claims that the
+Rightsholder may have or acquire in the future over the Work in:
+ a. Copyright; and
+ b. Database Rights.
+To the extent possible in the relevant jurisdiction, the above waiver of rights
+and claims applies worldwide and includes media and formats now known or
+created in the future. The Rightsholder agrees not to assert the above rights
+and waives the right to enforce them over the Work. 
+3.3 Licence of Copyright and Database Rights when Sections 3.1 and 3.2
+    inapplicable.
+If the dedication and waiver in Sections 3.1 and 3.2 does not apply in the
+relevant jurisdiction under Section 6.4, the Rightsholder and You agree as
+ a. The Licensor grants to You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive,
+ licence to Use the Work for the duration of any applicable Copyright and
+ Database Rights. These rights explicitly include commercial use, and do not
+ exclude any field of endeavour. To the extent possible in the relevant
+ jurisdiction, these rights may be exercised in all media and formats whether
+ now known or created in the future.
+3.4 Moral rights.
+This section covers moral rights, including the right to be identified as the
+author of the Work or to object to treatment that would otherwise prejudice the
+author's honour and reputation, or any other derogatory treatment:
+ a. For jurisdictions allowing waiver of moral rights, Licensor waives all
+ moral rights that Licensor may have in the Work to the fullest extent possible
+ by the law of the relevant jurisdiction under Section 6.4; 
+ b. If waiver of moral rights under Section 3.4 a in the relevant jurisdiction
+ is not possible, Licensor agrees not to assert any moral rights over the Work
+ and waives all claims in moral rights to the fullest extent possible by the law
+ of the relevant jurisdiction under Section 6.4; and
+ c. For jurisdictions not allowing waiver or an agreement not to assert moral
+ rights under Section 3.4 a and b, the author may retain their moral rights over
+ the copyrighted aspects of the Work.
+Please note that some jurisdictions do not allow for the waiver of moral
+rights, and so moral rights may still subsist over the work in some
+4 Relationship to other rights
+4.1 No other contractual conditions.
+The Rightsholder makes this Work available to You without any other contractual
+obligations, either express or implied. Any Community Norms statement
+associated with the Work is not a contract and does not form part of this
+4.2 Relationship to patents.
+This Document does not grant You a licence for any patents that the
+Rightsholder may own. Users of this Database are cautioned that they may have
+to clear other rights or consult other licences.
+4.3 Relationship to trade marks.
+This Document does not grant You a licence for any trade marks that the
+Rightsholder may own or that the Rightsholder may use to cover the Work. Users
+of this Database are cautioned that they may have to clear other rights or
+consult other licences.
+Part III: General provisions
+5 Warranties, disclaimer, and limitation of liability
+5.1 The Work is provided by the Rightsholder "as is" and without any warranty
+of any kind, either express or implied, whether of title, of accuracy or
+completeness, of the presence of absence of errors, of fitness for purpose, or
+otherwise. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties,
+so this exclusion may not apply to You.
+5.2 Subject to any liability that may not be excluded or limited by law, the
+Rightsholder is not liable for, and expressly excludes, all liability for loss
+or damage however and whenever caused to anyone by any use under this Document,
+whether by You or by anyone else, and whether caused by any fault on the part
+of the Rightsholder or not. This exclusion of liability includes, but is not
+limited to, any special, incidental, consequential, punitive, or exemplary
+damages. This exclusion applies even if the Rightsholder has been advised of
+the possibility of such damages.
+5.3 If liability may not be excluded by law, it is limited to actual and direct
+financial loss to the extent it is caused by proved negligence on the part of
+the Rightsholder.
+6 General
+6.1 If any provision of this Document is held to be invalid or unenforceable,
+that must not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the
+terms of this Document. 
+6.2 This Document is the entire agreement between the parties with respect to
+the Work covered here. It replaces any earlier understandings, agreements or
+representations with respect to the Work not specified here. 
+6.3 This Document does not affect any rights that You or anyone else may
+independently have under any applicable law to make any use of this Work,
+including (for jurisdictions where this Document is a licence) fair dealing,
+fair use, database exceptions, or any other legally recognised limitation or
+exception to infringement of copyright or other applicable laws. 
+6.4 This Document takes effect in the relevant jurisdiction in which the
+Document terms are sought to be enforced. If the rights waived or granted under
+applicable law in the relevant jurisdiction includes additional rights not
+waived or granted under this Document, these additional rights are included in
+this Document in order to meet the intent of this Document.

+ 72 - 0

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+studyforrest.org Dataset
+|license| |access| |doi|
+Structural MRI scans
+This dataset contains T1 and T2 weighted MRI scans, susceptibility weighted
+images, and diffusion imaging scans. These data are suitable for analyses
+of brain structure.
+For more information about the project visit: http://studyforrest.org
+How to obtain the data files
+This repository contains metadata and information on the identity of all
+included files. However, the actual content of the (sometime large) data
+files is stored elsewhere. To obtain any dataset component, git-annex_ is
+required in addition to Git_.
+1. Clone this repository to the desired location.
+2. Enter the directory with the local clone and run::
+     git annex init
+   Older versions of git-annex may require you to run the following
+   command immediately afterwards::
+     git annex enableremote mddatasrc
+Now any desired dataset component can be obtained by using the ``git annex get``
+command. To obtain the entire dataset content run::
+     git annex get .
+Keep data up-to-date
+If updates to this dataset are made in the future, update any local clone by
+     git pull
+followed by::
+     git annex get .
+to fetch all new files.
+.. _Git: http://www.git-scm.com
+.. _git-annex: http://git-annex.branchable.com/
+.. |license|
+   image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-PDDL-blue.svg
+    :target: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/summary
+    :alt: PDDL-licensed
+.. |access|
+   image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/data_access-unrestricted-green.svg
+    :alt: No registration or authentication required
+.. |doi|
+   image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/doi-missing-lightgrey.svg
+    :target: http://dx.doi.org/
+    :alt: DOI