# s-on-alpha-regional This repository contains the data and models underlying the analyses published in Oesterle, Ran et al. (2024): "Task-specific regional circuit adaptations in distinct mouse retinal ganglion cells". This work provides evidence support that the mouse retina shows regional adaptations in signal processing, enhancing their ability to detect prey during hunting.“ ## Repository structure The repository contains two sub-directories holding the data and code, respectively, which are structured as outlined below. ### Data The relevant data can be found in the `data` folder. - `data/Ran` contains the dendritic data, for both calcium and glutamate imaging. - `data/Oesterle` contains somatic calcium recordings. - `data/Stimulus` contains the necessary stimuli (e.g. the dense noise stimulus to compute receptive fields). ### Code The code can be found in the `code` folder; it's published under the MIT license. First, install all packages and their requirements (in case of the model only if you want to use it). - To preprocess the data follow the instructions in `code/AlphaDjimaging`. - To recreate the analysis and figure panels follow the instructions in `code/AlphaAnalysis`. - To train and evaluate the model follow the instructions in `code/AlphaCNN`. - To create figures from figure panels use the Inkscape files in `code/AlphaFigures`. ## Authors and acknowledgements See acknowledgments section in Oesterle, Ran et al. (2024).