Simulated and recorded responses of mouse retinal bipolar cells to the chirp stimulus

Larissa Höfling 03ff7e1465 Update file descriptions 2 년 전
bio db2e288ae4 gin commit from DESKTOP-R4TJ65L 2 년 전
ipl 3d5ed1865e Add IPL info files 2 년 전
silico 4f17f0ea1f Add simulated dataset 2 년 전
LICENSE ddae18601f Initial commit 2 년 전 03ff7e1465 Update file descriptions 2 년 전
datacite.yml 68c333534c Update 'datacite.yml' 2 년 전

Data: Removing Inter-Experimental Variability from Functional Data in Systems Neuroscience

This repository hosts the data of (Gonschorek, Höfling et al. (2021), Removing Inter-Experimental Variability from Functional Data in Systems Neuroscience, NeurIPS 2021). The corresponding code for the implementation can be found on GitHub:

The files contain the following data and information:

  • bio/bc_dataset_A (pickle):

    • This file contains the preprocessed bipolar cell data in response to the local and full-field chirp, their IPL (inner plexiform layer) depths and cell type labels obtained from Franke, Berens et al. (2017), Inhibition decorrelates visual feature representation in the inner retina, Nature.
  • bio/bc_dataset_B (pickle)

    • This file contains the preprocessed bipolar cell data in response to the local and full-field chirp and their IPL depths obtained from Zhao, Klindt et al. (2020), The temporal structure of the inner retina at a single glance, Scientific Reports.
  • ipl/BC_Profiles_Helmstaedter (txt)

    • This file contains electron-microscopy (EM) data of axonal stratification profiles of bipolar cell types.
    • array of shape 400x14, array[d, t] = p(IPL depth = d|BC type = t)
  • ipl/ipl (mat)

    • Matlab file containing a dictionary with keys "d" and "prior"; d: 400x1 array, IPL depth samples; prior: 400 x 14 array, with entry [d, t] = p(BC type = t|IPL depth = d).
  • silico/sim_dataset (pickle)

    • This file contains the dataset object of simulated bipolar cell data from Schröder, Klindt et al. (2020), System Identification with Biophysical Constraints: A Circuit Model of the Inner Retina, NeurIPS 2020.
Title Simulated and recorded responses of mouse retinal bipolar cells to the chirp stimulus
Authors Gonschorek,Dominic;University of Tübingen
Höfling,Larissa;University of Tübingen
Szatko,Klaudia;University of Tübingen
Franke,Katrin;University of Tübingen
Schubert,Timm;University of Tübingen
Dunn,Benjamin;Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Berens,Philipp;University of Tübingen
Klindt,David;University of Tübingen
Euler,Thomas;University of Tübingen
Description Simulated and recorded responses of mouse retinal bipolar cells to the chirp stimulus
License Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA (
References Removing Inter-Experimental Variability from Functional Data in Systems Neuroscience Dominic Gonschorek, Larissa Hoefling, Klaudia P Szatko, Katrin Franke, Timm Schubert, Benjamin Dunn, Philipp Berens, David A Klindt, Thomas Euler bioRxiv 2021.10.29.466492; doi: [doi:10.1101/2021.10.29.466492 ] (IsSupplementTo)
Franke, K., Berens, P., Schubert, T., Bethge, M., Euler, T., & Baden, T. (2017). Inhibition decorrelates visual feature representations in the inner retina. Nature, 542(7642), 439–444. [10.1038/nature21394] (IsSupplementTo)
Zhao, Z., Klindt, D. A., Maia Chagas, A., Szatko, K. P., Rogerson, L., Protti, D. A., … Euler, T. (2020). The temporal structure of the inner retina at a single glance. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 4399. [10.1038/s41598-020-60214-z] (IsSupplementTo)
Funding DFG, 335549539/GRK2381
DFG, 276693517/CRC1233
DFG, Machine Learning Cluster of Excellence, EXC number 2064/1 - Project #390727645
BMBF, Tübingen AI Center, FKZ: 01IS18039A
Research Council of Norway, 90532703/FRIPRO
Keywords Neuroscience
bipolar cells
inter-experimental variability
Resource Type Dataset