from view.python_core.measurement_list import MeasurementList from view.python_core.measurement_list.importers import get_importer_class from view.python_core.flags import FlagsManager from collections import OrderedDict import pandas as pd import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) # ------------------- Some parameters about experimental setup, data structure and output file type -------------------- # 3 for single wavelength Till Photonics Measurements # 4 for two wavelength Till Photonics Measurements # 20 for Zeiss Confocal Measurements LE_loadExp = 20 # Mother of all Folders of your dataset STG_MotherOfAllFolders = "/home/aj/SharedWithWindows/SS_LSM" # path of the "Data" folder in VIEW organization containing the data STG_Datapath = "data" # path of the "Lists" folder in VIEW organization containing the list files STG_OdorInfoPath = "Lists" # Choose measurement list output extension among ".lst", ".lst.xls", ".settings.xls" measurement_output_extension = ".lst.xls" # ------------------- A dictionary containing default values for metadata.---------------------------------------------- # ------------------- Only metadata included in this dictionary will be written ---------------------------------------- # ----Note that columns of the output measeurement list files will have the same order as below.------------------------ default_values = OrderedDict() default_values['Measu'] = 0 # unique identifier for each line, corresponds to item in TILL photonics log file default_values['Label'] = "none" default_values['Odour'] = 'odor?' # stimulus name, maybe extracted from label in the function "custom_func" below default_values['OConc'] = 0 # odor concentration, maybe extracted from label in the function "custom_func" below default_values['Analyze'] = -1 # whether to analyze in VIEWoff. Default 1 default_values['Cycle'] = 0 # how many ms per frame default_values['DBB1'] = 'none' # file name of raw data default_values['UTC'] = 0 # recording time, extracted from file default_values['PxSzX'] = '4.6' # um per pixel, 1.5625 for 50x air objective, measured by Hanna Schnell July 2017 on Till vision system, with a binning of 8 default_values['PxSzY'] = '4.6' # um per pixel, 1.5625 for 50x air objective, measured by Hanna Schnell July 2017 on Till vision system, with a binning of 8 default_values['Lambda'] = 0 # wavelength of stimulus. In TILL, from .log file, In Zeiss LSM, from .lsm file # These will be automatically filed for LE_loadExp=4 default_values['dbb2'] = 'none' # file name of raw data in dual wavelength recordings (FURA) # To include more columns, uncomment entries below and specify a default value. # # # block for first stimulus # default_values['StimON'] = -1 # stimulus onset, unit: frames, count starts at frame 1. # default_values['StimOFF'] = -1 # stimulus offset, unit: frames, count starts at frame 1. # default_values['StimLen'] = 0 # stimulus onset in ms from beginning - alternative to StimON # default_values['StimONms'] = -1 # stimulus length in ms - alternative to StimOFF # # # block for second stimulus # default_values['Stim2ON'] = 0 # stimulus onset, unit: frames, count starts at frame 1. # default_values['Stim2OFF'] = 0 # stimulus offset, unit: frames, count starts at frame 1. # default_values['Stim2Len'] = 0 # stimulus onset in ms from beginning - alternative to StimON # default_values['Stim2ONms'] = -1 # stimulus length in ms - alternative to StimOFF # # # default_values['Age'] = -1 # default_values['Sex'] = 'o' # default_values['Side'] = 'none' # default_values['Comment'] = 'none' # # # default_values['MTime'] = 0 # default_values['Control'] = 0 # default_values['Pharma'] = 'none' # default_values['PhTime'] = 0 # default_values['PhConc'] = 0 # default_values['ShiftX'] = 0 # default_values['ShiftY'] = 0 # default_values['StimISI'] = 0 # default_values['setting'] = 'none' # default_values['dbb3'] = 'none' # default_values['PosZ'] = 0 # default_values['Countl'] = 0 # default_values['slvFlip'] = 0 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------- A function used to modify list entries after automatic parsing of metadata ------------------------- # ----------------- This function indicates what needs to be done for a row -------------------------------------------- # ----------------- The same is internally applied to all rows of the measurement list---------------------------------- def custom_func(list_row: pd.Series) -> pd.Series: # Example: # list_row["StimON"] = 25 # list_row["Odor"] = get_odor_from_label(list_row["Label"]) # if list_row["Measu"] return list_row # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------ A function defining the criteria for excluding measurements --------------------------------------- # ------------------ Currently applicable only for tillvision setups --------------------------------------------------- def measurement_filter(s): # exclude blocks that have in the name "Snapshot" or "Delta" # or that do not have any "_" name = s["Label"] label_not_okay = name.count('Snapshot') > 0 or name.count('Delta') > 0 or name.count('_') < 1 label_okay = not label_not_okay # exclude blocks with less than two frames atleast_two_frames = False if type(s["Timing_ms"]) is str: if len(s["Timing_ms"].split(' ')) >= 2: atleast_two_frames = True return label_okay and atleast_two_frames # ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # ------------------ names of columns that will be overwritten by old values ------------------------------------------- # ------ these will only be used if a measurement list file with the same name as current output file exists ----------- overwrite_old_values = ["Line", "PxSzX", "PxSzY", "Age", "Sex", "Prefer", "Comment", "Analyze", "Odour", "OConc"] # ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == "__main__": # initialize a FlagsManager object with values specified above flags = FlagsManager() flags.update_flags({"STG_MotherOfAllFolders": STG_MotherOfAllFolders, "STG_OdorInfoPath": STG_OdorInfoPath, "STG_Datapath": STG_Datapath}) # initialize importer importer_class = get_importer_class(LE_loadExp) importer = importer_class(default_values) # open a dialog for choosing raw data files # this returns a dictionary where keys are animal tags (STG_ReportTag) and # values are lists of associated raw data files animal_tag_raw_data_mapping = importer.ask_for_files(default_dir=flags["STG_Datapath"]) # make sure some files were chosen assert len(animal_tag_raw_data_mapping) > 0, IOError("No files were chosen!") for animal_tag, raw_data_files in animal_tag_raw_data_mapping.items(): # automatically parse metadata metadata_df = importer.import_metadata(raw_data_files=raw_data_files, measurement_filter=measurement_filter) # inform user if no usable measurements were found if metadata_df.shape[0] == 0:"No usable measurements we found among the files " f"chosen for the animal {animal_tag}. Not creating a list file") else: # create a new Measurementlist object from parsed metadata measurement_list = MeasurementList.create_from_df(LE_loadExp=LE_loadExp, df=metadata_df) # set anaylze to 0 if raw data files don't exist measurement_list.sanitize(flags=flags, data_file_extension=importer.movie_data_extension) # measurement_list.sanitize(STG_Datapath=flags["STG_Datapath"], # data_file_extension=importer.movie_data_extension) # apply custom modifications measurement_list.update_from_custom_func(custom_func=custom_func) # construct the name of the output file flags.update_flags({"STG_ReportTag": animal_tag}) out_file = f"{flags.get_lst_file_stem()}{measurement_output_extension}" # write measurement file to list measurement_list.write_to_list_file(lst_fle=out_file, columns2write=default_values.keys(), overwrite_old_values=overwrite_old_values)