from view.python_core.processing_pipelines import PipelineManager # this tells view all settings including the folder structure of your project # On Windows, if you copy paths from the file explorer, make sure the string below is always of the form r"......" ymlfile = r"/home/aj/SharedWithWindows/MR_Till/usage_till_linux.yml" # specify the pipeline definition file to use pipelines_definition_file = r"/home/aj/SharedWithWindows/MR_Till/progs/pipelines_settings/processing_pipelines.yml" # specify the animals whose data is to be processed; and their corresponding pipelines animals = { # "": , "MR_190510b_or47a": 'pipeline5a', } for animal, pipeline2finalize in animals.items(): pipeline_manager = PipelineManager(project_yml_file=ymlfile, animal=animal, pipelines_config_file=pipelines_definition_file) pipeline_manager.finalize_pipeline(pipeline2finalize)