Objects of 190112_locust_ip2.vws (E:\Inga_locust\190112_locust_ip2.vws) =================================== Images ======= [Fluo340nm_04] Size: 160x 120 1 band(s) 1 slice(s) 80 frame(s) Datatype: 4,Image Location: E:\Inga_locust\190112_locust_ip2.pst\dbb98.pst UTC time: 1548242371 timing [ms]: 68493 68693 68893 69093 69293 69493 69693 69893 70093 70293 70493 70693 70893 71093 71293 71493 71693 71893 72093 72293 72493 72693 72893 73093 73293 73493 73693 73893 74093 74293 74493 74693 74893 75093 75293 75493 75693 75893 76093 76293 76493 76693 76893 77093 77293 77493 77693 77893 78093 78293 78493 78693 78893 79093 79293 79493 79693 79893 80093 80293 80493 80693 80893 81093 81293 81493 81693 81893 82093 82293 82493 82693 82893 83093 83293 83493 83693 83893 84093 84293 Date : 01/23/19 Start time of experiment : 12:19:31 AM Exposure time [ms]: 5 Monochromator wavelength [nm]: 340 Monochromator wavelength increment[nm]: 0 Image type : Fluorescence Horizontal binning factor: 4 Vertical binning factor: 4 Chip window x-position: 0 Chip window y-position: 0 Chip window width: 160 Chip window height: 120 ;To access complete timecode information use: ;View/Configure.../Timecode Overlay... ;OR: File/Save as.../Time Code Information (*.tci) 0 68493 79 84293 [Fluo380nm_04] Size: 160x 120 1 band(s) 1 slice(s) 80 frame(s) Datatype: 4,Image Location: E:\Inga_locust\190112_locust_ip2.pst\dbb99.pst UTC time: 1548242371 timing [ms]: 68509 68709 68909 69109 69309 69509 69709 69909 70109 70309 70509 70709 70909 71109 71309 71509 71709 71909 72109 72309 72509 72709 72909 73109 73309 73509 73709 73909 74109 74309 74509 74709 74909 75109 75309 75509 75709 75909 76109 76309 76509 76709 76909 77109 77309 77509 77709 77909 78109 78309 78509 78709 78909 79109 79309 79509 79709 79909 80109 80309 80509 80709 80909 81109 81309 81509 81709 81909 82109 82309 82509 82709 82909 83109 83309 83509 83709 83909 84109 84309 Date : 01/23/19 Start time of experiment : 12:19:31 AM Exposure time [ms]: 5 Monochromator wavelength [nm]: 380 Monochromator wavelength increment[nm]: 0 Image type : Fluorescence Horizontal binning factor: 4 Vertical binning factor: 4 Chip window x-position: 0 Chip window y-position: 0 Chip window width: 160 Chip window height: 120 ;To access complete timecode information use: ;View/Configure.../Timecode Overlay... ;OR: File/Save as.../Time Code Information (*.tci) 0 68509 79 84309 [Fluo340nm_06] Size: 160x 120 1 band(s) 1 slice(s) 80 frame(s) Datatype: 4,Image Location: E:\Inga_locust\190112_locust_ip2.pst\dbb9C.pst UTC time: 1548245115 timing [ms]: 75172 75372 75572 75772 75972 76172 76372 76572 76772 76972 77172 77372 77572 77772 77972 78172 78372 78572 78772 78972 79172 79372 79572 79772 79972 80172 80372 80572 80772 80972 81172 81372 81572 81772 81972 82172 82372 82572 82772 82972 83172 83372 83572 83772 83972 84172 84372 84572 84772 84972 85172 85372 85572 85772 85972 86172 86372 86572 86772 86972 87172 87372 87572 87772 87972 88172 88372 88572 88772 88972 89172 89372 89572 89772 89972 90172 90372 90572 90772 90972 Date : 01/23/19 Start time of experiment : 01:05:15 PM Exposure time [ms]: 10 Monochromator wavelength [nm]: 340 Monochromator wavelength increment[nm]: 0 Image type : Fluorescence Horizontal binning factor: 4 Vertical binning factor: 4 Chip window x-position: 0 Chip window y-position: 0 Chip window width: 160 Chip window height: 120 ;To access complete timecode information use: ;View/Configure.../Timecode Overlay... ;OR: File/Save as.../Time Code Information (*.tci) 0 75172 79 90972 [Fluo380nm_06] Size: 160x 120 1 band(s) 1 slice(s) 80 frame(s) Datatype: 4,Image Location: E:\Inga_locust\190112_locust_ip2.pst\dbb9D.pst UTC time: 1548245115 timing [ms]: 75188 75388 75588 75788 75988 76188 76388 76588 76788 76988 77188 77388 77588 77788 77988 78188 78388 78588 78788 78988 79188 79388 79588 79788 79988 80188 80388 80588 80788 80988 81188 81388 81588 81788 81988 82188 82388 82588 82788 82988 83188 83388 83588 83788 83988 84188 84388 84588 84788 84988 85188 85388 85588 85788 85988 86188 86388 86588 86788 86988 87188 87388 87588 87788 87988 88188 88388 88588 88788 88988 89188 89388 89588 89788 89988 90188 90388 90588 90788 90988 Date : 01/23/19 Start time of experiment : 01:05:15 PM Exposure time [ms]: 10 Monochromator wavelength [nm]: 380 Monochromator wavelength increment[nm]: 0 Image type : Fluorescence Horizontal binning factor: 4 Vertical binning factor: 4 Chip window x-position: 0 Chip window y-position: 0 Chip window width: 160 Chip window height: 120 ;To access complete timecode information use: ;View/Configure.../Timecode Overlay... ;OR: File/Save as.../Time Code Information (*.tci) 0 75188 79 90988 [Fluo340nm_08] Size: 160x 120 1 band(s) 1 slice(s) 80 frame(s) Datatype: 4,Image Location: E:\Inga_locust\190112_locust_ip2.pst\dbbA0.pst UTC time: 1548246236 timing [ms]: 51254 51454 51654 51854 52054 52254 52454 52654 52854 53054 53254 53454 53654 53854 54054 54254 54454 54654 54854 55054 55254 55454 55654 55854 56054 56254 56454 56654 56854 57054 57254 57454 57654 57854 58054 58254 58454 58654 58854 59054 59254 59454 59654 59854 60054 60254 60454 60654 60854 61054 61254 61454 61654 61854 62054 62254 62454 62654 62854 63054 63254 63454 63654 63854 64054 64254 64454 64654 64854 65054 65254 65454 65654 65854 66054 66254 66454 66654 66854 67054 Date : 01/23/19 Start time of experiment : 01:23:56 PM Exposure time [ms]: 5 Monochromator wavelength [nm]: 340 Monochromator wavelength increment[nm]: 0 Image type : Fluorescence Horizontal binning factor: 4 Vertical binning factor: 4 Chip window x-position: 0 Chip window y-position: 0 Chip window width: 160 Chip window height: 120 ;To access complete timecode information use: ;View/Configure.../Timecode Overlay... ;OR: File/Save as.../Time Code Information (*.tci) 0 51254 79 67054 [Fluo380nm_08] Size: 160x 120 1 band(s) 1 slice(s) 80 frame(s) Datatype: 4,Image Location: E:\Inga_locust\190112_locust_ip2.pst\dbbA1.pst UTC time: 1548246236 timing [ms]: 51270 51470 51670 51870 52070 52270 52470 52670 52870 53070 53270 53470 53670 53870 54070 54270 54470 54670 54870 55070 55270 55470 55670 55870 56070 56270 56470 56670 56870 57070 57270 57470 57670 57870 58070 58270 58470 58670 58870 59070 59270 59470 59670 59870 60070 60270 60470 60670 60870 61070 61270 61470 61670 61870 62070 62270 62470 62670 62870 63070 63270 63470 63670 63870 64070 64270 64470 64670 64870 65070 65270 65470 65670 65870 66070 66270 66470 66670 66870 67070 Date : 01/23/19 Start time of experiment : 01:23:56 PM Exposure time [ms]: 5 Monochromator wavelength [nm]: 380 Monochromator wavelength increment[nm]: 0 Image type : Fluorescence Horizontal binning factor: 4 Vertical binning factor: 4 Chip window x-position: 0 Chip window y-position: 0 Chip window width: 160 Chip window height: 120 ;To access complete timecode information use: ;View/Configure.../Timecode Overlay... ;OR: File/Save as.../Time Code Information (*.tci) 0 51270 79 67070 [Fluo340nm_09] Size: 160x 120 1 band(s) 1 slice(s) 80 frame(s) Datatype: 4,Image Location: E:\Inga_locust\190112_locust_ip2.pst\dbbA4.pst UTC time: 1548251651 timing [ms]: 28199 28399 28599 28799 28999 29199 29399 29599 29799 29999 30199 30399 30599 30799 30999 31199 31399 31599 31799 31999 32199 32399 32599 32799 32999 33199 33399 33599 33799 33999 34199 34399 34599 34799 34999 35199 35399 35599 35799 35999 36199 36399 36599 36799 36999 37199 37399 37599 37799 37999 38199 38399 38599 38799 38999 39199 39399 39599 39799 39999 40199 40399 40599 40799 40999 41199 41399 41599 41799 41999 42199 42399 42599 42799 42999 43199 43399 43599 43799 43999 Date : 01/23/19 Start time of experiment : 02:54:11 PM Exposure time [ms]: 5 Monochromator wavelength [nm]: 340 Monochromator wavelength increment[nm]: 0 Image type : Fluorescence Horizontal binning factor: 4 Vertical binning factor: 4 Chip window x-position: 0 Chip window y-position: 0 Chip window width: 160 Chip window height: 120 ;To access complete timecode information use: ;View/Configure.../Timecode Overlay... ;OR: File/Save as.../Time Code Information (*.tci) 0 28199 79 43999 [Fluo380nm_09] Size: 160x 120 1 band(s) 1 slice(s) 80 frame(s) Datatype: 4,Image Location: E:\Inga_locust\190112_locust_ip2.pst\dbbA5.pst UTC time: 1548251651 timing [ms]: 28215 28415 28615 28815 29015 29215 29415 29615 29815 30015 30215 30415 30615 30815 31015 31215 31415 31615 31815 32015 32215 32415 32615 32815 33015 33215 33415 33615 33815 34015 34215 34415 34615 34815 35015 35215 35415 35615 35815 36015 36215 36415 36615 36815 37015 37215 37415 37615 37815 38015 38215 38415 38615 38815 39015 39215 39415 39615 39815 40015 40215 40415 40615 40815 41015 41215 41415 41615 41815 42015 42215 42415 42615 42815 43015 43215 43415 43615 43815 44015 Date : 01/23/19 Start time of experiment : 02:54:11 PM Exposure time [ms]: 5 Monochromator wavelength [nm]: 380 Monochromator wavelength increment[nm]: 0 Image type : Fluorescence Horizontal binning factor: 4 Vertical binning factor: 4 Chip window x-position: 0 Chip window y-position: 0 Chip window width: 160 Chip window height: 120 ;To access complete timecode information use: ;View/Configure.../Timecode Overlay... ;OR: File/Save as.../Time Code Information (*.tci) 0 28215 79 44015 [Fluo340nm_10] Size: 160x 120 1 band(s) 1 slice(s) 80 frame(s) Datatype: 4,Image Location: E:\Inga_locust\190112_locust_ip2.pst\dbbA6.pst UTC time: 1548251701 timing [ms]: 106519 106719 106919 107119 107319 107519 107719 107919 108119 108319 108519 108719 108919 109119 109319 109519 109719 109919 110119 110319 110519 110719 110919 111119 111319 111519 111719 111919 112119 112319 112519 112719 112919 113119 113319 113519 113719 113919 114119 114319 114519 114719 114919 115119 115319 115519 115719 115919 116119 116319 116519 116719 116919 117119 117319 117519 117719 117919 118119 118319 118519 118719 118919 119119 119319 119519 119719 119919 120119 120319 120519 120719 120919 121119 121319 121519 121719 121919 122119 122319 Date : 01/23/19 Start time of experiment : 02:55:01 PM Exposure time [ms]: 5 Monochromator wavelength [nm]: 340 Monochromator wavelength increment[nm]: 0 Image type : Fluorescence Horizontal binning factor: 4 Vertical binning factor: 4 Chip window x-position: 0 Chip window y-position: 0 Chip window width: 160 Chip window height: 120 ;To access complete timecode information use: ;View/Configure.../Timecode Overlay... ;OR: File/Save as.../Time Code Information (*.tci) 0 106519 79 122319 [Fluo380nm_10] Size: 160x 120 1 band(s) 1 slice(s) 80 frame(s) Datatype: 4,Image Location: E:\Inga_locust\190112_locust_ip2.pst\dbbA7.pst UTC time: 1548251701 timing [ms]: 106535 106735 106935 107135 107335 107535 107735 107935 108135 108335 108535 108735 108935 109135 109335 109535 109735 109935 110135 110335 110535 110735 110935 111135 111335 111535 111735 111935 112135 112335 112535 112735 112935 113135 113335 113535 113735 113935 114135 114335 114535 114735 114935 115135 115335 115535 115735 115935 116135 116335 116535 116735 116935 117135 117335 117535 117735 117935 118135 118335 118535 118735 118935 119135 119335 119535 119735 119935 120135 120335 120535 120735 120935 121135 121335 121535 121735 121935 122135 122335 Date : 01/23/19 Start time of experiment : 02:55:01 PM Exposure time [ms]: 5 Monochromator wavelength [nm]: 380 Monochromator wavelength increment[nm]: 0 Image type : Fluorescence Horizontal binning factor: 4 Vertical binning factor: 4 Chip window x-position: 0 Chip window y-position: 0 Chip window width: 160 Chip window height: 120 ;To access complete timecode information use: ;View/Configure.../Timecode Overlay... ;OR: File/Save as.../Time Code Information (*.tci) 0 106535 79 122335 [Fluo340nm_11] Size: 160x 120 1 band(s) 1 slice(s) 80 frame(s) Datatype: 4,Image Location: E:\Inga_locust\190112_locust_ip2.pst\dbbA8.pst UTC time: 1548251829 timing [ms]: 136719 136919 137119 137319 137519 137719 137919 138119 138319 138519 138719 138919 139119 139319 139519 139719 139919 140119 140319 140519 140719 140919 141119 141319 141519 141719 141919 142119 142319 142519 142719 142919 143119 143319 143519 143719 143919 144119 144319 144519 144719 144919 145119 145319 145519 145719 145919 146119 146319 146519 146719 146919 147119 147319 147519 147719 147919 148119 148319 148519 148719 148919 149119 149319 149519 149719 149919 150119 150319 150519 150719 150919 151119 151319 151519 151719 151919 152119 152319 152519 Date : 01/23/19 Start time of experiment : 02:57:09 PM Exposure time [ms]: 5 Monochromator wavelength [nm]: 340 Monochromator wavelength increment[nm]: 0 Image type : Fluorescence Horizontal binning factor: 4 Vertical binning factor: 4 Chip window x-position: 0 Chip window y-position: 0 Chip window width: 160 Chip window height: 120 ;To access complete timecode information use: ;View/Configure.../Timecode Overlay... ;OR: File/Save as.../Time Code Information (*.tci) 0 136719 79 152519 [Fluo380nm_11] Size: 160x 120 1 band(s) 1 slice(s) 80 frame(s) Datatype: 4,Image Location: E:\Inga_locust\190112_locust_ip2.pst\dbbA9.pst UTC time: 1548251829 timing [ms]: 136735 136935 137135 137335 137535 137735 137935 138135 138335 138535 138735 138935 139135 139335 139535 139735 139935 140135 140335 140535 140735 140935 141135 141335 141535 141735 141935 142135 142335 142535 142735 142935 143135 143335 143535 143735 143935 144135 144335 144535 144735 144935 145135 145335 145535 145735 145935 146135 146335 146535 146735 146935 147135 147335 147535 147735 147935 148135 148335 148535 148735 148935 149135 149335 149535 149735 149935 150135 150335 150535 150735 150935 151135 151335 151535 151735 151935 152135 152335 152535 Date : 01/23/19 Start time of experiment : 02:57:09 PM Exposure time [ms]: 5 Monochromator wavelength [nm]: 380 Monochromator wavelength increment[nm]: 0 Image type : Fluorescence Horizontal binning factor: 4 Vertical binning factor: 4 Chip window x-position: 0 Chip window y-position: 0 Chip window width: 160 Chip window height: 120 ;To access complete timecode information use: ;View/Configure.../Timecode Overlay... ;OR: File/Save as.../Time Code Information (*.tci) 0 136735 79 152535 [Fluo340nm_12] Size: 160x 120 1 band(s) 1 slice(s) 80 frame(s) Datatype: 4,Image Location: E:\Inga_locust\190112_locust_ip2.pst\dbbAA.pst UTC time: 1548251987 timing [ms]: 134426 134626 134826 135026 135226 135426 135626 135826 136026 136226 136426 136626 136826 137026 137226 137426 137626 137826 138026 138226 138426 138626 138826 139026 139226 139426 139626 139826 140026 140226 140426 140626 140826 141026 141226 141426 141626 141826 142026 142226 142426 142626 142826 143026 143226 143426 143626 143826 144026 144226 144426 144626 144826 145026 145226 145426 145626 145826 146026 146226 146426 146626 146826 147026 147226 147426 147626 147826 148026 148226 148426 148626 148826 149026 149226 149426 149626 149826 150026 150226 Date : 01/23/19 Start time of experiment : 02:59:47 PM Exposure time [ms]: 5 Monochromator wavelength [nm]: 340 Monochromator wavelength increment[nm]: 0 Image type : Fluorescence Horizontal binning factor: 4 Vertical binning factor: 4 Chip window x-position: 0 Chip window y-position: 0 Chip window width: 160 Chip window height: 120 ;To access complete timecode information use: ;View/Configure.../Timecode Overlay... ;OR: File/Save as.../Time Code Information (*.tci) 0 134426 79 150226 [Fluo380nm_12] Size: 160x 120 1 band(s) 1 slice(s) 80 frame(s) Datatype: 4,Image Location: E:\Inga_locust\190112_locust_ip2.pst\dbbAB.pst UTC time: 1548251987 timing [ms]: 134442 134642 134842 135042 135242 135442 135642 135842 136042 136242 136442 136642 136842 137042 137242 137442 137642 137842 138042 138242 138442 138642 138842 139042 139242 139442 139642 139842 140042 140242 140442 140642 140842 141042 141242 141442 141642 141842 142042 142242 142442 142642 142842 143042 143242 143442 143642 143842 144042 144242 144442 144642 144842 145042 145242 145442 145642 145842 146042 146242 146442 146642 146842 147042 147242 147442 147642 147842 148042 148242 148442 148642 148842 149042 149242 149442 149642 149842 150042 150242 Date : 01/23/19 Start time of experiment : 02:59:47 PM Exposure time [ms]: 5 Monochromator wavelength [nm]: 380 Monochromator wavelength increment[nm]: 0 Image type : Fluorescence Horizontal binning factor: 4 Vertical binning factor: 4 Chip window x-position: 0 Chip window y-position: 0 Chip window width: 160 Chip window height: 120 ;To access complete timecode information use: ;View/Configure.../Timecode Overlay... ;OR: File/Save as.../Time Code Information (*.tci) 0 134442 79 150242 Drivers ======= IMPULS Big Image driver (Device) TILL IMAGO (Device) TILL Ratio Imaging driver (Device) XObjects ======= fura2_nowait_short (TILL Protocol) lowres_fura (TILL Protocol)