Column name,current/legacy,mandatory/optional,Description, Control,current,optional,Measu/NNumMeasu of the control measurement, Cycle,current,mandatory,"inverse of frequency, in ms. Set to 0 for uneven frequencies", FrameSizeX,current,optional,Number of pixel in acquisition frame along X, FrameSizeY,current,optional,Number of pixel in acquisition frame along Y, NoFrames,current,mandatory,Number of frames in the measurement, OConc,current,optional,"concentration of odour stimulus, always TENFOLD logarithmic, i.e. -23 is 10 to the -2.3", PhConc,current,optional,"1 for treatment, eg 1: ptx; 0: wash or pre-ptx, includes concentration of treatment", PosZ,current,optional,depth of Z-plane, PxSzX,current,optional,Image resolution of Ca imaging video data along the X axis, PxSzY,current,optional,Image resolution of Ca imaging video data along the Y axis, TraceOffset,current,optional,Arbitary delay of trace onset in seconds, StimISI,current,optional,interval between stimuli, UTC,current,optional,Posix time stamp of measurement start, Age,current,optional,age of the animal in days(exact number or a range. e.g 2-4), Comment,current,optional,any comment, DBB1,current,optional,raw data file name (of the 340nm measurement for FURA), DBB2,current,optional,raw data file name (of the 380nm measurement for FURA), DBB3,current,optional,raw data file name (when required), GloInfo,current,optional,comment text for the glomerulus, GloTag,current,mandatory,integer name of glomerulus, Label,current,optional,label for the measurement entered in TILL VISION, Lambda,current,optional,Monochromator wavelength, MTime,current,optional,"time since first evidence that the animal is under the microscope, formatted as 'HH:MM:SS.ssss'", Pharma,current,optional,text of pharmacological treatment, Phtime,current,optional,application time of pharmacological treatment, Sex,current,optional,Sex of the subject animal, Side,current,optional,Body side of the subject animal where measurements were made, CTV_ctv222,current,optional,value of ctv222 for this measurement, Odour,current,optional,Odorant (no comma) or list of odorants that are part of the stimulus (comma separated), StimONms,current,optional,"stimulus onset relative to start of recording in milliseconds, str or comma separated list", StimLen,current,optional,"stimulus lengths in milliseconds, str or comma separated list", Stimulus,current,optional,single name for stimulus applied (single odorant name or mix name), Measu,current,mandatory,"Number of the measurement (same as ""Measu"")", Animal,current,mandatory,name of the animal, Frame0,current,mandatory,"Value at frame 1 for this glomerulus (similarly Frame2, Frame3,….)", Frame1,current,mandatory,"Value at frame 2 for this glomerulus (similarly Frame2, Frame3,….)", NOdorNr,legacy,optional,integer code of odor, NRealTime,legacy,optional,time in minutes, NshiftX,legacy,optional,not used (was used in old IDL for shift correction), NshiftY,legacy,optional,not used (was used in old IDL for shift correction), NcontMeasu,legacy,optional,number of the control measurement. renamed as NControl, NodorN,legacy,optional,"no Measu for old setup, or slice for 3D measus new setup, 4th dimension in sig1 and sig1corr", Nstim2ON,legacy,optional,"stimulus onset of the second stimulus, frame (first frame WITH odor, frames are numbered 1, 2, ...)", Nstim2OFF,legacy,optional,"stimulus offset of the second stimulus, frame (last frame WITH odor, frames are numbered 1, 2, ...)", NAge,legacy,optional,exact age of the animal,replaced by TAge NAgeMax,legacy,optional,"maximum age of the animal, of exact age is not known. Replaced by TAge", TOdour,legacy,optional,"name of odor stimulus, e.g. 'HX1'. Replaced by TStimulus", Tcomment,legacy,optional,any comment. Replaced by TComment, Tanimal,legacy,optional,name of the animal. Replaced by TAnimal, T_dbb2,legacy,optional,raw data file name of the 380nm measurement for FURA.Replaced by TDBB2, CTV_ctv222,current,optional,value of ctv222 for this measurement,