import argparse import numpy as np import pandas as pd from tqdm import tqdm import emd import scipy.signal from scipy import fft from scipy.signal import windows, detrend, find_peaks from scipy.interpolate import BPoly from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from parameters import DATAPATH, NIMFCYCLES from util import (load_data, zero_runs, merge_ranges, circhist, circmean_angle, kl_divergence, switch_ranges, match_distributions) def pad_signal(x, method='peaks', npts=None, edge_tolerance=3, npeaks=5): """ Extend a signal at both ends with various methods. Return the padded signal and a binary array for recovering the orignal signal i.e. orig_signal = padded_signal[inds == 1]. method: 'even' - reflect signal at edges. 'odd' - "rotate" signal 180deg at edges. 'peaks' - extrapolate signal by reflecting peaks at edges and fitting a Bernstein polynomail constrained by 1st derivative. npts: number of points added to each end of signal when using the 'even' or 'odd' methods. edge_tolerance: number of points to extrapolate when checking if the signal edges represent a peak. npeaks: number of peaks to use at each end of signal when using the 'peaks' method. """ if npts is None: npts = np.round(len(x) / 10).astype('int') if method == 'even': assert type(npts) in [int, np.int64], "npts must be an integer" from scipy.signal._arraytools import even_ext padded_signal = even_ext(x, npts) # extend signal using 'even' method # create array indicating original signal inds = np.full(padded_signal.shape, False) inds[npts:-npts] = True return padded_signal, inds elif method == 'odd': assert type(npts) in [int, np.int64], "npts must be an integer" from scipy.signal._arraytools import odd_ext padded_signal = odd_ext(x, npts) # extend signal using 'odd' method # create array indicating original signal inds = np.full(padded_signal.shape, False) inds[npts:-npts] = True return padded_signal, inds elif method == 'peaks': assert type(npeaks) == int, "npeaks must be an integer" pre = _pad_signal_mirror_peaks(x, edge_tolerance, npeaks) post = _pad_signal_mirror_peaks(np.flip(x), edge_tolerance, npeaks) padded_signal = np.concatenate((pre, x, np.flip(post))) # create array indicating original signal inds = np.full(padded_signal.shape, False) inds[len(pre):-len(post)] = True return padded_signal, inds def get_peaks_simple(x, edge_tolerance=2): """Return two arrays of indices indicating peaks & troughs of a signal occur.""" assert x.ndim == 1, "Signal must be 1D" peaks, troughs = np.array([]), np.array([]) search_range = np.arange(len(x))[1:-1] # search whole signal except endpoints for i in search_range: # go forwards through signal if (x[i-1] < x[i] > x[i+1]): # point is a peak peaks = np.append(peaks, i) elif (x[i-1] > x[i] < x[i+1]): # point is a trough troughs = np.append(troughs, i) # estimate gradient change beyond signal edges for requested tolerance # by assuming a constant 2nd derivative (i.e. peaks are parabolic) gradient = np.gradient(x) # first derivative gradient2 = np.gradient(gradient) # second derivative # before signal grad_pre = gradient[0] - edge_tolerance*gradient2[0] if np.sign(grad_pre) + -np.sign(gradient[0]) == 2: # first point is peak peaks = np.concatenate(([0], peaks)) elif np.sign(grad_pre) + -np.sign(gradient[0]) == -2: # first point is trough troughs = np.concatenate(([0], troughs)) # after signal grad_post = gradient[-1] + edge_tolerance*gradient2[-1] if np.sign(gradient[-1]) + -np.sign(grad_post) == 2: # last point is peak peaks = np.concatenate((peaks, [len(x) - 1])) elif np.sign(gradient[-1]) + -np.sign(grad_post) == -2: # last point is trough troughs = np.concatenate((troughs, [len(x) - 1])) # return as ints for indexing return peaks.astype('int'), troughs.astype('int') def _pad_signal_mirror_peaks(x, edge_tolerance, npeaks): """ Extend a signal from the beginning by mirroring npeaks and interpolating over these peak values with splines restricted by the gradients at the signal end points. Notes ----- - To extend a signal from the end, simply pass np.flip(x) instead of x, then flip the returned array before adding it to the original signal. """ peaks = np.concatenate(get_peaks_simple(x, edge_tolerance)) # peaks & troughs peaks.sort() assert len(peaks) >= 2, "<2 peaks present in signal" if np.sign(x[peaks[0]]) == np.sign(x[0]): peaks = peaks[1:npeaks].astype('int') # convert to ints for indexing else: peaks = peaks[:npeaks].astype('int') #half_period = peaks[1] - peaks[0] # half period of first oscillation #offset = half_period - peaks[0] # "phase" of oscillation at beginning grad = np.gradient(x)[0] # derivative at beginning of signal inds = np.concatenate(([0], peaks)) # y-values of points to interpolate y = np.concatenate(([x[0] - grad], x[peaks])) # gradients at points to interpolate (0 except for 1st point) grads = np.concatenate(([-grad], np.full(peaks.shape, 0))) # get Bernstein polynomial splines for given values and derivatives splines = BPoly.from_derivatives(inds, np.vstack((y, grads)).T, orders=3) return np.flip(splines(np.arange(inds[-1]))) # interpolate & flip def hilbert(x, fs=1, axis=1): """ Perform Hilbert spectral analysis on a signal. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray the signal fs : float (default = 1) sampling frequency axis : int axis of x along which to perform the analysis """ y = scipy.signal.hilbert(x, axis=axis) # complex analytic signal phase = np.angle(y) # CCW angle from positive real axis # rate of change of phase freq = np.gradient(np.unwrap(phase), axis=axis) / (2*np.pi) * fs amp = np.abs(y) # length of signal vector at each timepoint return phase, freq, amp def fft_psd(signal, fs): """ Compute the power spectral density of a signal using the Fourier transform. """ signal = signal - signal.mean() fft_freq = np.fft.rfftfreq(len(signal), 1 / fs)[1:] signal_ft = np.fft.rfft(signal - signal.mean())[1:] #fft_power = np.abs(signal_ft) ** 2 * 2 / len(signal) ** 2 fft_power = np.abs(signal_ft) / len(signal) return fft_freq, fft_power def hsa_psd(f, a, f_bins=None): """ Compute the marginal power spectrum of a set of instantaneous frequency and amplitude traces. """ if f_bins is None: f_bins = np.fft.rfftfreq(len(f), 1 / fs)[1:] psd = np.zeros(len(f_bins)) f_inds = np.digitize(f, f_bins) # assign a frequency bin to each value for x, i in zip(a.ravel(), f_inds.ravel()): # loop over all values psd[i] += x # accumulate squared amplitudes psd /= len(f) # normalize by the number of timepoints return psd def check_binned_visits(data, bins, n_visits): """ ## TODO: update docstring Check that, for each signal in the set, each of the given phase bins is visited a certain number of times. Parameters ---------- signal_phases : ndarray A set of instantaneous phase traces, rows are signals, columns are time-points. phase_bins : ndarray The start and stop values of a set of phase bins, edge-inclusive. n_visits : int The number of times that each phase bin should be visited. Returns ------- sufficient_visits : ndarray Boolean array indicating if each signal in the set visited each of the phase bins the desired number of times. """ # allow single channel input if data.ndim == 1: data = data[:, np.newaxis].T # initialize boolean array (all true) sufficient_visits = np.ones(len(data)).astype('bool') # loop over instantaneous phase traces for ind, var in enumerate(data): # bin according to phase binned_var = np.digitize(var, bins) # time ranges during which IMF is in each phase bin bin_tranges = [zero_runs(~np.equal(binned_var, b)) for b in np.arange(1, len(bins))] # minimum number of visits across phase bins min_tranges = min([len(tranges) for tranges in bin_tranges]) # change 1 to 0 if number of times for each phase bin is insufficient if min_tranges < n_visits: sufficient_visits[ind] = False return sufficient_visits def compute_fev(signal, components, add_mean=True): """ Compute the fraction of variance explained in a target signal by a set of components. """ recon = components.sum(axis=0) # reconstructed signal if add_mean: recon += signal.mean() mse = ((signal - recon) ** 2).mean() # mean squared error fev = 1 - (mse / signal.var()) # fraction explained variance return fev def mtcsd(x, fs=1, nperseg=None, nfft=None, noverlap=None, nw=3, ntapers=None, detrend_method='constant'): """ Pair-wise cross-spectral density using Slepian tapers. Adapted from the mtcsd function in the labbox Matlab toolbox (authors: Partha Mitra, Ken Harris). Parameters ---------- x : ndarray 2D array of signals across which to compute CSD, columns treated as channels fs : float (default = 1) sampling frequency nperseg : int, None (default = None) number of data points per segment, if None nperseg is set to 256 nfft : int, None (default = None) number of points to include in scipy.fft.fft, if None nfft is set to 2 * nperseg, if nfft > nperseg data will be zero-padded noverlap : int, None (default = None) amout of overlap between consecutive segments, if None noverlap is set to nperseg / 2 nw : int (default = 3) time-frequency bandwidth for Slepian tapers, passed on to ntapers : int, None (default = None) number of tapers, passed on to, if None ntapers is set to nw * 2 - 1 (as suggested by original authors) detrend_method : {'constant', 'linear'} (default = 'constant') method used by scipy.signal.detrend to detrend each segment Returns ------- f : ndarray frequency bins csd : ndarray full cross-spectral density matrix """ # allow single channel input if x.ndim == 1: x = x[:, np.newaxis] # ensure no more than 2D input assert x.ndim == 2 # set some default for parameters values if nperseg is None: nperseg = 256 if nfft is None: nfft = nperseg * 2 if noverlap is None: noverlap = nperseg / 2 if ntapers is None: ntapers = 2 * nw - 1 # get step size and total number of segments stepsize = nperseg - noverlap nsegs = int(np.floor(len(x) / stepsize)) # initialize csd matrix csd = np.zeros((x.shape[1], x.shape[1], nfft), dtype='complex128') # get FFT frequency bins f = fft.fftfreq(nfft, 1/fs) # get tapers tapers = windows.dpss(nperseg, nw, Kmax=ntapers) # loop over segments for seg_ind in range(nsegs): # prepare segment i0 = int(seg_ind * stepsize) i1 = int(seg_ind * stepsize + nperseg) if i1 > len(x): # stop if segment is out of range of data nsegs -= (nsegs - seg_ind) # reduce segment count break seg = x[i0:i1, :] seg = detrend(seg, type=detrend_method, axis=0) # apply tapers tapered_seg = np.full((len(tapers), seg.shape[0], seg.shape[1]), np.nan) for taper_ind, taper in enumerate(tapers): tapered_seg[taper_ind] = (seg.T * taper).T # compute FFT for each channel-taper combination fftnorm = np.sqrt(2) # value taken from original matlab function pxx = fft.fft(tapered_seg, n=nfft, axis=1) / fftnorm # fill upper triangle of csd matrix for ch1 in range(x.shape[1]): # loop over unique channel combinations for ch2 in range(ch1, x.shape[1]): # compute csd bewteen channels, summing over tapers and segments csd[ch1, ch2, :] += (pxx[:, :, ch1] * np.conjugate(pxx[:, :, ch2])).sum(axis=0) # normalize csd by number of taper-segment combinations # (equivalent to averaging over segments and tapers) csdnorm = ntapers * nsegs csd /= csdnorm # fill lower triangle of csd matrix with complex conjugate of upper triangle for ch1 in range(x.shape[1]): for ch2 in range(ch1 + 1, x.shape[1]): csd[ch2, ch1, :] = np.conjugate(csd[ch1, ch2, :]) return f, csd def mtcoh(x, **kwargs): """ Pair-wise multi-taper coherence for a set of signals. Parameters ---------- See mtcsd documentation. Returns ------- f : ndarray frequency bins coh : ndarray full spectral coherence matrix """ # Compute cross-spectral density f, csd = mtcsd(x, **kwargs) # Compute power normalization matrix powernorm = np.zeros((x.shape[1], x.shape[1], len(f))) for ch1 in range(x.shape[1]): for ch2 in range(x.shape[1]): powernorm[ch1, ch2] = np.sqrt(np.abs(csd[ch1, ch1]) * np.abs(csd[ch2, ch2])) # Normalize CSD to get coherence coh = np.abs(csd) ** 2 / powernorm # Return frequency array, coherence, and phase differences return f, coh, np.angle(csd) class HHT(): def __init__(self, signal, fs): self.signal = signal self.fs = fs self.n_samples = len(self.signal) def emd(self): signal = self.signal - self.signal.mean() self.imfs = emd.sift.sift(signal) self.n_imfs = self.imfs.shape[1] def hsa(self): phases, frequencies, amplitudes = np.full((3, self.n_samples, self.n_imfs), np.nan) for i, imf in enumerate(self.imfs.T): # pad signal to reduce edge-effects for Hilbert analysis try: # extrapolate by mirroring peaks imf_padded, orig_inds = pad_signal(imf, method='peaks') except AssertionError: # signal has fewer than two peaks # extrapolate by "reflecting signal 180deg" imf_padded, orig_inds = pad_signal(imf, method='odd') # get analytic signal phase, frequency, amplitude = hilbert(imf_padded, fs=self.fs, axis=0) # keep only values corresponding to original signal phases[:, i] = phase[orig_inds] frequencies[:, i] = frequency[orig_inds] amplitudes[:, i] = amplitude[orig_inds] self.phase, self.frequency, self.amplitude = phases, frequencies, amplitudes # Amplitude-weighted mean frequency for each IMF self.characteristic_frequency = (self.frequency * self.amplitude).sum(axis=0) / self.amplitude.sum(axis=0) # Power of each IMF self.power_density = (self.amplitude ** 2).sum(axis=0) / self.amplitude.shape[1] self.power_ratio = self.power_density / self.power_density.sum() def marginal_spectrum(self, f_bins=None, ranges=None): """ Compute the marginal power spectrum of the IMF set. """ if f_bins is None: f_bins = np.fft.rfftfreq(self.n_samples, 1 / self.fs)[1:] psd = np.zeros(len(f_bins)) if ranges is None: frequency = self.frequency amplitude = self.amplitude else: frequency = np.concatenate([self.frequency[i0:i1] for i0, i1 in ranges]) amplitude = np.concatenate([self.amplitude[i0:i1] for i0, i1 in ranges]) binned_frequency = np.digitize(frequency, f_bins) # assign a frequency bin to each value for x, i in zip(amplitude.ravel(), binned_frequency.ravel()): # loop over all values psd[i] += x # accumulate squared amplitudes psd /= len(frequency) # normalize by the number of timepoints return psd def check_number_of_phasebin_visits(self, phasebins=None, ncycles=4, remove_invalid=False): if phasebins is None: phasebins = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 5) self.sufficient_phasebin_visits = check_binned_visits(self.phase.T, phasebins, ncycles) if remove_invalid: for attr in ['imfs', 'phase', 'frequency', 'amplitude']: setattr(self, attr, getattr(self, attr)[:, self.sufficient_phasebin_visits]) for attr in ['characteristic_frequency', 'power_density', 'power_ratio']: setattr(self, attr, getattr(self, attr)[self.sufficient_phasebin_visits]) self.n_imfs = self.sufficient_phasebin_visits.sum() def check_imf_significance(self): print("WARNING: IMF significance depricated.") assert hasattr(self, 'imfs') ln_f, ln_E, bounds = imf_statsig(self.imfs.T, return_period=False, use_hilbert=True) self.imf_significance = ln_E > bounds[1] def get_synchronous_events(self, dt=0.5, n_cycles=0.25, threshold_qt=0.95): """ Perform a sliding window correlation between pairs of IMFs with similar frequencies. Notes ----- This measure is similar to a time-resolved version of the pseudo mode splitting index from Wang et al. (2018) and Fabus et al. (2021). """ imfs = self.imfs[:, np.where(self.characteristic_frequency > 0)[0]] freqs = self.characteristic_frequency[np.where(self.characteristic_frequency > 0)[0]] imfs1 = imfs[:-1] imfs2 = np.roll(imfs, -1, axis=1)[:-1] freqs2 = np.roll(freqs, -1, axis=1)[:-1] step_size = np.round(dt * self.fs).astype(int) samples = np.arange(0, len(imfs1), step_size) sync = np.full((len(samples), imfs1.shape[1]),np.nan) for i, (imf1, imf2, freq) in enumerate(zip(imfs1.T, imfs2.T, freqs2)): window_size = np.round(n_cycles * self.fs / freq).astype(int) starts = np.clip(samples - window_size, a_min=0, a_max=None) stops = np.clip(samples + window_size, a_min=None, a_max=(len(imf1) - 1)) sync[:, i] = [[start:stop], imf2[start:stop]) / (stop - start) for start, stop in zip(starts, stops)] threshold = np.quantile(sync.mean(axis=0), threshold_qt) events = continuous_runs(sync.mean(axis=0) > threshold, min1len=5) self.synchronous_events = pts[events] def pairwise_coherence(self, ncycles=4): """ Compute phase coherence between all pairs of IMFs. """ coh_mat, pdiff_mat = np.full((2, self.n_imfs, self.n_imfs), np.nan) for imfi, imf in enumerate(self.imfs.T): # Get appropriate window size for this IMFs characteristic frequency period = 1 / self.characteristic_frequency[imfi] # get IMF period from characteristic frequency seglen = ncycles * period nperseg = int(2 ** np.floor((np.log2(seglen * self.fs)))) # number of samples # Skip if segment not long enough to estimate coherence if nperseg > self.n_samples: continue # Compute pair-wise cross-spectral density f, coh, pdiff = mtcoh(self.imfs, fs=self.fs, nperseg=nperseg) # Take only the row corresponding to the current IMF coh = coh[imfi] pdiff = pdiff[imfi] # Get index of the appropriate frequency bin (consider only +ve freqs) f_ind = f[f > 0].searchsorted(self.characteristic_frequency[imfi]) # Take mean of two most apropriate frequency bins coh = coh[:, f_ind:(f_ind + 2)].mean(axis=1) pdiff = circmean_angle(pdiff[:, f_ind:(f_ind + 2)], axis=1) # Fill row of matrix coh_mat[imfi] = coh pdiff_mat[imfi] = pdiff # Normalize each row by it's maximum to get rid of contributions of power self.coherence = (coh_mat.T / coh_mat.max(axis=1)).T self.phasediff = pdiff_mat def phase_synchrony(self, n_bins=16, n_shf=1000): phases = self.phase.T n_phases = len(phases) freqs = self.characteristic_frequency bin_edges = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, n_bins + 1) # Get bin areas array to normalize density function D_areas = np.outer(np.diff(bin_edges), np.diff(bin_edges)) # Get a reference uniform distribution D_uniform = np.ones((n_bins, n_bins)) / n_bins**2 # Initialize array to collect the joint distributions DD = np.full((n_phases, n_phases, n_bins, n_bins), np.nan) # Initialize array to colled KLDs DD_kld = np.full((len(phases), len(phases)), np.nan) # Initialize array to collect distribution p-values DD_p = np.full((len(phases), len(phases)), np.nan) # Initialize array to collect the significance masks DD_masks = np.full((n_phases, n_phases, n_bins, n_bins), np.nan) # Initialize array to collect synchronous time ranges DD_ranges = np.full((n_phases, n_phases), np.nan, dtype='object') # Loop over pairs of phase traces for i in range(len(phases)): for j in range(len(phases)): # Skip if not in upper triangle of pairwise matrix (redundant info) if i == j: continue # Make marginal distributions uniform by converting phases to ranks #ranks_i = phase2rank(phases[i]) - np.pi #ranks_j = phase2rank(phases[j]) - np.pi # Get the joint probability functions D = np.histogram2d(phases[i], phases[j], bins=bin_edges, density=True)[0] * D_areas # Normalize by marginal distributions #D = (D.T / np.histogram(phases[i], bins=phase_bins)[0]).T # normalize rows #D = D / np.histogram(phases[j], bins=phase_bins)[0] # normalize columns DD[i, j] = D # Compute Kullback-Leibler divergence from uniform ## TODO: add eps to D to ensure no zero values? --> no negative KLDs kld = kl_divergence(D, D_uniform) # Initialize array to collect shuffle distributions DD_shf = np.full((n_shf, D.shape[0], D.shape[1]), np.nan) # Initialize array to collect shuffle KLDs kld_shf = np.full(n_shf, np.nan) # Perform shuffles for shf in range(n_shf): # Randomly shuffle time points #shf_i = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(phases[i])), size=len(phases[i]), replace=False) #shf_j = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(phases[j])), size=len(phases[j]), replace=False) # Shuffle cycle order cycles_i = np.split(phases[i], np.where(np.diff(phases[i]) < -np.pi)[0]) cycles_j = np.split(phases[j], np.where(np.diff(phases[j]) < -np.pi)[0]) np.random.shuffle(cycles_i) np.random.shuffle(cycles_j) shf_i = np.concatenate(cycles_i) shf_j = np.concatenate(cycles_j) # Get PDF of shuffle D_shf = np.histogram2d(shf_i, shf_j, bins=bin_edges, density=True)[0] * D_areas DD_shf[shf] = D_shf # Compute KLD of shuffle kld_shf[shf] = kl_divergence(D_shf, D_uniform) # Get KLD diff DD_kld[i, j] = (kld - kld_shf.mean()) / kld_shf.std() # Get KLD p-values DD_p[i, j] = (kld_shf > kld).mean() # Get significance mask for joint distribution mask = D > np.percentile(D_shf, 95, axis=0) DD_masks[i, j] = mask # Find time ranges where phase traces pass though significant regions ranges = [] for pi, pj in np.column_stack(np.where(mask)): mask_i = (phases[i] > bin_edges[pi]) & (phases[i] <= bin_edges[pi + 1]) mask_j = (phases[j] > bin_edges[pj]) & (phases[j] <= bin_edges[pj + 1]) ranges.append(zero_runs(~(mask_i & mask_j))) DD_ranges[i, j] = merge_ranges(np.concatenate(ranges)) return DD, DD_kld, DD_p, DD_masks, DD_ranges def modemix(self, alpha=0.05): """ Compute a metric for the amount of overlap between all pairs of signals in a set. Metric represents the average (over all signal pairs) proportion of time during which the signals crossed. Parameters ---------- signals : ndarray signals array of shape (nchannels, ntimepoints) Returns ------- out : float mean proportion of overlap between all pairs of signals Notes ----- - Designed for use as a metric of frequency overlap (i.e. 'mode mixing') between a set of IMFs resulting from EMD, in this case the input should be a set of instantaneous frequency traces References ---------- [1] Laszuk, D., Cadenas, O., & Nasuto, S. J. (2015, July). Objective empirical mode decomposition metric. In 2015 38th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP) (pp. 504-507). IEEE. """ metric = np.full((self.n_imfs, self.n_imfs), np.nan) # pair-wise matrix for i in range(self.n_imfs): # loop over unique pairs for j in range(i + 1, self.n_imfs): assert self.characteristic_frequency[i] > self.characteristic_frequency[j] overlap_i = (self.frequency[:, i] < np.quantile(self.frequency[:, j], 1 - alpha)).sum() overlap_j = (self.frequency[:, j] > np.quantile(self.frequency[:, i], alpha)).sum() # proportion of time for which there is overlap metric[i, j] = (overlap_i + overlap_j) / self.n_samples return metric def get_imf_colors(self, cmap): color_vals = 1 - np.linspace(0.1, 1, self.n_imfs) return cmap(color_vals) def tranges_with_events(tranges, events): with_event = np.full(len(tranges), False) for i, (t0, t1) in enumerate(tranges): with_event[i] = any([(evt >= t0) & (evt <= t1) for evt in events]) return with_event if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('e_name') args = parser.parse_args() df_pupil = load_data('pupil', [args.e_name]) df_run = load_data('ball', [args.e_name]) df = pd.merge(df_pupil, df_run, on=['m', 's', 'e']) seriess = [] for _, row in tqdm(df.iterrows(), total=len(df)): pupil_area = row['pupil_area'] pupil_tpts = row['pupil_tpts'] # Get IMFs fs = 1 / np.diff(pupil_tpts).mean() hht = HHT(pupil_area, fs) hht.emd() hht.hsa() f_bins, psd = fft_psd(pupil_area, hht.fs) hht_psd = hht.marginal_spectrum(f_bins=f_bins) frequencies = hht.characteristic_frequency.copy() powers = hht.power_ratio.copy() run_ranges = row['pupil_tpts'].searchsorted(row['run_bouts']) run_psd = hht.marginal_spectrum(f_bins=f_bins, ranges=run_ranges) sit_ranges = row['pupil_tpts'].searchsorted(row['sit_bouts']) sit_psd = hht.marginal_spectrum(f_bins=f_bins, ranges=sit_ranges) #tranges = np.array([[0, int(len(pupil_tpts) / 2)]]) #half1_psd = hht.marginal_spectrum(f_bins=f_bins, ranges=tranges) #tranges = np.array([[int(len(pupil_tpts) / 2), len(pupil_tpts)]]) #half2_psd = hht.marginal_spectrum(f_bins=f_bins, ranges=tranges) hht.check_number_of_phasebin_visits(ncycles=NIMFCYCLES, remove_invalid=True) pbi = np.full(hht.n_imfs, np.nan) cycle_tranges = [] for i, phase in enumerate(hht.phase.T): # Get phase bias index counts, _ = circhist(phase) pbi[i] = (counts.max() - counts.min()) / counts.max() #phase_components = np.column_stack([np.cos(hht.phase), np.sin(hht.phase)]) #pca = PCA() #hht.pairwise_coherence() jpd, sync_kld, sync_p, sync_masks, sync_ranges = hht.phase_synchrony() # Take ranges only for non-uniform distrbutions #ranges = merge_ranges(np.concatenate(sync_ranges[sync_p <= 0.05])) #synchronous_bouts = pupil_tpts[ranges] sync_boutss = [] desync_boutss = [] for i, (ranges, ps) in enumerate(zip(sync_ranges, sync_p)): bouts = ranges[ps <= 0.05] # take only if overall distribution is significant #bouts = np.delete(ranges, i) # take all (except self) if len(bouts) > 0: sync_bouts = merge_ranges(np.concatenate(bouts)) desync_bouts = switch_ranges(sync_bouts, maxval=(hht.n_samples - 1)) sync_bouts = pupil_tpts[sync_bouts] desync_bouts = pupil_tpts[desync_bouts] sync_boutss.append(sync_bouts) desync_boutss.append(desync_bouts) # Get pupil size matched time ranges for each IMF pupilarea_norm = pupil_area / pupil_area.max() phase_bins = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 5) phase_nbins = len(phase_bins) - 1 size_bins = np.linspace(0, 1, 11) unmatched_means, matched_means = np.full((2, hht.n_imfs, phase_nbins, phase_nbins), np.nan) matched_ranges = [] # loop over IMFs for imf_i, imf_phase in enumerate(hht.phase.T): phase_binned = np.digitize(imf_phase, phase_bins).clip(1, phase_nbins) - 1 phasebin_ranges = [zero_runs(~np.equal(phase_binned, phase_bin)) for phase_bin in np.arange(phase_nbins)] unmatched_dists = [np.concatenate([pupilarea_norm[i0:i1] for i0, i1 in ranges]) for ranges in phasebin_ranges] matched_ranges_imf = match_distributions(imf_phase, pupilarea_norm, phase_bins, size_bins) matched_ranges.append(pupil_tpts[np.concatenate(matched_ranges_imf).clip(0, len(pupil_tpts) - 1).astype(int)]) matched_dists = [np.concatenate([pupilarea_norm[i0:i1] for i0, i1 in ranges]) if len(ranges) > 0 else np.array([]) for ranges in matched_ranges_imf] for i in np.arange(phase_nbins): for j in np.arange(phase_nbins): if j > i: unmatched_means[imf_i, i, j] = unmatched_dists[i].mean() - unmatched_dists[j].mean() matched_means[imf_i, i, j] = matched_dists[i].mean() - matched_dists[j].mean() nosaccade_ranges = [] saccades = pupil_tpts.searchsorted(row['saccade_times']) for imf_i, imf_phase in enumerate(hht.phase.T): phase_binned = np.digitize(imf_phase, phase_bins).clip(1, phase_nbins) - 1 phasebin_ranges = [zero_runs(~np.equal(phase_binned, phase_bin)) for phase_bin in np.arange(phase_nbins)] ranges2keep = [~tranges_with_events(ranges, saccades) for ranges in phasebin_ranges] phasebin_ranges = np.concatenate([pupil_tpts.searchsorted(ranges[keep]) for ranges, keep in zip(phasebin_ranges, ranges2keep)]) nosaccade_ranges.append(phasebin_ranges) data = { 'm': row['m'], 's': row['s'], 'e': row['e'], 'condition': args.e_name, 't0': pupil_tpts[0], 't1': pupil_tpts[-1], 'segment_length': pupil_tpts[-1] - pupil_tpts[0], 'frequency': frequencies, 'power': powers, 'hht_psd': hht_psd, 'fft_psd': psd, 'psd_freq': f_bins, 'run_psd': run_psd, 'sit_psd': sit_psd, #'half1_psd': half1_psd, #'half2_psd': half2_psd, 'pbi': pbi, #'pc_variance':pca.explained_variance_ratio_, #'coherence': hht.coherence, #'phasediff': hht.phasediff, 'sync_p': sync_p, 'sync_kld': sync_kld, 'sync_bouts': sync_boutss, 'desync_bouts': desync_boutss, 'sizematched_bouts': matched_ranges, 'unmatched_meansize': unmatched_means, 'matched_meansize': matched_means, 'nosaccade_bouts': nosaccade_ranges } seriess.append(pd.Series(data=data)) df_hht = pd.DataFrame(seriess) df_hht.to_pickle(DATAPATH + 'hht_{}.pkl'.format(args.e_name))