# Duration reproduction data under varying volatility for individuals with ASD and TD authors: Z. Shi, F. Allenmark, L. Theisinger, R. Pistorius, S. Glasauer, H. Müller, C. Falter-Wagner ## Folder Structure 1. `/experiments`: Experimental codes and instructions This sub-folder contains Matlab codes and instructions for the duration reproduction task. The sequences of the duration reproductions are stored in the sub-folder `/experiments/seqs`. Those sequences were used for matched participants. 2. `/data`: raw data files - `rawdata.csv`: Raw reproduction trials - `parinfo.csv`: Participant information, including AQ, EQ, SQ, IQ etc. 3. `/figures`: figures generated by theh code. 4. `analysis-notebook.ipynb`: the main analysis code and report 5. `kmodelY.py`: the two-state iterative model used in the analysis