%% This script loads the file "abr_analysis_results.mat" from the same folder and plots the data % load the data %load('abr_deafening_results.mat') % generate plot titles titles={'< 2 weeks of age';'< 3 weeks of age';'6 months of age';'3 years of age'}; % plot bootstrap results and threshold figure, % for 24 subplots (i.e. 4 measurements per individual) for k=1:24 subplot(6,4,k), % plot all measurements that have a bootstrap results above 0.95 % confidence in green ph=plot(allCONFI(k).frequencies(find(allCONFI(k).confidences>0.95)),allCONFI(k).levels(find(allCONFI(k).confidences>0.95)),'ko'); set(ph,'markerfacecolor','g') hold on, % plot all measurements that have a bootstrap results below 0.95 % confidence as empty ph=plot(allCONFI(k).frequencies(find(allCONFI(k).confidences<=0.95)),allCONFI(k).levels(find(allCONFI(k).confidences<=0.95)),'ko'); % set plot limits set(gca,'xlim',[5 90],'ylim',[40 120],'ytick',[40:40:120],'xscale','log','xtick',[5 10 20 40 90]); hold on, % plot the audiogram threshold line plot(resultTHRES(k).uniqueFrequencies,resultTHRES(k).bootstrapThresholds,'-k','linewidth',2); % set x- and y-axis labels set(gca,'xtick',[5 10 20 50 90]) set(gca,'ytick',[40 80 120]) % add titles and axis labels to plot if k == 1 title(char(titles(k)),'FontSize',13); ylabel({['Deafened 1'] ; 'Level (dB SPL)' },'FontSize',11); elseif k==2 ||k==3|| k==4 title(char(titles(k)),'FontSize',13); elseif k == 5 ylabel({['Deafened 2'] ; 'Level (dB SPL)' },'FontSize',11); elseif k==9 ylabel({['Deafened 3'] ; 'Level (dB SPL)' },'FontSize',11); elseif k==13 ylabel({['Hearing 1'] ; 'Level (dB SPL)' },'FontSize',11); elseif k==17 ylabel({['Hearing 2'] ; 'Level (dB SPL)' },'FontSize',11); elseif k == 21 ylabel({['Hearing 3'] ; 'Level (dB SPL)' },'FontSize',11); xlabel('Frequency (kHz)','FontSize',11) elseif k == 22||k == 23||k == 24 xlabel('Frequency (kHz)','FontSize',11) end end