function [amplitudeArray, positionArray, widthArray, responseIndArray, ... categoryLabel] = getParamsArrayFromStimTable(StimTable, qualityMeasure) [fitParams, gof] = getFitParamsStructArrayFromTable(StimTable); % domain = StimTable.nonParamTuning{1}(1).domain; switch qualityMeasure case 'rSquare' responseIndArray = [gof.rsquare]; categoryLabel = 'Goodness of fit (r^2)'; case 'responseQuality' responseIndArray = getRoisFeaturePerChannel(StimTable.responseIndex); categoryLabel = 'Response quality index'; otherwise responseIndArray = getRoisFeaturePerChannel(StimTable.responseIndex); categoryLabel = 'Response quality index'; end % Rescale fit units to screen units. We just assume the 1 is screen start % and number of domain elements is the end. Multiply by 2 deg distance % between adjacent bar positions. For the width also multiply by a 2 deg % factor stimDegreeFactor = 2; amplitudeArray = fitParams.a1; positionArray = stimDegreeFactor * (fitParams.b1 - 1); widthArray = stimDegreeFactor * 2 * sqrt(log(2)) * fitParams.c1; % full-width half maximum conversion end