function varargout=shadedErrorBar(x,y,errBar,lineProps,transparent) % function H=shadedErrorBar(x,y,errBar,lineProps,transparent) % % Purpose % Makes a 2-d line plot with a pretty shaded error bar made % using patch. Error bar color is chosen automatically. % % Inputs % x - vector of x values [optional, can be left empty] % y - vector of y values or a matrix of n observations by m cases % where m has length(x); % errBar - if a vector we draw symmetric errorbars. If it has a size % of [2,length(x)] then we draw asymmetric error bars with % row 1 being the upper bar and row 2 being the lower bar % (with respect to y). ** alternatively ** errBar can be a % cellArray of two function handles. The first defines which % statistic the line should be and the second defines the % error bar. % lineProps - [optional,'-k' by default] defines the properties of % the data line. e.g.: % 'or-', or {'-or','markerfacecolor',[1,0.2,0.2]} % transparent - [optional, 0 by default] if ==1 the shaded error % bar is made transparent, which forces the renderer % to be openGl. However, if this is saved as .eps the % resulting file will contain a raster not a vector % image. % % Outputs % H - a structure of handles to the generated plot objects. % % % Examples % y=randn(30,80); x=1:size(y,2); % shadedErrorBar(x,mean(y,1),std(y),'g'); % shadedErrorBar(x,y,{@median,@std},{'r-o','markerfacecolor','r'}); % shadedErrorBar([],y,{@median,@std},{'r-o','markerfacecolor','r'}); % % Overlay two transparent lines % y=randn(30,80)*10; x=(1:size(y,2))-40; % shadedErrorBar(x,y,{@mean,@std},'-r',1); % hold on % y=ones(30,1)*x; y=y+0.06*y.^2+randn(size(y))*10; % shadedErrorBar(x,y,{@mean,@std},'-b',1); % hold off % % % Rob Campbell - November 2009 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Error checking error(nargchk(3,5,nargin)) %Process y using function handles if needed to make the error bar %dynamically if iscell(errBar) fun1=errBar{1}; fun2=errBar{2}; errBar=fun2(y); y=fun1(y); else y=y(:)'; end if isempty(x) x=1:length(y); else x=x(:)'; end %Make upper and lower error bars if only one was specified if length(errBar)==length(errBar(:)) errBar=repmat(errBar(:)',2,1); else s=size(errBar); f=find(s==2); if isempty(f), error('errBar has the wrong size'), end if f==2, errBar=errBar'; end end if length(x) ~= length(errBar) error('length(x) must equal length(errBar)') end %Set default options defaultProps={'-k'}; if nargin<4, lineProps=defaultProps; end if isempty(lineProps), lineProps=defaultProps; end if ~iscell(lineProps), lineProps={lineProps}; end if nargin<5, transparent=0; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Plot to get the parameters of the line H.mainLine=plot(x,y,lineProps{:}); % Work out the color of the shaded region and associated lines % Using alpha requires the render to be openGL and so you can't % save a vector image. On the other hand, you need alpha if you're % overlaying lines. There we have the option of choosing alpha or a % de-saturated solid colour for the patch surface . col=get(H.mainLine,'color'); edgeColor=col+(1-col)*0.55; patchSaturation=0.15; %How de-saturated or transparent to make patch if transparent faceAlpha=patchSaturation; patchColor=col; set(gcf,'renderer','openGL') else faceAlpha=1; patchColor=col+(1-col)*(1-patchSaturation); set(gcf,'renderer','painters') end %Calculate the error bars uE=y+errBar(1,:); lE=y-errBar(2,:); %Add the patch error bar holdStatus=ishold; if ~holdStatus, hold on, end %Make the patch yP=[lE,fliplr(uE)]; xP=[x,fliplr(x)]; %remove nans otherwise patch won't work xP(isnan(yP))=[]; yP(isnan(yP))=[]; H.patch=patch(xP,yP,1,'facecolor',patchColor,... 'edgecolor','none',... 'facealpha',faceAlpha); %Make pretty edges around the patch. H.edge(1)=plot(x,lE,'-','color',edgeColor); H.edge(2)=plot(x,uE,'-','color',edgeColor); %Now replace the line (this avoids having to bugger about with z coordinates) delete(H.mainLine) H.mainLine=plot(x,y,lineProps{:}); if ~holdStatus, hold off, end if nargout==1 varargout{1}=H; end