close all; clear all; clc; %% Define search path. parentDir = fileparts(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'))); saveFolder = [parentDir filesep 'data']; load([saveFolder filesep 'Fig7-Tm9CDM-processedTableWithoutBackgroundOnOff'], 'ProcessedTable'); %% figDir = [parentDir filesep 'figures' filesep 'Fig7' filesep]; if ~exist(figDir, 'dir'); mkdir(figDir); end %% % Stimuli of interest. stimSetCellStr = getStimSetCellStr(2); % Check only bars. nStims = 5; stimSetCellStr = stimSetCellStr(1: nStims); %% Split table into cell types. tokens = arrayfun(@(x) regexp(x, '.*Tm(\d).*', 'tokens'), ProcessedTable.timeSeriesPath); cellTypeNumArray = cellfun(@(x) str2num(x{1}{1}), tokens); cellTypeNum = unique(cellTypeNumArray); for iNeuron = 1: numel(cellTypeNum) StimTableNeuronCell{iNeuron} = ProcessedTable(cellTypeNumArray == cellTypeNum(iNeuron), :); end %% stimInd = 1; nStims = numel(stimSetCellStr); for iNeuron = 1: numel(cellTypeNum) for jStim = 1: nStims StimTableNeuronStim{iNeuron, jStim} = getStimSubsetTable(StimTableNeuronCell{iNeuron}, stimSetCellStr, jStim); end end for iFly = 1: numel(unique(ProcessedTable.flyInd)) flyInds = ProcessedTable.flyInd == iFly; flyStims = ProcessedTable(flyInds, :).stimParamFileName; % Find if stim is within the chosen subset. flyStimInds{iFly} = (cellfun(@(x) find(strcmp(x, stimSetCellStr)), flyStims, 'uni', 0)); % If it contains stimuli, check that it includes the 5 chosen. if ~isempty(flyStimInds{iFly}) setDiff{iFly} = setdiff(1: nStims, [flyStimInds{iFly}{:}]); else setDiff{iFly} = -1; end % For flies with all chosen stimuli order the table accordingly. if isempty(setDiff{iFly}) sortFlyIndsTemp = find(flyInds); [~, sortInd] = sort([flyStimInds{iFly}{:}]); sortFlyInds{iFly} = sortFlyIndsTemp(sortInd); end end StimOrderedTable = ProcessedTable(vec(cat(1, sortFlyInds{:})), :); %% %% Split table into cell types. tokens = arrayfun(@(x) regexp(x, '.*Tm(\d).*plus(.*CDM)', 'tokens'), StimOrderedTable.timeSeriesPath); tokens = cellfun(@(x) [x{1}{:}], tokens, 'uni', 0); cellTypeNum = unique(tokens); for iNeuron = 1: numel(cellTypeNum) StimTableNeuronCell{iNeuron} = StimOrderedTable(strcmp(tokens, cellTypeNum(iNeuron)), :); end %% nStims = numel(stimSetCellStr); for iNeuron = 1: numel(cellTypeNum) for jStim = 1: nStims StimTableNeuronStim{iNeuron, jStim} = getStimSubsetTable(StimTableNeuronCell{iNeuron}, stimSetCellStr, jStim); end end %% % Maybe this should get its own file doFit = 0; if doFit flyFits = fitDifferenceOfGaussiansFromNeuronStimTables(StimTableNeuronStim); save([dataSaveFolder 'DoGFitsTm9TestFminCon'], 'flyFits', '-v7.3'); end %% load([saveFolder filesep 'Fig7-Tm9CDM-DoGFitsTm9TestFminCon'], 'flyFits'); %% From DoG if size(flyFits, 2) == 5 flyFits(:, 1, :) = []; end cdm = squeeze(flyFits(1, :, :)); noCdm = squeeze(flyFits(2, :, :)); cdm(:, all(cellfun(@isempty, cdm))) = []; noCdm(:, all(cellfun(@isempty, noCdm))) = []; %% Bad chunk of code to try to align data structure of main analysis with the % new Diff of Gaussians fit structure. rSqThresh = 0; respIndThresh = 0.5; iInd = 1; clear roisToRemoveInd for iNeuron = [2, 1] % first control then cdm StimTableCell = StimTableNeuronStim(iNeuron, 2: end); [tcArrayCell, responseIndArrayCell, rSquareArrayCell, fitParamsCell, ... flyIndsCell, tcExtCellArray, tcArgExtCellArray, roisToRemoveIndTmp] = ... getStimArraysForSameRois(StimTableCell, 1); roisToRemoveInd{iInd} = roisToRemoveIndTmp; validIndsCell{iInd} = cellfun(@(x, y) x(:) > rSqThresh & y(:) > respIndThresh, ... rSquareArrayCell, responseIndArrayCell, 'uni', 0)'; iInd = iInd + 1; end [flyDelInd, stimDelInd] = cellfun(@(x) ind2sub(size(x), ... find(~cellfun(@isempty, x))), ... roisToRemoveInd, 'uni', 0); %% for control genotypeInd = 1; roiDelInds = roisToRemoveInd{genotypeInd}; delIndsPerFly = {}; for iRoi = 1: numel(flyDelInd{genotypeInd}) delInds = roiDelInds{flyDelInd{genotypeInd}(iRoi), ... stimDelInd{genotypeInd}(iRoi)}{1}; delIndsPerFly{flyDelInd{genotypeInd}(iRoi)} = []; delIndsPerFly{flyDelInd{genotypeInd}(iRoi)} = [delIndsPerFly{flyDelInd{genotypeInd}(iRoi)}, delInds]; end for iFly = 1: numel(delIndsPerFly) if ~isempty(delIndsPerFly{iFly}) for jStim = 1: size(noCdm, 1) tmp = noCdm{jStim, iFly}; tmp(unique(delIndsPerFly{iFly})) = []; noCdm{jStim, iFly} = tmp; end end end %% for cdm clear delIndsPerFly genotypeInd = 2; roiDelInds = roisToRemoveInd{genotypeInd}; delIndsPerFly = {}; for iRoi = 1: numel(flyDelInd{genotypeInd}) delInds = roiDelInds{flyDelInd{genotypeInd}(iRoi), ... stimDelInd{genotypeInd}(iRoi)}{1}; delIndsPerFly{flyDelInd{genotypeInd}(iRoi)} = []; delIndsPerFly{flyDelInd{genotypeInd}(iRoi)} = [delIndsPerFly{flyDelInd{genotypeInd}(iRoi)}, delInds]; end for iFly = 1: numel(delIndsPerFly) if ~isempty(delIndsPerFly{iFly}) for jStim = 1: size(cdm, 1) tmp = cdm{jStim, iFly}; tmp(unique(delIndsPerFly{iFly})) = []; cdm{jStim, iFly} = tmp; end end end %% % reviewer #1 analysis by fly % this method is not aligned with the new fit structure, but the structure % is separated by flies already so we can recreate the indices. % the minux is to exclude the background roi. flyIndsCdm = repelem(1: size(cdm, 2), cellfun(@numel, cdm(1, :)) - 1); flyIndsNoCdm = repelem(1: size(noCdm, 2), cellfun(@numel, noCdm(1, :)) - 1); %% [Amp, Pos, Sigma, RSq, baseline] = deal(cell(1, 2)); [Amp{1}, Pos{1}, Sigma{1}, RSq{1}, baseline{1}] = parseFitParams(noCdm); [Amp{2}, Pos{2}, Sigma{2}, RSq{2}, baseline{2}] = parseFitParams(cdm); centerSurround = cellfun(@(x, y) x ./ y, Amp{1}.center, Amp{1}.surround, 'uni', 0); %% allAmpCenter = cellfun(@(x) cell2mat(, Amp, 'uni', 0); allAmpSurround = cellfun(@(x) cell2mat(x.surround), Amp, 'uni', 0); allAmpCenterSurround = cellfun(@(x, y) x ./ y, allAmpCenter, allAmpSurround, 'uni', 0); if any(~cellfun(@isnan, baseline)) allAmpBaseline = cellfun(@(x) cell2mat(x), baseline, 'uni', 0); end allRSq = cellfun(@cell2mat, RSq, 'uni', 0); %% minOffRSq = cellfun(@(x) min(x(1:2, :)), allRSq, 'uni', 0); minOnRSq = cellfun(@(x) min(x(3:4, :)), allRSq, 'uni', 0); minAllRSq = cellfun(@min, allRSq, 'uni', 0); %% respIndThresh = 0.5; % thresholdRSq = 0.2; thresholdRSq = -20; goodCells = cellfun(@(x) x > thresholdRSq, minAllRSq, 'uni', 0); %% This is to plot matching RFs to dog fit % plotRFsAlignedWithFitGenotypes(StimTableNeuronStim([2, 1], 2: end), 0, 0.5, figDir, [cellTypeStr{[2, 1]}]); [offX, offY, onX, onY] = deal(cell(size(StimTableNeuronStim, 1), 1)); validIndsCellTmp = goodCells([2, 1]); % flip from (noCDM, CDM) to conserve original order in table (CDM, noCDM). for iNeuron = [2, 1] % 2: noCDM, 1: CDM, thus offX = [cdm, noCDM] StimTableCell = StimTableNeuronStim(iNeuron, 2: end); % Overwrite the gauss1 rsquare with gauss2 rsquare. [tcArrayCell, responseIndArrayCell, ~, fitParamsCell, ... flyIndsCell, tcExtCellArray, tcArgExtCellArray] = getStimArraysForSameRois(StimTableCell); % Align to fit posCell = cellfun(@(x) arrayfun(@(y) y.b1, x, 'uni', 0), fitParamsCell, 'uni', 1); lagsCell = cellfun(@(x, y) round(x - size(y, 2) / 2), posCell, tcArrayCell, 'uni', 0); barRFs = cellfun(@(x, y) alignRFsToAbsMax(x, 0, y'), tcArrayCell, lagsCell, 'uni', 0); %% Blank epoch was already deleted, now delete vertical bars on edges of screen. barRFs{2}(:, end-1: end) = []; barRFs{4}(:, end-1: end) = []; barRFs{2}(:, 1: 2) = []; barRFs{4}(:, 1: 2) = []; %% % Include the response quality index. validRespInds = all(cat(2, responseIndArrayCell{:}) > respIndThresh, 2)'; offX{iNeuron} = barRFs{1}(validIndsCellTmp{iNeuron} & validRespInds, :); offY{iNeuron} = barRFs{2}(validIndsCellTmp{iNeuron} & validRespInds, :); onX{iNeuron} = barRFs{3}(validIndsCellTmp{iNeuron} & validRespInds, :); onY{iNeuron} = barRFs{4}(validIndsCellTmp{iNeuron} & validRespInds, :); validRespIndsCell{iNeuron} = validRespInds; end % Include the response quality index goodCells = cellfun(@(x, y) x & y, goodCells, validRespIndsCell([2, 1]), 'uni', 0); %% [offX{cellfun(@isempty, offX)}] = deal(zeros(1, size(offX{find(cellfun(@isempty, offX)==0, 1)}, 2))); [offY{cellfun(@isempty, offY)}] = deal(zeros(1, size(offY{find(cellfun(@isempty, offY)==0, 1)}, 2))); [onX{cellfun(@isempty, onX)}] = deal(zeros(1, size(onX{find(cellfun(@isempty, onX)==0, 1)}, 2))); [onY{cellfun(@isempty, onY)}] = deal(zeros(1, size(onY{find(cellfun(@isempty, onY)==0, 1)}, 2))); %% Plot selected rf traces for figure 7a-b cellTypeStr = {'CDM', 'noCDM'}; plotLasagnaRFs(offX([2, 1]), offY([2, 1]), 'OFF', figDir, [cellTypeStr{[2, 1]}]); plotLasagnaRFs(onX([2, 1]), onY([2, 1]), 'ON', figDir, [cellTypeStr{[2, 1]}]); %% Export data from figure 7a-b dataFileName = [figDir filesep 'Fig7.xls']; stimNameStrCell = {'_OFF_horizontal_position_deg', '_OFF_vertical_position_deg', ... '_ON_horizontal_position_deg', '_ON_vertical_position_deg'}; cellTypeStr = {'CDM', 'Control'}; receptiveFields = [offX(1) offY(1) onX(1) onY(1); offX(2) offY(2) onX(2) onY(2)]; startRow = 1; sheetName = ['Fig7ab']; for iCellType = 1: numel(cellTypeStr) for iStim = 1: 4 parameterLabel = [cellTypeStr{iCellType} stimNameStrCell{iStim}]; DataTable = createRFsTable(receptiveFields{iCellType, iStim}, parameterLabel); writetable(DataTable, dataFileName, 'Sheet', sheetName, 'Range', ['A' num2str(startRow)]); startRow = startRow + size(DataTable, 1) + 2; end end %% For reviewer #1 comment 19. Plotting traces with different normalizations. % this normalizes each tuning curve, so width differences are highlighted % regardless of amplitude differences between conditions. % normalize to peak and smooth and normalize again. maxAbsNorm = @(x, dim) x ./ max(abs(x), [], dim); maxNorm = @(x, dim) x ./ max(x, [], dim); minNorm = @(x, dim) x ./ -min(x, [], dim); rangeNorm = @(x, dim) x ./ range(x, dim); maxNormRFs = cellfun(@(x) maxNorm(x, 2), [offX, offY], 'uni', 0); minNormRFs = cellfun(@(x) minNorm(x, 2), [onX, onY], 'uni', 0); [normOffX, normOffY, normOnX, normOnY] = deal(maxNormRFs([2, 1], 1), maxNormRFs([2, 1], 2), ... minNormRFs([2, 1], 1), minNormRFs([2, 1], 2)); plotLasagnaRFs(normOffX, normOffY, 'OFF', figDir, [cellTypeStr{[2, 1]} '-maxMinNorm']); plotLasagnaRFs(normOnX, normOnY, 'ON', figDir, [cellTypeStr{[2, 1]} '-maxMinNorm']); rangeNormRFs = cellfun(@(x) rangeNorm(x, 2), [offX, offY, onX, onY], 'uni', 0); [normOffX, normOffY, normOnX, normOnY] = deal(rangeNormRFs([2, 1], 1), rangeNormRFs([2, 1], 2), ... rangeNormRFs([2, 1], 3), rangeNormRFs([2, 1], 4)); plotLasagnaRFs(normOffX, normOffY, 'OFF', figDir, [cellTypeStr{[2, 1]} '-rangeNorm']); plotLasagnaRFs(normOnX, normOnY, 'ON', figDir, [cellTypeStr{[2, 1]} '-rangeNorm']); %% Actually quantification is averaging over orientations, so let's plot those normOff = cellfun(@(x, y) (x + y) / 2, normOffX, normOffY, 'uni', 0); normOn = cellfun(@(x, y) (x + y) / 2, normOnX, normOnY, 'uni', 0); plotLasagnaRFs(normOff, normOn, 'ONOFF', figDir, [cellTypeStr{[2, 1]} '-rangeNorm-meanXY']); %% offAmpCenter = cellfun(@(x, y) mean(x(1:2, y)), allAmpCenter, goodCells, 'uni', 0); offAmpSurround = cellfun(@(x, y) mean(x(1:2, y)), allAmpSurround, goodCells, 'uni', 0); onAmpCenter = cellfun(@(x, y) mean(x(3:4, y)), allAmpCenter, goodCells, 'uni', 0); onAmpSurround = cellfun(@(x, y) mean(x(3:4, y)), allAmpSurround, goodCells, 'uni', 0); %% sigma2fwhmFactor = 2 * 2 * sqrt(log(2)); allWidthCenter = cellfun(@(x) cell2mat( * sigma2fwhmFactor, Sigma, 'uni', 0); allWidthSurround = cellfun(@(x) cell2mat(x.surround) * sigma2fwhmFactor, Sigma, 'uni', 0); % allWidthCenterSurround = cellfun(@(x, y) x ./ y, allWidthCenter, allWidthSurround, 'uni', 0); %% offWidthCenter = cellfun(@(x, y) mean(x(1:2, y)), allWidthCenter, goodCells, 'uni', 0); offWidthSurround = cellfun(@(x, y) mean(x(1:2, y)), allWidthSurround, goodCells, 'uni', 0); onWidthCenter = cellfun(@(x, y) mean(x(3:4, y)), allWidthCenter, goodCells, 'uni', 0); onWidthSurround = cellfun(@(x, y) mean(x(3:4, y)), allWidthSurround, goodCells, 'uni', 0); %% Start plotting flyIndsCell = {flyIndsNoCdm, flyIndsCdm}; goodFlyIndsCell = cellfun(@(x, y) x(y), flyIndsCell, goodCells, 'uni', 0); offWidthCenterFlyMeans = cellfun(@(x, y, z) accumarray(x(z)', y, [], @mean), ... flyIndsCell, offWidthCenter, goodCells, ... 'uni', 0); offWidthSurroundFlyMeans = cellfun(@(x, y, z) accumarray(x(z)', y, [], @mean), ... flyIndsCell, offWidthSurround, goodCells, ... 'uni', 0); onWidthCenterFlyMeans = cellfun(@(x, y, z) accumarray(x(z)', y, [], @mean), ... flyIndsCell, onWidthCenter, goodCells, ... 'uni', 0); onWidthSurroundFlyMeans = cellfun(@(x, y, z) accumarray(x(z)', y, [], @mean), ... flyIndsCell, onWidthSurround, goodCells, ... 'uni', 0); offAmpCenterFlyMeans = cellfun(@(x, y, z) accumarray(x(z)', y, [], @mean), ... flyIndsCell, offAmpCenter, goodCells, ... 'uni', 0); offAmpSurroundFlyMeans = cellfun(@(x, y, z) accumarray(x(z)', y, [], @mean), ... flyIndsCell, offAmpSurround, goodCells, ... 'uni', 0); onAmpCenterFlyMeans = cellfun(@(x, y, z) accumarray(x(z)', y, [], @mean), ... flyIndsCell, onAmpCenter, goodCells, ... 'uni', 0); onAmpSurroundFlyMeans = cellfun(@(x, y, z) accumarray(x(z)', y, [], @mean), ... flyIndsCell, onAmpSurround, goodCells, ... 'uni', 0); emptyFlyInds = cellfun(@(x, y) find(accumarray(x(y)', 1) == 0), flyIndsCell, goodCells, 'uni', 0); % Remove empty flies form array for plotting and quantification. for iNeuron = 1: 2 onAmpCenterFlyMeans{iNeuron}(emptyFlyInds{iNeuron}) = []; offAmpCenterFlyMeans{iNeuron}(emptyFlyInds{iNeuron}) = []; onAmpSurroundFlyMeans{iNeuron}(emptyFlyInds{iNeuron}) = []; offAmpSurroundFlyMeans{iNeuron}(emptyFlyInds{iNeuron}) = []; end %% Plot amplitudes of center vs surround. Figure 7e clear hSubAx hFig = createPrintFig(10 * [3/2 1/2]); % suptitle('Receptive field amplitude of center vs surround') hSubAx(1) = subplot(1, 3, 1); scatter(offAmpCenter{1}, offAmpSurround{1}, 50, 'filled', 'MarkerFaceAlpha', 0.5) hold on scatter(offAmpCenter{2}, offAmpSurround{2}, 50, 'filled', 'MarkerFaceAlpha', 0.5) lsline % refline(-1, 0) axis equal square title('OFF RF Amplitude') xlabel('Center (\Delta F / F_0)') ylabel('Surround (\Delta F / F_0)') legend({'Control', 'CDM'}, 'Location', 'southwest') hSubAx(2) = subplot(1, 3, 2); scatter(onAmpCenter{1}, onAmpSurround{1}, 50, 'filled', 'MarkerFaceAlpha', 0.5) hold on scatter(onAmpCenter{2}, onAmpSurround{2}, 50, 'filled', 'MarkerFaceAlpha', 0.5) lsline % refline(-1, 0) axis equal square title('ON RF Amplitude') hSubAx(3) = subplot(1, 3, 3); scatter(onAmpCenter{1}, onAmpSurround{1}, 50, 'filled', 'MarkerFaceAlpha', 0.5) hold on scatter(onAmpCenter{2}, onAmpSurround{2}, 50, 'filled', 'MarkerFaceAlpha', 0.5) lsline % refline(-1, 0) axis equal square xlim([-0.7 -0.2]); ylim([0 0.5]); title('ON RF Amplitude') arrayfun(@prettifyAxes, hSubAx); setFontForThesis(hSubAx, hFig); % figDir = 'P:\Documents\Figures\Paper\Tm9\CDM\'; figFileName = ['CenterSurround-Amp-Scatter']; set(gcf,'renderer','painters') % set(gcf, 'PaperPositionMode', 'auto'); print(hFig, [figDir figFileName '.pdf'], '-dpdf') %% Correlations for figure 7e [offAmpCorr, offAmpCorrP] = cellfun(@(x, y) corr(x(:), y(:)), ... offAmpCenter, offAmpSurround, 'uni', 1); [onAmpCorr, onAmpCorrP] = cellfun(@(x, y) corr(x(:), y(:)), ... onAmpCenter, onAmpSurround, 'uni', 1); % Bootstrap CI [offAmpCorrCI, offAmpCorrs] = cellfun(@(x, y) bootci(1000, @corr, x(:), y(:)), ... offAmpCenter, offAmpSurround, 'uni', 0); [onAmpCorrCI, onAmpCorrs] = cellfun(@(x, y) bootci(1000, @corr, x(:), y(:)), ... onAmpCenter, onAmpSurround, 'uni', 0); offAmpCorrCIArray = cat(2, offAmpCorrCI{:}) % each column is one condition offAmpCorrsArray = cellfun(@mean, offAmpCorrs) onAmpCorrCIArray = cat(2, onAmpCorrCI{:}) % each column is one condition onAmpCorrsArray = cellfun(@mean, onAmpCorrs) %% Export data for figure 7e. sheetName = ['Fig7e']; startRow = 1; conditionStrCell = {'Tm9_Control', 'Tm9_CDM'}; varNames = {[conditionStrCell{1} '_OFF_RF_Center_Amplitude_dF_F0'], ... [conditionStrCell{1} '_OFF_RF_Surround_Amplitude_dF_F0'], ... [conditionStrCell{2} '_OFF_RF_Center_Amplitude_dF_F0'], ... [conditionStrCell{2} '_OFF_RF_Surround_Amplitude_dF_F0']}; DataTable = table(offAmpCenter{1}(:), offAmpSurround{1}(:), ... 'VariableNames', varNames(1: 2)); writetable(DataTable, dataFileName, 'Sheet', sheetName, 'Range', ['A' num2str(startRow)]); DataTable = table(offAmpCenter{2}(:), offAmpSurround{2}(:), ... 'VariableNames', varNames(3: 4)); writetable(DataTable, dataFileName, 'Sheet', sheetName, 'Range', ['D' num2str(startRow)]); startRow = max(cellfun(@numel, offAmpCenter)) + 3; conditionStrCell = {'Tm9_Control', 'Tm9_CDM'}; varNames = {[conditionStrCell{1} '_ON_RF_Center_Amplitude_dF_F0'], ... [conditionStrCell{1} '_ON_RF_Surround_Amplitude_dF_F0'], ... [conditionStrCell{2} '_ON_RF_Center_Amplitude_dF_F0'], ... [conditionStrCell{2} '_ON_RF_Surround_Amplitude_dF_F0']}; DataTable = table(onAmpCenter{1}(:), onAmpSurround{1}(:), ... 'VariableNames', varNames(1: 2)); writetable(DataTable, dataFileName, 'Sheet', sheetName, 'Range', ['A' num2str(startRow)]); DataTable = table(onAmpCenter{2}(:), onAmpSurround{2}(:), ... 'VariableNames', varNames(3: 4)); writetable(DataTable, dataFileName, 'Sheet', sheetName, 'Range', ['D' num2str(startRow)]); %% Same but per fly for revision hFig = createPrintFig(10 * [2/2 1/2]); % suptitle('Receptive field amplitude of center vs surround') hSubAx(1) = subplot(1, 2, 1); scatter(offAmpCenterFlyMeans{1}, offAmpSurroundFlyMeans{1}, 50, 'filled', 'MarkerFaceAlpha', 0.5) hold on scatter(offAmpCenterFlyMeans{2}, offAmpSurroundFlyMeans{2}, 50, 'filled', 'MarkerFaceAlpha', 0.5) lsline % refline(-1, 0) axis equal square title('OFF RF Amplitude') xlabel('Center (\Delta F / F_0)') ylabel('Surround (\Delta F / F_0)') legend({'Control', 'CDM'}, 'Location', 'southwest') hSubAx(2) = subplot(1, 2, 2); scatter(onAmpCenterFlyMeans{1}, onAmpSurroundFlyMeans{1}, 50, 'filled', 'MarkerFaceAlpha', 0.5) hold on scatter(onAmpCenterFlyMeans{2}, onAmpSurroundFlyMeans{2}, 50, 'filled', 'MarkerFaceAlpha', 0.5) lsline % refline(-1, 0) axis equal square title('ON RF Amplitude') arrayfun(@prettifyAxes, hSubAx); setFontForThesis(hSubAx, hFig); % figDir = 'P:\Documents\Figures\Paper\Tm9\CDM\'; figFileName = ['CenterSurround-Amp-Scatter-FlyMeans']; set(gcf,'renderer','painters') % set(gcf, 'PaperPositionMode', 'auto'); print(hFig, [figDir figFileName '.pdf'], '-dpdf') %% RF params stats from DoG fits paramsToTest = {offAmpCenter, offAmpSurround, onAmpCenter, onAmpSurround, ... offWidthCenter, offWidthSurround, onWidthCenter, onWidthSurround}; %% nROIsPerFlyCell = cellfun(@(x) accumarray(x(:), 1), goodFlyIndsCell, 'uni', 0); % Delete flies with no rois to analyze. nROIsPerFlyCell{1}(nROIsPerFlyCell{1} == 0) = []; nROIsPerFlyCell{2}(nROIsPerFlyCell{2} == 0) = []; % generate continuos numbering. reorderedFlyIndsCell = cellfun(@(x) repelem(1: numel(x), x), nROIsPerFlyCell, 'uni', 0); % samples are cells, but we will permute all cells of a fly together. sample1 = 1: numel(nROIsPerFlyCell{1}); sample2 = numel(sample1) + (1: numel(nROIsPerFlyCell{2})); %% permutations = 10000; sidedness = 'both'; plotresult = 1; pVals = nan(1, numel(paramsToTest)); obsDiffs = nan(1, numel(paramsToTest)); for iParam = 1: numel(paramsToTest) % Permutation test needs row vectors paramsQuality = cellfun(@(x) x(:)', paramsToTest{iParam}, 'uni', 0); [obsDiffs(iParam), pVals(iParam)] = nestetPermutationTest(sample1, sample2, ... paramsQuality, reorderedFlyIndsCell, ... permutations, sidedness, plotresult); end %% Plotting RF params for figure 7c-d positiveSupport = [0-eps 10000]; negativeSupport = [-1000 0+eps]; hFig = createPrintFig(15 * [1/2 1/3]); colors = getONOFFXYColors; dark2 = brewermap(8, 'Dark2'); colors = dark2([3, 2], :); % stimCellStr = {'XOFF', 'YOFF', 'XON', 'YON'}; stimCellStr = {'Control', 'CDM'}; titleStrCell = {'OFF Center', 'Surround', 'ON Center', 'Surround'}; dataCell = {offAmpCenter, offAmpSurround, onAmpCenter, onAmpSurround}; supportCell = {positiveSupport, negativeSupport, negativeSupport, positiveSupport}; for iAx = 1: 4 hSubAx(iAx) = subplot(1, 4, iAx); title(titleStrCell{iAx}) beanPlot(dataCell{iAx}, stimCellStr, colors, 1, gca, supportCell{iAx}, 'vertical', 0); text(mean(xlim), 0.9 * getArrayElem(ylim, 2), ... sprintf('p = %1.1e', pVals(iAx)), 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center'); axis tight end % linkaxes(hSubAx(1:2), 'xy'); % linkaxes(hSubAx(3:4), 'xy'); ylabel(hSubAx(1), 'RF Amplitude (\Delta F/F_0)') hFig.Color = 'none'; set(hSubAx, 'Color', 'none'); arrayfun(@prettifyAxes, hSubAx) setFontForThesis(hSubAx, hFig); figFileName = ['CenterSurround-Amp-Bean']; set(gcf,'renderer','painters') print(hFig, [figDir figFileName '.pdf'], '-dpdf') hFig = createPrintFig(15 * [1/2 1/3]); dataCell = {offWidthCenter, offWidthSurround, onWidthCenter, onWidthSurround}; for iAx = 1: 4 hSubAx(iAx) = subplot(1, 4, iAx); title(titleStrCell{iAx}) beanPlot(dataCell{iAx}, stimCellStr, colors, 1, gca, positiveSupport, 'vertical', 0); text(mean(xlim), 0.9 * getArrayElem(ylim, 2), ... sprintf('p = %1.1e', pVals(iAx + 4)), 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center'); axis tight end % linkaxes(hSubAx(1:2), 'xy'); % linkaxes(hSubAx(3:4), 'xy'); ylabel(hSubAx(1), 'RF FWHM (deg)') hFig.Color = 'none'; set(hSubAx, 'Color', 'none'); arrayfun(@prettifyAxes, hSubAx) setFontForThesis(hSubAx, hFig); figFileName = ['CenterSurround-Width-Bean']; set(gcf,'renderer','painters') print(hFig, [figDir figFileName '.pdf'], '-dpdf') %% Export data for figure 7c-d dataCell = [offAmpCenter(:)', offAmpSurround(:)', onAmpCenter(:)', onAmpSurround(:)']; sheetName = ['Fig7cd']; startRow = 1; conditionStrCell = {'Tm9_Control', 'Tm9_CDM'}; varNames = {[conditionStrCell{1} '_OFF_RF_Center_Amplitude_dF_F0'], ... [conditionStrCell{2} '_OFF_RF_Center_Amplitude_dF_F0'], ... [conditionStrCell{1} '_OFF_RF_Surround_Amplitude_dF_F0'], ... [conditionStrCell{2} '_OFF_RF_Surround_Amplitude_dF_F0'], ... [conditionStrCell{1} '_ON_RF_Center_Amplitude_dF_F0'], ... [conditionStrCell{2} '_ON_RF_Center_Amplitude_dF_F0'], ... [conditionStrCell{1} '_ON_RF_Surround_Amplitude_dF_F0'], ... [conditionStrCell{2} '_ON_RF_Surround_Amplitude_dF_F0']}; capitalStr = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ'; % Export response amplitudes for iVar = 1: numel(dataCell) DataTable = table(dataCell{iVar}(:), 'VariableNames', varNames(iVar)); writetable(DataTable, dataFileName, 'Sheet', sheetName, ... 'Range', [capitalStr(iVar) num2str(startRow)]); end % Export FWHM dataCell = [offWidthCenter(:)', offWidthSurround(:)', onWidthCenter(:)', onWidthSurround(:)']; startRow = max(cellfun(@numel, offAmpCenter)) + 3; conditionStrCell = {'Tm9_Control', 'Tm9_CDM'}; varNames = {[conditionStrCell{1} '_OFF_RF_Center_FWHM_deg'], ... [conditionStrCell{2} '_OFF_RF_Center_FWHM_deg'], ... [conditionStrCell{1} '_OFF_RF_Surround_FWHM_deg'], ... [conditionStrCell{2} '_OFF_RF_Surround_FWHM_deg'], ... [conditionStrCell{1} '_ON_RF_Center_FWHM_deg'], ... [conditionStrCell{2} '_ON_RF_Center_FWHM_deg'], ... [conditionStrCell{1} '_ON_RF_Surround_FWHM_deg'], ... [conditionStrCell{2} '_ON_RF_Surround_FWHM_deg']}; capitalStr = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ'; % Export response amplitudes for iVar = 1: numel(dataCell) DataTable = table(dataCell{iVar}(:), 'VariableNames', varNames(iVar)); writetable(DataTable, dataFileName, 'Sheet', sheetName, ... 'Range', [capitalStr(iVar) num2str(startRow)]); end %% Export data for figure 7c-e stats dataCell = goodFlyIndsCell; sheetName = ['Fig7cd']; startRow = 2 * (max(cellfun(@numel, goodFlyIndsCell)) + 2) + 1; conditionStrCell = {'Tm9_Control', 'Tm9_CDM'}; varNames = {[conditionStrCell{1} '_Fly_Index'], ... [conditionStrCell{2} '_Fly_Index']}; capitalStr = 'ABCD'; % Export response amplitudes for iVar = 1: numel(dataCell) DataTable = table(dataCell{iVar}(:), 'VariableNames', varNames(iVar)); writetable(DataTable, dataFileName, 'Sheet', sheetName, ... 'Range', [capitalStr(iVar) num2str(startRow)]); end %% This is the single Gaussian fit version used for Supplementary figure 6. rSqThresh = -20; respIndThresh = 0.5; alignAll = true; [offX, offY, onX, onY] = deal(cell(size(StimTableNeuronStim([2, 1], 2: end), 1), 1)); jTmp = 1; for iNeuron = [2, 1] StimTableCell = StimTableNeuronStim(iNeuron, 2: end); [offX{jTmp}, offY{jTmp}, ... onX{jTmp}, onY{jTmp}] = getRFsAlignedWithFit(StimTableCell, ... rSqThresh, ... respIndThresh, alignAll); jTmp = jTmp + 1; end %% Inline from plotRFsAlignedWithFitGenotypes jTmp = 1; for iNeuron = [2, 1] StimTableCell = StimTableNeuronStim(iNeuron, 2: end); [~, responseIndArrayCell, rSquareArrayCell, fitParamsCell, ... flyIndsCell, ~, ~] = getStimArraysForSameRois(StimTableCell); % Align to fit widthCell{jTmp} = cellfun(@(x) arrayfun(@(y) 2 * (2 * sqrt(log(2))) * y.c1, x, 'uni', 0), ... fitParamsCell, 'uni', 1); % The 2 factor is because of bar separation. validIndsCell{jTmp} = cellfun(@(x, y) x(:) > rSqThresh & y(:) > respIndThresh, ... rSquareArrayCell, responseIndArrayCell, 'uni', 0)'; jTmp = jTmp + 1; end %% validOffInds = cellfun(@(x) x{1} & x{2}, validIndsCell, 'uni', 0); validOnInds = cellfun(@(x) x{3} & x{4}, validIndsCell, 'uni', 0); validAllInds = cellfun(@(x) x{1} & x{2} & x{3} & x{4}, validIndsCell, 'uni', 0); %% widthCell = cellfun(@(x) cat(1, x{:}), widthCell, 'uni', 0); %% xOFFWidth = cellfun(@(x, y) x(1, y), widthCell, validAllInds, 'uni', 0); yOFFWidth = cellfun(@(x, y) x(2, y), widthCell, validAllInds, 'uni', 0); xONWidth = cellfun(@(x, y) x(3, y), widthCell, validAllInds, 'uni', 0); yONWidth = cellfun(@(x, y) x(4, y), widthCell, validAllInds, 'uni', 0); allWidthsCell = {xOFFWidth, yOFFWidth, xONWidth, yONWidth}; %% for iW = 1: numel(allWidthsCell) allWidthsCell{iW}(cellfun(@isempty, allWidthsCell{iW}, 'uni', 1)) = {pi}; end %% offWidthCell = cellfun(@(x, y) (x + y) / 2, allWidthsCell{1}, allWidthsCell{2}, 'uni', 0); onWidthCell = cellfun(@(x, y) (x + y) / 2, allWidthsCell{2}, allWidthsCell{3}, 'uni', 0); %% Statistics % reviewer #1 analysis by fly % Number of ROIs differs across stimuli, but this has been accounted at % least for bars in getStimArraysForSameRois goodFlyIndsCell = cellfun(@(x, y) x(y), flyIndsCell(1: 2), validAllInds, 'uni', 0); nROIsPerFlyCell = cellfun(@(x) accumarray(x(:), 1), goodFlyIndsCell, 'uni', 0); % Delete flies with no rois to analyze. nROIsPerFlyCell{1}(nROIsPerFlyCell{1} == 0) = []; nROIsPerFlyCell{2}(nROIsPerFlyCell{2} == 0) = []; % generate continuos numbering. reorderedFlyIndsCell = cellfun(@(x) repelem(1: numel(x), x), nROIsPerFlyCell, 'uni', 0); % samples are cells, but we will permute all cells of a fly together. sample1 = 1: numel(nROIsPerFlyCell{1}); sample2 = numel(sample1) + (1: numel(nROIsPerFlyCell{2})); %% Statistics for supplementary figure 6b paramsCell = {offWidthCell, onWidthCell}; permutations = 10000; sidedness = 'both'; plotresult = 1; pVals = nan(1, numel(paramsCell)); obsDiffs = nan(1, numel(paramsCell)); for iParam = 1: numel(paramsCell) % Permutation test needs row vectors paramsQuality = cellfun(@(x) x(:)', paramsCell{iParam}, 'uni', 0); [obsDiffs(iParam), pVals(iParam)] = nestetPermutationTest(sample1, sample2, ... paramsQuality, reorderedFlyIndsCell, ... permutations, sidedness, plotresult); end %% Plot supplementary figure 6b hFig = createPrintFig(15 * [1/4 1/3]); colors = brewermap(4, 'Set1'); colors = colors([1, 2, 4, 3], :); hSubAx(1) = subplot(1, 2, 1); hWidthAx = beanPlot(offWidthCell, fliplr(cellTypeStr), colors, ... 1, gca, [0-eps 100], 'vertical', 0, 1, 0); text(mean(xlim), 0.9 * getArrayElem(ylim, 2), ... sprintf('p = %1.1e', pVals(1)), 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center'); hSubAx(2) = subplot(1, 2, 2); hWidthAx = beanPlot(onWidthCell, fliplr(cellTypeStr), colors, ... 1, gca, [0-eps 100], 'vertical', 0, 1, 0); text(mean(xlim), 0.9 * getArrayElem(ylim, 2), ... sprintf('p = %1.1e', pVals(2)), 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center'); axis(hSubAx(1), 'tight') axis(hSubAx(2), 'tight') % linkaxes(hSubAx, 'y'); setFontForThesis(hWidthAx, gcf); arrayfun(@prettifyAxes, hWidthAx) % arrayfun(@offsetAxes, hWidthAx) figFileName = ['RF-FWHM-XYMean-bean']; print(hFig, [figDir figFileName '.pdf'], '-dpdf') %% Export data for supplementary figure 6b dataCell = [offWidthCell(:)', onWidthCell(:)']; sheetName = ['SuppFig6b']; startRow = 1; conditionStrCell = {'Tm9_Control', 'Tm9_CDM'}; varNames = {[conditionStrCell{1} '_OFF_RF_Center_FWHM_deg'], ... [conditionStrCell{2} '_OFF_RF_Center_FWHM_deg'], ... [conditionStrCell{1} '_ON_RF_Center_FWHM_deg'], ... [conditionStrCell{2} '_ON_RF_Center_FWHM_deg']}; capitalStr = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ'; % Export response amplitudes for iVar = 1: numel(dataCell) DataTable = table(dataCell{iVar}(:), 'VariableNames', varNames(iVar)); writetable(DataTable, dataFileName, 'Sheet', sheetName, ... 'Range', [capitalStr(iVar) num2str(startRow)]); end %% Min max orientation mean maxAmpCell = cellfun(@(x) max(x, [], 2), [offX offY onX onY], 'uni', 0); minAmpCell = cellfun(@(x) min(x, [], 2), [offX offY onX onY], 'uni', 0); offMaxCell = cellfun(@(x, y) (x + y) / 2, maxAmpCell(:, 1), maxAmpCell(:, 2), 'uni', 0); onMaxCell = cellfun(@(x, y) (x + y) / 2, maxAmpCell(:, 3), maxAmpCell(:, 4), 'uni', 0); offMinCell = cellfun(@(x, y) (x + y) / 2, minAmpCell(:, 1), minAmpCell(:, 2), 'uni', 0); onMinCell = cellfun(@(x, y) (x + y) / 2, minAmpCell(:, 3), minAmpCell(:, 4), 'uni', 0); %% Statistics for supplementary figure 6a paramsCell = {offMaxCell, offMinCell, onMinCell, onMaxCell}; permutations = 10000; sidedness = 'both'; plotresult = 1; pVals = nan(1, numel(paramsCell)); obsDiffs = nan(1, numel(paramsCell)); for iParam = 1: numel(paramsCell) % Permutation test needs row vectors paramsQuality = cellfun(@(x) x(:)', paramsCell{iParam}, 'uni', 0); [obsDiffs(iParam), pVals(iParam)] = nestetPermutationTest(sample1, sample2, ... paramsQuality, reorderedFlyIndsCell, ... permutations, sidedness, plotresult); end %% Plot supplementary figure 6a hFig = createPrintFig(15 * [1/2 1/3]); colors = getONOFFXYColors; colors = lines(2); stimCellStr = {'Control', 'CDM'}; titleStrCell = {'OFF Max (center)', 'OFF Min (surround)', ... 'ON Min (center)', 'ON Max (surround)'}; positiveSupport = [0-eps 1000]; negativeSupport = [-1000 0-eps]; supportCell = {negativeSupport, positiveSupport}; supportInds = [2 1 1 2]; for iParam = 1: numel(paramsCell) hSubAx(iParam) = subplot(1, numel(paramsCell), iParam); title(titleStrCell{iParam}); beanPlot(paramsCell{iParam}, stimCellStr, colors, 1, gca, ... supportCell{supportInds(iParam)}, 'vertical', 0); text(mean(xlim), 0.9 * getArrayElem(ylim, 2), ... sprintf('p = %1.1e', pVals(iParam)), 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center'); axis tight end % linkaxes(hSubAx(1:2), 'xy'); % linkaxes(hSubAx(3:4), 'xy'); ylabel(hSubAx(1), 'RF max (\DeltaF/F_0)') % hFig.Color = 'none'; set(hSubAx, 'Color', 'none'); arrayfun(@prettifyAxes, hSubAx) setFontForThesis(hSubAx, hFig); figFileName = ['MaxMinAmp-XYMean-Bean']; set(gcf,'renderer','painters') print(hFig, [figDir figFileName '.pdf'], '-dpdf') %% Export data for supplementary figure 6b dataCell = [offMaxCell(:)', offMinCell(:)', onMinCell(:)', onMaxCell(:)']; sheetName = ['SuppFig6a']; startRow = 1; conditionStrCell = {'Tm9_Control', 'Tm9_CDM'}; varNames = {[conditionStrCell{1} '_OFF_RF_Maximum_Amplitude_dF_F0'], ... [conditionStrCell{2} '_OFF_RF_Maximum_Amplitude_dF_F0'], ... [conditionStrCell{1} '_OFF_RF_Minimum_Amplitude_dF_F0'], ... [conditionStrCell{2} '_OFF_RF_Minimum_Amplitude_dF_F0'], ... [conditionStrCell{1} '_ON_RF_Minimum_Amplitude_dF_F0'], ... [conditionStrCell{2} '_ON_RF_Minimum_Amplitude_dF_F0'], ... [conditionStrCell{1} '_ON_RF_Maximum_Amplitude_dF_F0'], ... [conditionStrCell{2} '_ON_RF_Maximum_Amplitude_dF_F0']}; capitalStr = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ'; % Export response amplitudes for iVar = 1: numel(dataCell) DataTable = table(dataCell{iVar}(:), 'VariableNames', varNames(iVar)); writetable(DataTable, dataFileName, 'Sheet', sheetName, ... 'Range', [capitalStr(iVar) num2str(startRow)]); end %% Data for figure 7f-g for iNeuron = 1: size(StimTableNeuronStim, 1) allOnOffTracesCell = cat(1, StimTableNeuronStim{iNeuron, 1}.paddedEpochStacks{:}); allOnOffTracesCell = cellfun(@(x) x', allOnOffTracesCell, 'uni', 0); allOffTraces = cat(1, allOnOffTracesCell{:, 1}); allOnTraces = cat(1, allOnOffTracesCell{:, 2}); allOnOffTracesArray = [allOffTraces allOnTraces]; allNeuronsOnOffTraces{iNeuron} = allOnOffTracesArray; end %% % reviewer #1 analysis by fly flyIndsCdm = repelem(1:size(StimTableNeuronStim{1, 1}), ... cellfun(@(x) size(x, 2), StimTableNeuronStim{1, 1}.responseIndex)); flyIndsNoCdm = repelem(1:size(StimTableNeuronStim{2, 1}), ... cellfun(@(x) size(x, 2), StimTableNeuronStim{2, 1}.responseIndex)); %% Plot figure 7g cellTypeStr = {'CDM', 'noCDM'}; desiredCellTypesStr = {'noCDM', 'CDM'}; cellTypeInds = cellfun(@(x) find(strcmp(cellTypeStr, x)), desiredCellTypesStr); % cellTypeInds = 1:2; out = getONOFFParamsFromTable(StimTableNeuronStim); paramsCell = {out.offMean, out.onMean, out.responseInd}; supportCell = {'unbounded', 'unbounded', [-1.01 1.01], [-1 1], [0 2], [-eps 2.01], [0 1]}; paramsNames = {'Mean OFF', 'Mean ON', 'Polarity index', 'Sustenance index', ... 'Half-rise time (s)', 'Time to extreme (s)', 'Response quality'}; qualityThreshold = 0.5; paramsCell = cellfun(@(x) x(cellTypeInds), paramsCell, 'uni', 0); colors = repmat([1 0.75 1] * 0.25, numel(cellTypeInds), 1); colors = lines(2); hFig = createPrintFig(15 * [1/3 1]); for iParam = 1: numel(paramsCell) - 1 hSubAx(iParam) = subplot(2, 1, iParam); title(paramsNames{iParam}); paramsQuality = cellfun(@(x, y) x(y > qualityThreshold), paramsCell{iParam}, paramsCell{end}, 'uni', 0); paramsToPlot = paramsQuality; % paramsToPlot = paramsCell{iParam}; if 1 beanPlot(paramsToPlot, desiredCellTypesStr, colors, 1, gca, ... supportCell{iParam}, 'vertical', 0, 0, 1); arrayfun(@prettifyAxes, gca); arrayfun(@offsetAxes, gca); setFontForThesis(gca, hFig) else boxInd = repelem(1:numel(paramsToPlot), cellfun(@numel, paramsToPlot)); boxplot(cat(2, paramsToPlot{:}), boxInd, 'Notch', 'on') end if numel(paramsToPlot) > 1 for jNeuron = 2: numel(paramsToPlot) [pVal(iParam, jNeuron - 1), ... obsDiff(iParam, jNeuron - 1)] = permutationTest(paramsToPlot{1}, ... paramsToPlot{jNeuron}, ... 50000, 'plotresult', 0); end end end setFontForThesis(gca, hFig) figFileName = ['OnOff-Params-']; set(gcf,'renderer','painters') % set(gcf, 'PaperPositionMode', 'auto'); print(hFig, [figDir figFileName '.pdf'], '-dpdf') print(hFig, [figDir figFileName '.png'], '-dpng', '-r300') %% Export data for figure 7g paramsQuality = arrayfun(@(z) cellfun(@(x, y) x(y > qualityThreshold), paramsCell{z}, paramsCell{end}, 'uni', 0), 1:2,'uni', 0); dataCell = [paramsQuality{1}(:)', paramsQuality{2}(:)']; sheetName = ['Fig7g']; startRow = 1; conditionStrCell = {'Tm9_Control', 'Tm9_CDM'}; varNames = {[conditionStrCell{1} '_OFF_Fullfield_Mean_Amplitude_dF_F0'], ... [conditionStrCell{2} '_OFF_Fullfield_Mean_Amplitude_dF_F0'], ... [conditionStrCell{1} '_ON_Fullfield_Mean_Amplitude_dF_F0'], ... [conditionStrCell{2} '_ON_Fullfield_Mean_Amplitude_dF_F0']}; capitalStr = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ'; % Export response amplitudes for iVar = 1: numel(dataCell) DataTable = table(dataCell{iVar}(:), 'VariableNames', varNames(iVar)); writetable(DataTable, dataFileName, 'Sheet', sheetName, ... 'Range', [capitalStr(iVar) num2str(startRow)]); end %% plot figure 7f onOffTraces = cellfun(@(x, y) x(y > qualityThreshold, :), ... allNeuronsOnOffTraces(cellTypeInds), out.responseInd(cellTypeInds), 'uni', 0); colors = repmat([1 0.75 1] * 0.25, numel(cellTypeStr), 1); % colors = brewermap(numel(desiredCellTypesStr), 'Dark2'); colors = brewermap([], 'Dark2'); colors = colors([8, (1: numel(cellTypeStr) - 1) + 3*0], :); % For cdm colors = lines(2); plotONOFFTracesFromCell(onOffTraces, desiredCellTypesStr, figDir, colors) %% Export data for figure 7f dataFileName = [figDir filesep 'Fig7.xls']; timePoints = (1: numel(onOffTraces{1}(1, :))) / 10; % Data interpolated at 10Hz sheetName = 'Fig7f'; stimNameStrCell = {'Tm9_Control_OFFON_fullfield_time_seconds', ... 'Tm9_CDM_OFFON_fullfield_time_seconds'}; startRow = 1; for iStim = 1: 2 DataTable = createRFsTable(onOffTraces{iStim}, stimNameStrCell{iStim}); DataTable(:, 1).(stimNameStrCell{iStim}) = timePoints(:); writetable(DataTable, dataFileName, 'Sheet', sheetName, 'Range', ['A' num2str(startRow)]); startRow = startRow + size(DataTable, 1) + 2; end %% More sophisticated test for reviewer #1 flyIndsCell = {flyIndsNoCdm flyIndsCdm}; goodFlyIndsCell = cellfun(@(x, y) x(y > qualityThreshold), flyIndsCell, paramsCell{end}, 'uni', 0); flyGroups = [goodFlyIndsCell{1} max(goodFlyIndsCell{1}) + goodFlyIndsCell{2}]; genotypeGroups = [repmat({'control'}, 1, numel(goodFlyIndsCell{1})) ... repmat({'cdm'}, 1, numel(goodFlyIndsCell{2}))]; groups = {genotypeGroups, flyGroups}; % I think the fly level is a random effect, right? pValsCell = cell(1, numel(paramsCell)); for iParam = 1: numel(paramsCell) paramsQuality = cellfun(@(x, y) x(y > qualityThreshold), paramsCell{iParam}, paramsCell{end}, 'uni', 0); [pValsCell{iParam}, ~, statsCell{iParam}] = ... anovan(cat(2, paramsQuality{:}), ... groups, ... 'nested',[0 0; 1 0], ... 'varnames', {'Genotype', 'Fly'}, ... 'random', [2], 'display', 'on'); end %% hFig = createPrintFig(10 * [1 1/2]); hIm = imagesc([], [1, 2], cat(2, pValsCell{:})); colormap([plasma; 0.5 0.5 0.5]); caxis([0 0.051]); set(gca, 'XTick', 1: numel(paramsNames), 'XTickLabels', paramsNames, 'XTickLabelRotation', 90); set(gca, 'YTick', [1 2], 'YTickLabels', {'Pooling across cells', 'Pooling across flies'}, ... 'XTickLabelRotation', 30) title('p-values from nested anova FFF'); colorbar; arrayfun(@prettifyAxes, gca) setFontForThesis(gca, hFig); figFileName = ['NestedAnova-pValues-ONOFF-FFF-']; set(gcf,'renderer','painters') print(hFig, [figDir figFileName '.pdf'], '-dpdf'); %% Still do the nested permutation nROIsPerFlyCell = cellfun(@(x) accumarray(x(:), 1), goodFlyIndsCell, 'uni', 0); % Delete flies with no rois to analyze. nROIsPerFlyCell{1}(nROIsPerFlyCell{1} == 0) = []; nROIsPerFlyCell{2}(nROIsPerFlyCell{2} == 0) = []; % generate continuos numbering. reorderedFlyIndsCell = cellfun(@(x) repelem(1: numel(x), x), nROIsPerFlyCell, 'uni', 0); % samples are cells, but we will permute all cells of a fly together. sample1 = 1: numel(nROIsPerFlyCell{1}); sample2 = numel(sample1) + (1: numel(nROIsPerFlyCell{2})); %% Statistics for figure 7g permutations = 10000; sidedness = 'both'; plotresult = 1; pVals = nan(1, numel(paramsCell)); obsDiffs = nan(1, numel(paramsCell)); for iParam = 1: numel(paramsCell) paramsQuality = cellfun(@(x, y) x(y > qualityThreshold), paramsCell{iParam}, paramsCell{end}, 'uni', 0); [obsDiffs(iParam), pVals(iParam)] = nestetPermutationTest(sample1, sample2, ... paramsQuality, reorderedFlyIndsCell, ... permutations, sidedness, plotresult); end %% Plot the pvalues as bars hFig = createPrintFig(15 * [1 3/4]); bar(pVals, 'FaceColor', [1 1 1] * 0.15, 'EdgeColor', 'none'); arrayfun(@(x) text(x, 0.02 + pVals(x), num2str(pVals(x), '%1.2e'), ... 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center'), 1: numel(pVals)) ylabel('p-value') hRefLine = refline(0, 0.05); hRefLine.Color = [1 1 1] * 0.5; hRefLine.LineStyle = ':'; set(gca, 'XTick', 1: numel(paramsNames), ... 'XTickLabels', paramsNames, 'XTickLabelRotation', 30); set(gca, 'YTick', [0, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2]); title('p-values from nested permutation test'); arrayfun(@prettifyAxes, gca) setFontForThesis(gca, hFig); figFileName = ['ONOFF-NestedPermutations-pValues']; set(gcf,'renderer','painters') print(hFig, [figDir figFileName '.pdf'], '-dpdf'); %% Export data for figure 7g stats dataCell = goodFlyIndsCell; sheetName = ['Fig7g']; startRow = 1; conditionStrCell = {'Tm9_Control', 'Tm9_CDM'}; varNames = {[conditionStrCell{1} '_Fly_Index'], ... [conditionStrCell{2} '_Fly_Index']}; capitalStr = 'EFGHIJKLMNOPQ'; % Export response amplitudes for iVar = 1: numel(dataCell) DataTable = table(dataCell{iVar}(:), 'VariableNames', varNames(iVar)); writetable(DataTable, dataFileName, 'Sheet', sheetName, ... 'Range', [capitalStr(iVar) num2str(startRow)]); end %% function [Amp, Pos, Sigma, RSq, varargout] = parseFitParams(fitStructCellArray) TmpGofCell = cellfun(@(y) arrayfun(@(x) x.gof.rsquare, y(1: end-1)), fitStructCellArray, 'uni', 0); if isstruct(fitStructCellArray{1, 1}(1).fit) fitParams = fieldnames(fitStructCellArray{1, 1}(1).fit); ParamCell = cell(1, numel(fitParams)); for iField = 1: numel(fitParams) % Delete the last ROI from background fieldCell = cellfun(@(y) arrayfun(@(x){iField}), y(1: end-1)), fitStructCellArray, 'uni', 0); ParamCell{iField} = cell(1, size(fieldCell, 2)); for jFly = 1: size(ParamCell{iField}, 2) ParamCell{iField}{jFly} = cat(1, fieldCell{:, jFly}); end end else % Params are given as an array. ParamCell = cell(1, numel(fitStructCellArray{1, 1}(1).fit)); for iField = 1: numel(fitStructCellArray{1, 1}(1).fit) % Delete the last ROI from background fieldCell = cellfun(@(y) arrayfun(@(x), y(1: end-1))', fitStructCellArray, 'uni', 0); fieldCell = squeeze(fieldCell); ParamCell{iField} = cell(1, size(fieldCell, 2)); for jFly = 1: size(ParamCell{iField}, 2) ParamCell{iField}{jFly} = cat(1, fieldCell{:, jFly}); end end TmpGofCell = cellfun(@(x) x', TmpGofCell, 'uni', 0); end for jFly = 1: size(TmpGofCell, 2) RSq{jFly} = cat(1, TmpGofCell{:, jFly}); end if numel(ParamCell) > 5 [, Pos,, Amp.surround, Sigma.surround, baseline] = deal(ParamCell{:}); else [, Pos,, Amp.surround, Sigma.surround] = deal(ParamCell{:}); end if nargout > 4 if numel(ParamCell) > 5 varargout{1} = baseline; else varargout{1} = nan; end end end