--- title: "Spacek et al., 2021, Figure 1-Supplement 4" output: pdf_document --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) library(arm) library(lmerTest) library(tidyverse) source('get_data.R') ``` ```{r read_data_1_S4_e-h, include=FALSE} tib = get_data("../csv/fig1S4mvi.csv") ``` ```{r tidy_for_1_S4ef, include = FALSE} # Turn feedback into a binary variable tb <- tib %>% mutate(feedback = ifelse(opto == TRUE, 0, 1)) ``` # Figure 1-Supplement 4e ## Effect of suppression on firing rate - movies ```{r fit_model_1_S4e} # Random intercept, random slope for neurons, # random intercept for experiments lmer.1_S4e = lmer(rates ~ feedback + (1 + feedback | uid) + (1 | eid), data = tb %>% drop_na(rates)) display(lmer.1_S4e) anova(lmer.1_S4e) ``` ```{r get_predicted_average_effect_1_S4e, include=F} mSuppr = fixef(lmer.1_S4e)[1] diffRate = fixef(lmer.1_S4e)[2] mActive = fixef(lmer.1_S4e)[1] + diffRate ``` Feedback: `r format(mActive, digits=2, nsmall=2)` spikes/s \newline Suppression: `r format(mSuppr, digits=2, nsmall=2)` spikes/s \newline n = `r nrow(tb %>% drop_na(rates) %>% count(uid))` neurons from `r nrow(tb %>% drop_na(rates) %>% count(mid))` mice \newpage # Figure 1-Supplement 4f ## Effect of suppression on burst ratio - movies ```{r fit_model_1_S4f} # Random intercept, random slope for neurons, # random intercept for experiments, nested in series lmer.1_S4f = lmer(burstratios ~ feedback + (1 + feedback | uid) + (1 | sid/eid), data = tb %>% drop_na(burstratios)) display(lmer.1_S4f) anova(lmer.1_S4f) ``` ```{r get_predicted_average_effect_1_S4f, include=F} mSuppr = fixef(lmer.1_S4f)[1] diffRate = fixef(lmer.1_S4f)[2] mActive = fixef(lmer.1_S4f)[1] + diffRate ``` Feedback: `r format(mActive, digits=2, nsmall=2)` \newline Suppression: `r format(mSuppr, digits=2, nsmall=2)` \newline n = `r nrow(tb %>% drop_na(burstratios) %>% count(uid))` neurons from `r nrow(tb %>% drop_na(burstratios) %>% count(mid))` mice \newpage # Figure 1-Supplement 4g ## Effect of suppression on sparseness - movies ```{r tidy_for_1_S4gh, include=FALSE} # 'Sparseness', and 'reliability' are not computed on a trial-by-trial basis. In the csv-file, # these two measures are therefore identical across trials, so we simply pull out the first trial of each neuron tbgh = tb %>% select(mid, sid, eid, uid, mseu, feedback, spars, rel) %>% distinct(mseu, feedback, .keep_all = TRUE) ``` ```{r fit_model_1_S4g} # Random intercept, random slope for single neurons, # random intercept for series lmer.1_S4g = lmer(spars ~ feedback + (1 + feedback | uid) + (1 | sid), data = tbgh %>% drop_na(spars)) display(lmer.1_S4g) anova(lmer.1_S4g) ``` ```{r get_predicted_average_change_1_S4g, include=F} mSuppr = fixef(lmer.1_S4g)[1] mDiff = fixef(lmer.1_S4g)[2] mFeedback = fixef(lmer.1_S4g)[1] + mDiff ``` Feedback: `r format(mFeedback, digits=2, nsmall=2)` \newline Suppression: `r format(mSuppr, digits=2, nsmall=2)` \newline n = `r nrow(tbgh %>% drop_na(spars) %>% count(uid))` neurons from `r nrow(tbgh %>% drop_na(spars) %>% count(mid))` mice \newpage # Figure 1-Supplement 4h ## Effect of suppression on reliability - movies ```{r fit_model_1_S4h} # Random intercept, random slope for neurons, # random intercept for experiments, nested in mice lmer.1_S4h = lmer(rel ~ feedback + (1 +feedback | uid) + (1 | mid/eid), data = tbgh %>% drop_na(rel)) display(lmer.1_S4h) anova(lmer.1_S4h) ``` ```{r get_predicted_average_effect_1_S4h, include=F} mSuppr = fixef(lmer.1_S4h)[1] mDiff = fixef(lmer.1_S4h)[2] mFeedback = fixef(lmer.1_S4h)[1] + mDiff ``` Feedback: `r format(mFeedback, digits=2, nsmall=2)` \newline Suppression: `r format(mSuppr, digits=2, nsmall=2)` \newline n = `r nrow(tbgh %>% drop_na(rel) %>% count(uid))` neurons from `r nrow(tbgh %>% drop_na(rel) %>% count(mid))` mice ```{r read_data_1_S4_l-o, include=FALSE} tib = get_data("../csv/fig1S4grt.csv") ``` ```{r tidy_for_1_S4_l-o, include = FALSE} # Turn feedback into a binary variable tb <- tib %>% mutate(feedback = ifelse(opto == TRUE, 0, 1)) ``` \newpage # Figure 1-Supplement 4l ## Effect of suppression on firing rate - gratings ```{r fit_model_1_S4l} # Random intercept, random slope for neurons, # random intercept for experiments nested in series lmer.1_S4l = lmer(rates ~ feedback + (1 + feedback | uid) + (1 | sid/eid), data = tb %>% drop_na(rates)) display(lmer.1_S4l) anova(lmer.1_S4l) ``` ```{r get_predicted_average_effect_1_S4l, include=F} mSuppr = fixef(lmer.1_S4l)[1] diffRate = fixef(lmer.1_S4l)[2] mActive = fixef(lmer.1_S4l)[1] + diffRate ``` Feedback: `r format(mActive, digits=2, nsmall=2)` spikes/s \newline Suppression: `r format(mSuppr, digits=2, nsmall=2)` spikes/s \newline n = `r nrow(tb %>% drop_na(rates) %>% count(uid))` neurons from `r nrow(tb %>% drop_na(rates) %>% count(mid))` mice \newpage # Figure 1-Supplement 4m ## Effect of suppression on burst ratio - gratings ```{r fit_model_1_S4m} # Random intercept, random slope for neurons, # random intercept for experiments lmer.1_S4m = lmer(burstratios ~ feedback + (1 + feedback | uid) + (1 | eid), data = tb %>% drop_na(burstratios)) display(lmer.1_S4m) anova(lmer.1_S4m) ``` ```{r predicted_average_effect_1_S4m, include=F} mSuppr = fixef(lmer.1_S4m)[1] diffRate = fixef(lmer.1_S4m)[2] mActive = fixef(lmer.1_S4m)[1] + diffRate ``` Feedback: `r format(mActive, digits=2, nsmall=2)` \newline Suppression: `r format(mSuppr, digits=2, nsmall=2)` \newline n = `r nrow(tb %>% drop_na(burstratios) %>% count(uid))` neurons from `r nrow(tb %>% drop_na(burstratios) %>% count(mid))` mice \newpage # Figure 1-Supplement 4n ## Effect of suppression on F1/F0 - gratings ```{r tidy_for_1_S4no, include=FALSE} # 'F1/F0 ratio' is not computed on a trial-by-trial basis. In the csv-file, # this measure is therefore identical across trials, so we simply pull out the first trial of each neuron tbn = tb %>% select(mid, sid, eid, uid, mseu, feedback, f1f0) %>% distinct(mseu, feedback, .keep_all = TRUE) ``` ```{r fit_model_1_S4n} # Random intercept for neurons, # random intercept for experiments, nested in series lmer.1_S4n = lmer(f1f0 ~ feedback + (1 | uid) + (1 | sid/eid), data = tbn %>% drop_na(f1f0)) display(lmer.1_S4n) anova(lmer.1_S4n) ``` ```{r get_predicted_average_effect_1_S4n, include=F} mSuppr = fixef(lmer.1_S4n)[1] mDiff = fixef(lmer.1_S4n)[2] mFeedback = fixef(lmer.1_S4n)[1] + mDiff ``` Feedback: `r format(mFeedback, digits=2, nsmall=2)` \newline Suppression: `r format(mSuppr, digits=2, nsmall=2)` \newline n = `r nrow(tbn %>% drop_na(f1f0) %>% count(uid))` neurons from `r nrow(tbn %>% drop_na(f1f0) %>% count(mid))` mice