#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ====================================================================== # SCRIPT INFORMATION: # ====================================================================== # SCRIPT: CREATE BINARIZED MASKS FROM SEGMENTED FUNCTIONAL IMAGES # PROJECT: HIGHSPEED # WRITTEN BY LENNART WITTKUHN, 2018 - 2020 # CONTACT: WITTKUHN AT MPIB HYPHEN BERLIN DOT MPG DOT DE # MAX PLANCK RESEARCH GROUP NEUROCODE # MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT # MAX PLANCK UCL CENTRE FOR COMPUTATIONAL PSYCHIATRY AND AGEING RESEARCH # LENTZEALLEE 94, 14195 BERLIN, GERMANY # ====================================================================== # IMPORT RELEVANT PACKAGES # ====================================================================== # import basic libraries: import os import sys import warnings from os.path import join as opj # import nipype libraries: from nipype.interfaces.utility import IdentityInterface from nipype.interfaces.io import SelectFiles, DataSink from nipype.pipeline.engine import Workflow, Node, MapNode # import libraries for bids interaction: from bids.layout import BIDSLayout # import freesurfer interfaces: from nipype.interfaces.freesurfer import Binarize # import fsl interfaces: from niflow.nipype1.workflows.fmri.fsl import create_susan_smooth import datalad.api as dl # ====================================================================== # ENVIRONMENT SETTINGS (DEALING WITH ERRORS AND WARNINGS): # ====================================================================== # set the fsl output type environment variable: os.environ['FSLOUTPUTTYPE'] = 'NIFTI_GZ' # set the freesurfer subject directory: os.environ['SUBJECTS_DIR'] = '/home/mpib/wittkuhn/tools/freesurfer/' # deal with nipype-related warnings: os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = "3" # filter out warnings related to the numpy package: warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.dtype size changed*") warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.ufunc size changed*") # ====================================================================== # DEFINE PBS CLUSTER JOB TEMPLATE (NEEDED WHEN RUNNING ON THE CLUSTER): # ====================================================================== job_template = """ #PBS -l walltime=5:00:00 #PBS -j oe #PBS -o /home/mpib/wittkuhn/highspeed/highspeed-masks/logs #PBS -m n #PBS -v FSLOUTPUTTYPE=NIFTI_GZ source /etc/bash_completion.d/virtualenvwrapper workon highspeed-masks module load fsl/5.0 module load freesurfer/6.0.0 """ # ====================================================================== # DEFINE PATHS AND SUBJECTS # ====================================================================== path_root = None sub_list = None # path to the project root: project_name = 'highspeed-masks' path_root = os.getcwd().split(project_name)[0] + project_name # grab the list of subjects from the bids data set: layout = BIDSLayout(opj(path_root, 'bids')) # get all subject ids: sub_list = sorted(layout.get_subjects()) # create a template to add the "sub-" prefix to the ids sub_template = ['sub-'] * len(sub_list) # add the prefix to all ids: sub_list = ["%s%s" % t for t in zip(sub_template, sub_list)] # if user defined to run specific subject sub_list = sub_list[int(sys.argv[1]):int(sys.argv[2])] # ====================================================================== # DEFINE NODE: INFOSOURCE # ====================================================================== # define the infosource node that collects the data: infosource = Node(IdentityInterface( fields=['subject_id']), name='infosource') # let the node iterate (parallelize) over all subjects: infosource.iterables = [('subject_id', sub_list)] # ====================================================================== # DEFINE SELECTFILES NODE # ====================================================================== path_func = opj( path_root, 'fmriprep', '*', '*', 'func', '*space-T1w*preproc_bold.nii.gz') path_func_parc = opj( path_root, 'fmriprep', '*', '*', 'func', '*space-T1w*aparcaseg_dseg.nii.gz') path_wholemask = opj( path_root, 'fmriprep', '*', '*', 'func', '*space-T1w*brain_mask.nii.gz') dl.get(path_func) dl.get(path_func_parc) dl.get(path_wholemask) # define all relevant files paths: templates = dict( func=opj(path_root, 'fmriprep', '{subject_id}', '*', 'func', '*space-T1w*preproc_bold.nii.gz'), func_parc=opj(path_root, 'fmriprep', '{subject_id}', '*', 'func', '*space-T1w*aparcaseg_dseg.nii.gz'), wholemask=opj(path_root, 'fmriprep', '{subject_id}', '*', 'func', '*space-T1w*brain_mask.nii.gz'), ) # define the selectfiles node: selectfiles = Node(SelectFiles(templates, sort_filelist=True), name='selectfiles') # set expected thread and memory usage for the node: selectfiles.interface.num_threads = 1 selectfiles.interface.estimated_memory_gb = 0.1 # selectfiles.inputs.subject_id = 'sub-20' # selectfiles_results = selectfiles.run() # ====================================================================== # DEFINE CREATE_SUSAN_SMOOTH WORKFLOW NODE # ====================================================================== # define the susan smoothing node and specify the smoothing fwhm: susan = create_susan_smooth() # set the smoothing kernel: susan.inputs.inputnode.fwhm = 4 # set expected thread and memory usage for the nodes: susan.get_node('inputnode').interface.num_threads = 1 susan.get_node('inputnode').interface.estimated_memory_gb = 0.1 susan.get_node('median').interface.num_threads = 1 susan.get_node('median').interface.estimated_memory_gb = 3 susan.get_node('mask').interface.num_threads = 1 susan.get_node('mask').interface.estimated_memory_gb = 3 susan.get_node('meanfunc2').interface.num_threads = 1 susan.get_node('meanfunc2').interface.estimated_memory_gb = 3 susan.get_node('merge').interface.num_threads = 1 susan.get_node('merge').interface.estimated_memory_gb = 3 susan.get_node('multi_inputs').interface.num_threads = 1 susan.get_node('multi_inputs').interface.estimated_memory_gb = 3 susan.get_node('smooth').interface.num_threads = 1 susan.get_node('smooth').interface.estimated_memory_gb = 3 susan.get_node('outputnode').interface.num_threads = 1 susan.get_node('outputnode').interface.estimated_memory_gb = 0.1 # ====================================================================== # DEFINE BINARIZE NODE # ====================================================================== mask_visual_labels = [ 1005, 2005, # cuneus 1011, 2011, # lateral occipital 1021, 2021, # pericalcarine 1029, 2029, # superioparietal 1013, 2013, # lingual 1008, 2008, # inferioparietal 1007, 2007, # fusiform 1009, 2009, # inferiotemporal 1016, 2016, # parahippocampal 1015, 2015, # middle temporal ] mask_hippocampus_labels = [ 17, 53, # left and right hippocampus ] mask_mtl_labels = [ 17, 53, # left and right hippocampus 1016, 2016, # parahippocampal 1006, 2006, # ctx-entorhinal ] # function: use freesurfer mri_binarize to threshold an input volume mask_visual = MapNode( interface=Binarize(), name='mask_visual', iterfield=['in_file']) # input: match instead of threshold mask_visual.inputs.match = mask_visual_labels # optimize the efficiency of the node: mask_visual.plugin_args = {'qsub_args': '-l nodes=1:ppn=1', 'overwrite': True} mask_visual.plugin_args = {'qsub_args': '-l mem=100MB', 'overwrite': True} # function: use freesurfer mri_binarize to threshold an input volume mask_hippocampus = MapNode( interface=Binarize(), name='mask_hippocampus', iterfield=['in_file']) # input: match instead of threshold mask_hippocampus.inputs.match = mask_hippocampus_labels # optimize the efficiency of the node: mask_hippocampus.plugin_args = { 'qsub_args': '-l nodes=1:ppn=1', 'overwrite': True} mask_hippocampus.plugin_args = { 'qsub_args': '-l mem=100MB', 'overwrite': True} # function: use freesurfer mri_binarize to threshold an input volume mask_mtl = MapNode( interface=Binarize(), name='mask_mtl', iterfield=['in_file']) # input: match instead of threshold mask_mtl.inputs.match = mask_mtl_labels # optimize the efficiency of the node: mask_mtl.plugin_args = {'qsub_args': '-l nodes=1:ppn=1', 'overwrite': True} mask_mtl.plugin_args = {'qsub_args': '-l mem=100MB', 'overwrite': True} # ====================================================================== # CREATE DATASINK NODE # ====================================================================== # create a node of the function: datasink = Node(DataSink(), name='datasink') # assign the path to the base directory: datasink.inputs.base_directory = opj(path_root, 'masks') # create a list of substitutions to adjust the filepaths of datasink: substitutions = [('_subject_id_', '')] # assign the substitutions to the datasink command: datasink.inputs.substitutions = substitutions # determine whether to store output in parameterized form: datasink.inputs.parameterization = True # set expected thread and memory usage for the node: datasink.interface.num_threads = 1 datasink.interface.estimated_memory_gb = 0.2 # ====================================================================== # DEFINE WORKFLOW PIPELINE: # ====================================================================== # initiation of the 1st-level analysis workflow: wf = Workflow(name='masks') # stop execution of the workflow if an error is encountered: wf.config = {'execution': {'stop_on_first_crash': True}} # define the base directory of the workflow: wf.base_dir = opj(path_root, 'work') # connect infosource to selectfiles node: wf.connect(infosource, 'subject_id', selectfiles, 'subject_id') # connect functional files to smoothing workflow: wf.connect(selectfiles, 'func', susan, 'inputnode.in_files') wf.connect(selectfiles, 'wholemask', susan, 'inputnode.mask_file') wf.connect(susan, 'outputnode.smoothed_files', datasink, 'smooth') # connect segmented functional files to visual mask node wf.connect(selectfiles, 'func_parc', mask_visual, 'in_file') wf.connect(mask_visual, 'binary_file', datasink, 'mask_visual.@binary') wf.connect(mask_visual, 'count_file', datasink, 'mask_visual.@count') # connect segmented functional files to hippocampus node wf.connect(selectfiles, 'func_parc', mask_hippocampus, 'in_file') wf.connect(mask_hippocampus, 'binary_file', datasink, 'mask_hippocampus.@binary') wf.connect(mask_hippocampus, 'count_file', datasink, 'mask_hippocampus.@count') # connect segmented functional files to mtl node wf.connect(selectfiles, 'func_parc', mask_mtl, 'in_file') wf.connect(mask_mtl, 'binary_file', datasink, 'mask_mtl.@binary') wf.connect(mask_mtl, 'count_file', datasink, 'mask_mtl.@count') # ====================================================================== # WRITE GRAPH AND EXECUTE THE WORKFLOW # ====================================================================== # write the graph: wf.write_graph(graph2use='colored', simple_form=True) # set the maximum resources the workflow can utilize: # args_dict = {'status_callback' : log_nodes_cb} # execute the workflow depending on the operating system: if 'darwin' in sys.platform: # will execute the workflow using all available cpus: wf.run(plugin='MultiProc') elif 'linux' in sys.platform: wf.run(plugin='PBS', plugin_args=dict(template=job_template))