%% SCRIPT: CREATE EVENT.TSV FILES FROM THE BEHAVIORAL DATA FOR BIDS % ========================================================================= % PROJECT: HIGHSPEED % WRITTEN BY LENNART WITTKUHN 2018 - 2020 % CONTACT: WITTKUHN AT MPIB HYPHEN BERLIN DOT MPG DOT DE % MAX PLANCK RESEARCH GROUP NEUROCODE % MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT % MAX PLANCK UCL CENTRE FOR COMPUTATIONAL PSYCHIATRY AND AGEING RESEARCH % LENTZEALLEE 94, 14195 BERLIN, GERMANY % ========================================================================= %% DEFINE PATHS AND IMPORTANT VARIABLES: % clear the workspace and command window: clear variables; clc; % define the data root path path_root = fullfile('/Volumes','MPRG-Neurocode','Data','highspeed'); % define the input path: path_input = fullfile(path_root,'main_mri','rawdata','behav_main'); path_tardis = fullfile('/Users/wittkuhn/Volumes/tardis/highspeed'); path_network = fullfile(path_root); % define the output path: % path_output = fullfile(path_root,'derivatives','events'); path_output = fullfile(path_tardis, 'bids'); %path_output = fullfile(path_network); % get the contents of the output directory: path_output_dir = dir(path_output); % check how many subjects are in the root directory: num_subs_found = sum(contains({path_output_dir.name},'sub')); % extended output path used to check for old files: path_old_files = fullfile(path_output,'*','*','func'); % find all existing events.tsv files in the output directory: prev_files = dir(fullfile(path_old_files,'*events.tsv')); % delete all previous events files: for old_file = 1:length(prev_files) delete(fullfile(prev_files(old_file).folder,prev_files(old_file).name)) end % define the script path: path_script = fullfile('~','highspeed','highspeed_analysis','code'); % read the text file containing a list of subject ids: sub_list = dlmread(fullfile(path_script, 'parameters', 'highspeed_participant_list.txt')); % turn the array with ids into a strings in a cell array: sub_list = cellstr(num2str(sub_list)); %check if the number of subjects in the list matches the target directory if numel(sub_list) ~= num_subs_found warning(['Number of subjects in the data dir does not match ' ... 'number of subjects in the subject text file!']); sub_alt_list = cellfun(@num2str,num2cell(1:length(sub_list)),'un',0); else sub_alt_list = sub_list; sub_alt_list = cellfun(@num2str,num2cell(1:num_subs_found),'un',0); end % determine the number of study sessions: num_ses = 2; % determine the number of task runs per study session: num_run = 4; % define a cell array containing the stimulus labels in german: key_set = {'Gesicht','Haus','Katze','Schuh','Stuhl'}; % define a cell array containing the stimulus labels in english: value_set = {'Face','House','Cat','Shoe','Chair'}; % create a dictionary that translates the stimulus labels: label_dict = containers.Map(key_set,value_set); % create a 2d-array of run indices ordered by run (row) and sessions (col): run_array = reshape(1:num_run * num_ses, num_run, num_ses); % define the names of the four different task conditions: task_names = {'oddball','sequence','repetition','repetition'}; %% for sub = 1:length(sub_alt_list) %for sub = 1:1 % initialize the maximum repetition trial index: max_rep = 0; % get the current subject id: sub_id = sub_list{sub}; % print progress: fprintf('Running sub %d of %d\n', sub, length(sub_alt_list)) % define a template string that takes subject, session and run id: template_string = '*sub_%s_session_%d*run_%d*'; % put in the current subject, session and run id: file_string = sprintf(template_string,sub_id,num_ses,num_run); % read behavioral data files of all participants: path_file = dir(fullfile(path_input,file_string)); % load the behavioral data into the workspace: load(fullfile(path_input,path_file.name)); for session = 1:num_ses % create a subject identifier (in bids format): pad_sub = sprintf('sub-%02d',str2double(sub_alt_list{sub})); % create a session identififer (in bids format): pad_ses = ['ses-0', num2str(session)]; % combine the two identifiers as the first part of file names: sub_file_name = strcat(pad_sub,'_',pad_ses); % create the subject output path: path_output_sub = (fullfile(path_output,pad_sub,pad_ses,'func')); % create the subject directory if it does not exist yet: if ~exist(path_output_sub,'dir') system(sprintf('mkdir -p %s',path_output_sub)); end for run = 1:num_run events = table; for cond = 1:4 event_all = extract_bids_events(Data, Basics, Sets, pad_sub, run, session, cond); events = [events;event_all]; end % sort by event onset (i.e., in chronological order): events = sortrows(events,{'onset'}); % make two copies of the repetition trials: rep_trials_old = events.trial(contains(events.condition, 'repetition')); rep_trials_new = rep_trials_old; % get the old trial indices while maintaining their order: trial_old = unique(rep_trials_old, 'stable'); % get the number of repetition trials in the current run: n_rep_trials = length(trial_old); % create new trial indices depending on the running number of % repetition trials: trial_new = max_rep+1:max_rep+n_rep_trials; % change the old trial indices for i = 1:n_rep_trials rep_trials_new(rep_trials_old == trial_old(i)) = trial_new(i); end % update the repetition trials of the events files: events.trial(contains(events.condition, 'repetition')) = rep_trials_new; % update the counter of the maximum repetition trial index: max_rep = max(unique(events.trial(contains(events.condition, 'repetition')))); % create template string file for data output (tsv format): string_template = '_task-highspeed_rec-prenorm_run-0%d_events'; % write conditon and run information into the string: string_written = sprintf(string_template,run); % create the full filenames: outfile_name = strcat(sub_file_name,string_written); % create paths of the tsv and csv files: path_tsv = fullfile(path_output_sub,strcat(outfile_name,'.tsv')); path_csv = fullfile(path_output_sub,strcat(outfile_name,'.csv')); % write the events table as csv file: writetable(events,path_csv,'Delimiter','\t'); % copy the created file from csv to tsv file: copyfile(path_csv,path_tsv) % delete the csv file: delete(path_csv); end end end