function event_all = extract_bids_events(Data, Basics, Sets, pad_sub, run, ses, cond) %% CONVERT DATASET TO TABLE AND GET THE VARIABLE NAMES: % convert data table from dataset to table type: data = dataset2table(Data(cond).data); % get the variable names of the current data table: var_names = data.Properties.VariableNames; % get all events we want to convert: all_events = var_names(contains(var_names, {'tFlip'})); %% BASIC TASK STATS % determine the number of study sessions: num_ses = 2; % determine the number of task runs per study session: num_run = 4; % get the indices of the current sessions (as booleans): idx_session = Basics.runInfo.session == ses; % get the indices of the current run (as booleans): idx_run = == run; % get the timestamp of of the first scanner trigger: t_trigger = Basics.runInfo.tTrigger(idx_session & idx_run); % get the data indices of the current session: idx_data_ses = data.session == ses; % get the data indices of the current run within session: idx_data_run = == run; % combine the indices to get the correct data indices: index = idx_data_ses & idx_data_run; % create a 2d-array of run indices ordered by run (row) and sessions (col): run_array = reshape(1:num_run * num_ses, num_run, num_ses); % define the names of the four different task conditions: task_names = {'oddball','sequence','repetition','repetition'}; %% DEFINE DICTIONAIRY FOR THE STIMULUS LABELS: % define a cell array containing the stimulus labels in german: keys_stim = {'Gesicht','Haus','Katze','Schuh','Stuhl'}; % define a cell array containing the stimulus labels in english: value_stim = {'face','house','cat','shoe','chair'}; % create a dictionary that translates the stimulus labels: dict_stim = containers.Map(keys_stim,value_stim); %% DEFINE DICTIONAIRY FOR THE EVENTS: % define a cell array containing the stimulus labels in german: keys_type = {'tFlipCue','tFlipBlank','tFlipFix','tFlipStim','tFlipITI','tFlipDelay','tFlipResp','tResponse'}; % define a cell array containing the stimulus labels in english: value_type = {'cue','blank','fixation','stimulus','interval','delay','choice','response'}; % create a dictionary that translates the stimulus labels: dict_type = containers.Map(keys_type,value_type); %% LOOP OVER ALL EVENTS AND GATHER THE EVENT INFORMATION event_all = table; for i = 1:length(all_events) % get the current event: event_type = all_events{i}; % get the number of sequential stimuli of that event: num_seq_stim = size(data{:,event_type},2); % number of trials of cond in the current run and session: num_events = sum(index) * num_seq_stim; % initialize empty events struct event = struct; % onsets, in seconds from first trigger: event.onset = data{index, event_type} - t_trigger; event.onset = reshape(transpose(event.onset),[],1); % duration, in seconds if strcmp(event_type,'tFlipCue') event.duration = repmat(Basics.tTargetCue,num_events,1); elseif strcmp(event_type, 'tFlipBlank') event.duration = repmat(Basics.tPreFixation,num_events,1); elseif strcmp(event_type, 'tFlipFix') event.duration = repmat(Basics.tFixation,num_events,1); elseif strcmp(event_type, 'tFlipStim') event.duration = repmat(Sets(cond).set.tStim,num_events,1); elseif strcmp(event_type, 'tFlipStim') event.duration = repmat(Sets(cond).set.tStim,num_events,1); elseif strcmp(event_type, 'tFlipITI') event.duration = repelem(data.tITI(index,:),num_seq_stim,1); elseif strcmp(event_type, 'tFlipDelay') event.duration = (data{index, 'tFlipResp'} - t_trigger) - event.onset; elseif strcmp(event_type, 'tFlipResp') event.duration = repmat(Basics.tResponseLimit,num_events,1); end % participant id event.subject = repmat({pad_sub},num_events,1); % add column that contains the session identifier: event.session = repmat(ses,num_events,1); % run within session: event.run_session = repmat(run,num_events,1); % run across the entire experiment: event.run_study = repmat(run_array(run,ses),num_events,1); % add column that contains the trial counter if cond == 4 trial_indices = 41:1:45; event.trial = repelem(trial_indices(index)',num_seq_stim,1); else event.trial = repelem(find(index),num_seq_stim,1); end % add column that contains the condition: event.condition = repmat(task_names(cond),num_events,1); % add column that contains the trial type: event.trial_type = (repmat({dict_type(event_type)},num_events,1)); % initialize all other event information: event.serial_position = nan(num_events,1); event.interval_time = nan(num_events,1); event.stim_orient = nan(num_events,1); event.stim_index = nan(num_events,1); event.stim_label = event.trial_type; %event.stim_file = strcat('images/',event.stim_label,'.jpg'); = nan(num_events,1); event.nontarget = nan(num_events,1); event.key_down = nan(num_events,1); event.key_id = repmat({NaN},num_events,1); event.key_target = repmat({NaN},num_events,1); event.accuracy = nan(num_events,1); event.response_time = nan(num_events,1); if strcmp(event_type, 'tFlipStim') % add column that contains the sequential position: event.serial_position = repmat(1:num_seq_stim,1,sum(index))'; % add column that contains the inter-stimulus interval: event.interval_time = repelem(data.tITI(index,:),num_seq_stim,1); % add column that contains the stimulus orientation: event.stim_orient = repelem(data.orient(index,:),num_seq_stim,1); % get stimulus labels of the current run: event.stim_index = data.stimIndex(index,:); event.stim_index = reshape(transpose(event.stim_index),[],1); % add column that contains the path to the stimulus folder: event.stim_label = transpose(value_stim(event.stim_index)); %event.stim_file = strcat('images/',event.stim_label,'.jpg'); % add column that indicates whether stimulus is a target: if cond == 1 = double(event.stim_orient == 180); event.nontarget = nan(sum(index) * num_seq_stim,1); elseif cond == 2 || cond == 3 || cond == 4 A = data.stimIndex(index,:); V = data.targetPos(index,:); W = data.targetPosAlt(index,:); = bsxfun(@eq, cumsum(ones(size(A)), 2), V); = reshape(transpose(,[],1); event.nontarget = bsxfun(@eq, cumsum(ones(size(A)), 2), W); event.nontarget = reshape(transpose(event.nontarget),[],1); end end % add participant responses: if (strcmp(event_type, 'tFlipStim') && strcmp(task_names{cond}, 'oddball')) || ... (strcmp(event_type, 'tFlipResp') && ~strcmp(task_names{cond}, 'oddball')) % key press event.key_down = repelem(data.keyIsDown(index,:),num_seq_stim,1); % key identity event.key_id = repelem(data.keyIndex(index,:),num_seq_stim,1); if ~isempty(event.key_id) event.key_id = cellstr(num2str(event.key_id)); event.key_id(strcmp(strrep(event.key_id,' ',''),'90')) = {'left'}; event.key_id(strcmp(strrep(event.key_id,' ',''),'71')) = {'right'}; event.key_id(~strcmp(event.key_id,'left') & ... ~strcmp(event.key_id,'right')) = {NaN}; end % key target if ismember('keyTarget',data.Properties.VariableNames) event.key_target = repelem(data.keyTarget(index,:),num_seq_stim,1); else event.key_target = repmat({NaN},sum(index) * num_seq_stim,1); end % accuracy event.accuracy = repelem(data.acc(index,:),num_seq_stim,1); % response time event.response_time = repelem(data.rt(index,:),num_seq_stim,1); end events = struct2table(event); event_all = [event_all;events]; end % remove all events that have no onset: event_all(isnan(event_all.onset),:) = []; end