function [Q1 Q3 outlier_num] = testboxplot(x, k, tukey, bplot) % % The 'testboxplot' identifies outliers that lie 'k' times over the % interquantile rante (Q3-Q1). A boxplot using the standard Matlab function % 'boxplot' is also provided by default. % % Data in 'x' are organized so that columns are the time series and rows % are the time intervals. All series contain the same number of % observations. % % 'x_date' is a column vector (cell array) containing the dates of the % corresponding data in 'x'. % % The variable 'k' is a multiplier of the interquantile range (Q3-Q1). The % default value is 2. % % The function also provides an option ('tukey') to use the quantile % computation suggested by Tukey. It can take the default value 0 (not % applied) or 1 (apply Tukey approach). % % The variable 'bplot' indicates if a boxplot is provided (=1, default) or % omitted (=0). % % [Q1 Q3 outlier outlier_num] = testboxplot(...) returns the following information: % Q1 - 25% quantile % Q3 - 75% quantile % outlier - cell array specifying the date and the series number (column % number in 'x') where the potential outliers are situated. % outlier_num - matrix providing row and column numbers of the values in % 'x' considered as potential outliers. % % Created by Francisco Augusto Alcaraz Garcia % % % References: % % 1) B. Iglewicz; D.C. Hoaglin (1993). How to Detect and Handle Outliers. % ASQC Basic References in Quality Control, vol. 16, Wisconsin, US. % % 2) J.W. Tukey (1977). Exploratory Data Analysis. Addison Wesley. % Check number of input arguements if (nargin < 1) || (nargin > 4) error('Requires two to five input arguments.') end % Define default values if nargin == 1, k = 2; tukey = 0; bplot = 1; elseif nargin == 2, tukey = 0; bplot = 1; elseif nargin == 3, bplot = 1; end % Check for validity of inputs if ~isnumeric(x) error('Input x must be a numeric array') end [n, c] = size(x); if tukey == 0, Q1 = quantile(x, 0.25); Q3 = quantile(x, 0.75); else [xsort, ix] = sort(x); f = ((n+1)/2+1)/2; if isinteger(f), Q1 = xsort(f,:); Q3 = xsort(end+1-f,:); else Q1 = (xsort(fix(f),:) + xsort(fix(f)+1,:))/2; Q3 = (xsort(end+1-fix(f),:) + xsort(end+1-fix(f)+1,:))/2; end end [i1,j1] = find(x < repmat(Q1-k*(Q3-Q1),n,1)); [i2,j2] = find(x > repmat(Q3+k*(Q3-Q1),n,1)); if (isempty(i1)+isempty(i2)) == 0, outlier_num = [i1 j1; i2 j2]; elseif isempty(i1), outlier_num = [i2 j2]; elseif isempty(i2), outlier_num = [i1 j1]; else outlier_num = ('No outliers have been identified!'); end if bplot == 1, boxplot(x, 'notch', 'on', 'whisker', k, 'symbol', 'r.') end