function [index parm zval] = THG_FASTER_3_ICA_artifacts_20140305(cfg,data) %% defaults if ~isfield(cfg,'criterion'); criterion = 3; else criterion = cfg.criterion; end if ~isfield(cfg,'recursive'); recursive = 1; else recursive = strcmp(cfg.recursive,'yes'); end %% components comp = ft_componentanalysis(cfg,data); %% parameter: %% - spatial kurtosis parm.ica_kurt = kurtosis(comp.topo)'; zval.ica_kurt = zscore(parm.ica_kurt); %% - hurst exponent % calculate hurst exponent for t = 1:length(comp.trial) display(['processing trial ' num2str(t)]) for c = 1:length(comp.label) hurst(c,t) = cm_heuristic_hurst_exponent_20140302(comp.trial{t}(c,:)); end; clear c end; clear t % z statistic of average hurst exponent parm.ica_hurst = mean(hurst,2); zval.ica_hurst = zscore(parm.ica_hurst); %% - median gradient % calculate gradients (trial-wise) for t = 1:length(comp.trial) med{t} = diff(comp.trial{t}')'; end; clear t % median gradient parm.ica_med = median(cell2mat(med)')'; zval.ica_med = zscore(parm.ica_med); %% - high-frequency distribution % demean cfg_.demean = 'yes'; comp_ = ft_preprocessing(cfg_,comp); % normalization tmp = cell2mat(comp_.trial); SD = std(tmp',1)'; for t = 1:length(comp.trial) comp_.trial{t} = comp_.trial{t} ./ (SD * ones(1,size(comp_.trial{t},2))); end; clear t % prepare fft fftcfg.method = 'mtmfft'; fftcfg.output = 'pow'; = 'all'; fftcfg.foilim = [cfg.fft.lowlim cfg.fft.uplim]; fftcfg.taper = 'hanning'; % fft fftdat = ft_freqanalysis(fftcfg,comp_); % zscores by frequenices zfft = zscore(fftdat.powspctrm); % mean & subsequent zscore parm.ica_fft = mean(zfft(:,find(fftdat.freq >= 30 & fftdat.freq <= 100)),2); zval.ica_fft = zscore(parm.ica_fft); %% high- to low-freq ratio ind1 = find(fftdat.freq <= 30); ind2 = find(fftdat.freq > 30); fft1 = mean(fftdat.powspctrm(:,ind1),2); fft2 = mean(fftdat.powspctrm(:,ind2),2); % mean & subsequent zscore parm.ica_rat = fft2./fft1; zval.ica_rat = zscore(parm.ica_rat); %% find outlier % temporary zscores tmpz = zval; % spatial kurtosis outlier tmpz.ica_kurt = outlier2nan(tmpz.ica_kurt,criterion,recursive); % hurst exponent outlier tmpz.ica_hurst = outlier2nan(tmpz.ica_hurst,criterion,recursive); % median gradient outlier tmpz.ica_med = outlier2nan(tmpz.ica_med,criterion,recursive); % fft outlier tmpz.ica_fft = outlier2nan(tmpz.ica_fft,criterion,recursive); % ration outlier tmpz.ica_rat = outlier2nan(tmpz.ica_rat,criterion,recursive); %% plot outlier % figure; imagesc(isnan([tmpz.ica_kurt tmpz.ica_hurst tmpz.ica_med tmpz.ica_fft tmpz.ica_rat])) %% mark outlier index = find( isnan(tmpz.ica_kurt) | isnan(tmpz.ica_hurst) | ... isnan(tmpz.ica_med) | isnan(tmpz.ica_fft) | isnan(tmpz.ica_rat) ); % alternative: fixed values index2 = find(parm.ica_kurt > 30 | parm.ica_rat > 1 ); % merge index = unique([index; index2]); % exclude blink, move, heart components cnt = 1; ex = []; for j = 1:length(cfg.labeled) ind_ = find(index == cfg.labeled(j)); if ~isempty(ind_) ex(cnt) = ind_; cnt = cnt + 1; end clear ind_ end; clear j % keep unique indices index(ex) = []; index = sortrows(index); end %% subfunction outlier2nan (replace outliers with NaN) function data = outlier2nan(data,criterion,recursive) %% find epochs % make sure data orientation is ok (i.e. N X 1 data points) sz = size(data); if sz(1) == 1 && sz(2) > 1 data = data'; elseif sz(2) == 1 && sz(1) > 1 data = data; end % temporary z values z = cm_nanzscore_140302(data); % initialize index variable index = []; % find indices to exclude index = find( z > criterion ); % replace outliers with NaNs data(index) = NaN; z(index) = NaN; % recursive exclusion if recursive if ~isempty(index) check = 0; while check == 0 % number of excluded outliers Nex = length(index); % new zscore calculation after outlier exclusion z = cm_nanzscore_140302(z); % find channels to exclude index_2 = find( z > criterion ); % update index index = [index; index_2]; % update data data(index) = NaN; z(index) = NaN; % check if additional channel excluded if Nex == length(index) check = 1; end % clear variables clear Nex index_2 end; clear check end end end