function[y,varargout] = winsor(x,p) % WINSOR Winsorize a vector % INPUTS : x - n*1 data vector % p - 2*1 vector of cut-off percentiles (left, right) % OUTPUTS : y - winsorized x, n*1 vector % i - (optional) n*1 value-replaced-indicator vector % NOTES : Let p1 = prctile(x,p(1)), p2 = prctile(x,p(2)). (Note % that PRCTILE ignores NaN values). Then % if x(i) < p1, y(i) = min(x(j) | x(j) >= p1) % if x(i) > p2, y(i) = max(x(j) | x(j) <= p2) % EXAMPLE : x = rand(10,1), y = winsor(x,[10 90]) % AUTHOR : Dimitri Shvorob,, 4/15/07 if ~isvector(x) error('Input argument "x" must be a vector') end if nargin < 2 error('Input argument "p" is undefined') end if ~isvector(p) error('Input argument "p" must be a vector') end if length(p) ~= 2 error('Input argument "p" must be a 2*1 vector') end if p(1) < 0 || p(1) > 100 error('Left cut-off percentile is out of [0,100] range') end if p(2) < 0 || p(2) > 100 error('Right cut-off percentile is out of [0,100] range') end if p(1) > p(2) error('Left cut-off percentile exceeds right cut-off percentile') end p = prctile(x,p); i1 = x < p(1); v1 = min(x(~i1)); i2 = x > p(2); v2 = max(x(~i2)); y = x; y(i1) = v1; y(i2) = v2; if nargout > 1 varargout(1) = {i1 | i2}; end