# anesthesia_bats Data in paper: "A neuron model with unbalanced synaptic weights explains asymmetric effects of anesthesia on the auditory cortex" The data is organized in two folders: /Ephys data/ and /Model/ in /Ephys data/ each Matlab script (.m) generate an specific Figure in the paper. Only those related to the electrophysiological data. Each script load the data used in the respective figure. All the data needed is uploaded as Matlab variables (.mat) in /Model/ there are 3 Python scripts (.py): 1. "functions.py" with all auxiliary functions needed to make the plots. 2. "plots.py" to plot all the Figures related to the neuronal model in the main text of the paper. 3. "suppl_plots.py" to plot all Supplementary Figures related to the neuronal model. Each script load the data used in the respective figure. All the data needed is uploaded as Python-Numpy variables (.npy)