# WildLab Data for the paper: "WildLab: A naturalistic free viewing experiment reveals previously unknown EEG signatures of face processing. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.07.02.450779 ----- ### Code: Contains the code for the deconvolution analysis and plotting ### WildLab_setLab/WildLab: Contains EEGLab sets ranging from downsampled+highpass filtered to continous+IC cleaned; for the passive "ClassicLab" and the free-viewing "WildLab" condition respectively ### WildLab_unfold.zip: Contains the deconvolved signal for each condition and participant individually, and the collected ERPs ----- ### Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 This data can be downloaded and used (shared&adapted) non-commercially. Appropriate credit (=citation) has to be given and changes have to be indicated. Your contribution has to be distributed under the same licence.