function varargout = confplot(varargin) %CONFPLOT Linear plot with continuous confidence/error boundaries. % % CONFPLOT(X,Y,L,U) plots the graph of vector X vs. vector Y with % 'continuous' confidence/error boundaries specified by the vectors % L and U. L and U contain the lower and upper error ranges for each % point in Y. The vectors X,Y,L and U must all be the same length. % % CONFPLOT(X,Y,E) or CONFPLOT(Y,E) plots Y with error bars [Y-E Y+E]. % CONFPLOT(...,'LineSpec') uses the color and linestyle specified by % the string 'LineSpec'. See PLOT for possibilities. % % H = CONFPLOT(...) returns a vector of line handles. % % For example, % x = 1:0.1:10; % y = sin(x); % e = std(y)*ones(size(x)); % confplot(x,y,e) % draws symmetric continuous confidence/error boundaries of unit standard deviation. % % See also ERRORBAR, SEMILOGX, SEMILOGY, LOGLOG, PLOTYY, GRID, CLF, CLC, TITLE, % XLABEL, YLABEL, AXIS, AXES, HOLD, COLORDEF, LEGEND, SUBPLOT, STEM. % % © 2002 - Michele Giugliano, PhD ( (Bern, Monday Nov 4th, 2002 - 19:02) % (bug-reports to % $Revision: 1.0 $ $Date: 2002/11/11 14:36:08 $ % if (nargin<2) disp('ERROR: not enough input arguments!'); return; end % if x = []; y = []; z1 = []; z2 = []; spec = ''; switch nargin case 2 y = varargin{1}; z1 = y + varargin{2}; z2 = y - varargin{2}; x = 1:length(y); case 3 x = varargin{1}; y = varargin{2}; z1 = y + varargin{3}; z2 = y - varargin{3}; case 4 x = varargin{1}; y = varargin{2}; z1 = y + varargin{4}; z2 = y - varargin{3}; end % switch if (nargin >= 5) x = varargin{1}; y = varargin{2}; z1 = y + varargin{4}; z2 = y - varargin{3}; spec = 'ok'; end % p = plot(x,y,x,z1,x,z2); YLIM = get(gca,'YLim'); delete(p); a1 = area(x,z1,min(YLIM)); hold on; set(a1,'LineStyle','none'); set(a1,'FaceColor',[0.9 0.9 0.9]); a2 = area(x,z2,min(YLIM)); set(a2,'LineStyle','none'); set(a2,'FaceColor',[1 1 1]); if (~isempty(spec)), spec = sprintf('p = plot(x,y,varargin{5}'); for i=6:nargin, spec = sprintf('%s,varargin{%d}',spec,i); end % for spec = sprintf('%s);',spec); eval(spec); else p = plot(x,y); end; hold off; %set(gca,'Layer','top','XGrid','on','YGrid','on'); set(gca,'Layer','top'); H = [p, a1, a2]; if (nargout>1) varargout{1} = H; end;