Neurochemical organization of the Drosophila brain visualized by endogenously tagged neurotransmitter receptors

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Neurochemical organization of the Drosophila brain visualized by endogenously tagged neurotransmitter receptors

This repository contains confocal data of T2A-GAL4 knock-in lines used for investigating the cellular organization and function of neurotransmitter receptor systems in the fly brain. Flies and experimental conditions should be referred to:

Kondo S., Takahashi T., Yamagata N., Imanishi Y., Katow H., Hiramatsu S., Lynn K., Abe A., Kumaraswamy A., Tanimoto H. (2019) "Neurochemical organization of the Drosophila brain visualized by endogenously tagged neurotransmitter receptors". In: Cell Reports.

General Notes

  1. Confocal dataset of Drosophila brains for GAL4 expression inserted in endogenous receptor genes. Expression is visualized with reporters for plasma membrane and nuclei with counterstaining of neuropils.
  2. Each gene folder contains multiple subfolders with different labellings. These are named "UAS-myr-GFP_UAS-His-RFP", "UAS-myr-GFP_UAS-His-RFP", and "UAS-mCD8-GFP_brp-SNAP_IS2_Registration".

Folder Specific Notes


It contains a few (typically three) full-brain multi-channel TIFF stacks visualized by myristoylated GFP (Pfeiffer et al. Genetics 2010) and His2A::RFP (Pandey et al. J Cell Sci, 2005). Ch1: myr::GFP, Ch2: His2A::RFP.


It contains a few (typically three) central brain multi-TIFF stacks visualized by mCD8::GFP (Pfeiffer et al. Genetics 2010) together with neuropil counterstaining by SNAP-tagged active zone protein Bruchpilot (Kohl et al. PNAS 2014). Ch1: brp::SNAP, Ch2: mCD8::GFP.


It contains central brain NRRD stacks derived from registering confocal data in the "UAS-mCD8-GFP_brp-SNAP" folder into the IS2 standard brain (Cachero et al., Curr Biol., 2010) by Computational Morphometry Toolkit ( "no1", "no2", "no3" in the file name stand for different individuals. "_01": brp-SNAP channel, "_02": GFP channel.

Title Neurochemical organization of the Drosophila brain visualized by endogenously tagged neurotransmitter receptors
Authors Kondo,Shu;Genetic Strains Research Center, National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, 411-8540, Japan;ORCID:0000-0002-4625-8379
Takahashi,Takahiro;Tohoku University Graduate School of Life Sciences, Sendai, 980-8577, Japan;ORCID:0000-0002-9213-0587
Yamagata,Nobuhiro;Tohoku University Graduate School of Life Sciences, Sendai, 980-8577, Japan;ORCID:0000-0003-1993-2038
Imanishi,Yasuhito;Tohoku University Graduate School of Life Sciences, Sendai, 980-8577, Japan
Katow,Hidetaka;Genetic Strains Research Center, National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, 411-8540, Japan
Hiramatsu,Shun;Tohoku University Graduate School of Life Sciences, Sendai, 980-8577, Japan
Lynn,Katarina B.;Tohoku University Graduate School of Life Sciences, Sendai, 980-8577, Japan
Abe,Ayako;Tohoku University Graduate School of Life Sciences, Sendai, 980-8577, Japan
Kumaraswamy,Ajayrama;Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Planegg-Martinsried, D-82152, Germany;ORCID:0000-0001-7928-877X
Tanimoto,Hiromu;Tohoku University Graduate School of Life Sciences, Sendai, 980-8577, Japan;ORCID:0000-0001-5880-6064
Description This repository contains confocal data of T2A-GAL4 knock-in lines used for investigating the cellular organization and function of neurotransmitter receptor systems in the fly brain.
License Creative Commons CCBY 4.0 Public Domain Dedication (
References Kondo S., Takahashi T., Yamagata N., Imanishi Y., Katow H., Hiramatsu S., Lynn K., Abe A., Kumaraswamy A., Tanimoto H. (2019) Neurochemical organization of the Drosophila brain visualized by endogenously tagged neurotransmitter receptors. In: Cell Reports [] (IsSupplementTo)
Funding MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI, 26840110, 17H04765, 26250001, 17H01378, 25890003, 26120705, 26119503, 15K14307, 16H01496, 17H05545
the Strategic Research Program for Brain Sciences “Bioinformatics for Brain Sciences”
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Comprehensive Brain Science Network)
the Naito Foundation
the Kurata Memorial Hitachi Science and Technology Foundation
the Uehara Memorial Foundation
the Mochida Memorial Foundation for Medical and Pharmaceutical Research
Keywords Neuroscience
Neurotransmitter receptor
Drosophila melanogaster
Resource Type Dataset