# NFDI-Neuro Survey Data Survey response data underlying the manuscript Klingner C, Denker M, GrĂ¼n S, Hanke M, Oeltze-Jafra S, Ohl FW, Radny J, Rotter S, Scherberger H, Stein A, Wachtler T, Witte OW, Ritter P (2022) "Overcoming the Reproducibility Crisis - Results of the first Community Survey of the German National Research Data Infrastructure for Neuroscience". BioRxiv. Files: - `results-survey197421_alledaten.csv`: Response data - `create_Picture_AllSinglePlots_Final.R`: R script to generate figures of response distributions for individual questions - `create_Picture4.R`: R script to generate figures of analysis results (c) Carsten Klingner and the NFDI-Neuro initiative ([info@nfdi-neuro.de](mailto:info@nfdi-neuro.de)) License: Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0