# Real-time accuracy of trigger output generation For each behavioral session with real-time trigger generation, we created a single DeepLabCut project dedicated for _post hoc_ estimation of whisker tips to use it as the "ground-truth" data. Based on this ground-truth dataset, we computed the conditional probability of trigger generation for the whiskers being located at each position to characterize the accuracy of trigger output signals. ## 1. Analyzed data The `analyzed-data.h5` HDF5 file contains infomation on each video. ### 1-1. Code The code to generate this dataset is found in `01_data-formatting.ipynb`, and the panels generated during the procedures are in: - `F01_trace-comparison`: comparison of traces between real-time and post-hoc estimation. - `F02_densities`: plots of dwell-time histograms used in the paper. - `F03_conditional-probability`: plots of conditional probability densities used in the paper. ### 1-2. Entries in `analyzed-data.h5` Each video comprises one entry under the root, numbered as 001, 002, etc. #### Attributes Attributes of each entry contains the information of the video, such as: - `subject`: name of the animal. - `session`: name of the behavioral session. - `run`: the index / starting time stamp of the video. - `expression`: the expression used to turn the positions of whisker tips into the status of trigger output. - `px_per_mm`: the scale information computed from the video. #### Subgroups 1. **"pose"** group store the estimation of each whisker-tip positions. It contains two subgroups corresponding to `realtime` and `posthoc` estimations. 2. **"evaluation"** group store the result of evaluation. Traces in `realtime` and `posthoc` store the values of `expression` at given `time`. The `trigger` data holds the output of the evaluation. 3. **"densities"** group stores the dwell-time histograms generated using the kernel-density estimation method. - `kernel`: the attributes contain the information of the Gaussian kernel (in pixels) used for kernel density estimation. - `positions`: the list of positions (in pixels) used to estimate the dwell-time density. - `all`: the values of dwell-time densities, during the whole recording period of the video, based on the _post hoc_ estimation. - `triggered`: the values of dwell-time densities, when the real-time trigger was active, based on the _post hoc_ estimation. 4. **"conditional"** group stores the information on conditional probability of trigger generation. - `positions`: the list of positions (in pixels) used to compute conditional probability. - `probability`: the values of conditional probability at given `position`. - `sigmoid`: the attributes (in pixels) contain the information on the sigmoid curve (we used the cumulative of Gaussian) fitted to the trace of conditional probability distribution. ## 2. Summary data Several types of summary data are found here: - `02_summary.ipynb` is the Jupyter notebook used to summarize the data in `analyzed-data.h5`. - `F04_summary` contains the panels generated by the above notebook (and used in the paper). - `stats.md` stores the statistical information analyzed in the above notebook.