function [movieSignal]=BC_getNaturalMovies(pixelSize) %[naturalMovie_output]=BC_getNaturalMovies(loadData) %this function shows the prinicpal calculation for how to preprocess the %natural movies from the "CatCam" database. The movie intensity values are %scaled to have the same mean light intensity as white noise stimulus and %converted to WeberContrast values. Further, the movie dimensions are %adapted to match the dimension of the white noise STA filter to later %perform the prediction with the linear-nonlinear model (LN-model)computed %with white noise stimulus. %Inputs: % pixelSize = pixel size from the white noise stimulus % %Outpus: movieSignal = preprocessed movie signal, ready for the % LN-model analysis % %Code by HS Feb 2021 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Constants %movie dimensions of the original tiff files NxMovie=320; %x pixel tiff movies NyMovie=240; %y pixel tiff movies %spatiotemporal white noise dimensions x-y (they are all the same for all %recorded cells) monitorXPixels=800; %x pixels of OLED monitor; monitorYPixels=600; %y pixels of OLED monitor; NxWhiteNoise=ceil(monitorXPixels/pixelSize); %number of squares shown X dimension NyWhiteNoise=ceil(monitorYPixels/pixelSize); %number of squares shown Y dimension %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% 1. Preprocess the movie contrast values %the movies can be downloaded under the following %link: Each movie frame is presented as an %individual .tiff file. See for %further instructions, also which tiff-filename to take per movie. %Ones the files are downloaded they have to be prepared as follow: %to show how the movie signal is preprocessed, I generated a random %example signal of the same dimension as the natural movies (320x240) nbrFrames=998; genRandSignal=rand(NyMovie,NxMovie,nbrFrames)*255; %a movie signal (0-255 intensity values, as movie itself)) of 240 (y-dim) 320 (x-dim) and 998 (time frames); thats where you have to put the original movie signal at 320x240xnumber of frames % %%code to load the tiff files in 1 to 998 % loadTiff='Y:\tiffMovie4'; % indx=1; % ContentStackDir_tif=dir([loadTiff '\']); %what is inside the folder % for l=1:1000 %nbr of files in the folder % if numel(strfind(ContentStackDir_tif(l).name,'.tif'))>0 % %tif files containes one value per pixel -> it is an intensity % %value for grayscale. So no color information. It is a in uint16 % %imfinfo([ StackDir '\' ContentStackDir(l).name ]) % %gives you the infos. % %16-bit intensity images is usually [0, 65535]. % % % [ImageStack_tif.imagesOri{indx},cmp]=imread([loadTiff '\' ContentStackDir_tif(l).name ]);%read tiff file % indx=indx+1; % end % end % genRandSignal=cell2mat(ImageStack_tif.imagesOri); oneDIamge = reshape(genRandSignal,[],1); doubleIamge=double(oneDIamge); normImage=doubleIamge/255; %get intensity values between 0-1 clear oneDIamge doubleIamge %scale the light intensity to have the same mean as the spatiotemporal white noise stimulus %which is: 0.5 (see also Method of the mansucript by Schreyer & Gollisch, %2021) a=mean(normImage); dummy = normImage*(0.5/a); %correct contrast values if needed (this part is done in stimulator program) dummy(dummy<0) = 0; dummy(dummy>1) = 1; %change the vlaues to weber contrast +/1 meanInt=mean(dummy); movie_WebCont=(dummy-meanInt)/meanInt; %reshape signal to have again a 3 D structure movie_WebCont3D = reshape(movie_WebCont,[NyMovie,NxMovie,nbrFrames]); clear movie_WebCont dummy oneDIamge %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% 2. cut the natural movie to have the same dimension as the spatiotemporal white noise %the movie has a dimension of 320x240, to present the movie on the retina, %the movie was upsampled by 3 (960x720) and cut out to the OLED resolution %of 800x600 (cut is from the upper left ->see Documentation.Data.pdf). %The spatiotemporal white noise was shown at 89x67 checker size resolution. %And the filter (STA) is at that resolution. We want now to have the same %resolution for the movies (89x67) so that we can easily convolve the STA with the %movie. %To get the dimensions, there are multiple ways. The most intuitive way and easiest to understand is: %First upsample the image by 3 and cut it to 800x600 OLED resolution, then make %a mean per 9x9 pixels (for all cells with movie the checker size of the %white noise stimulus was 9x9 -> see also Documentation_Data.pdf). Then you %get the same resolution as for the white noise stimulus (89x67). %Alternative way (maybe faster from the coding side and what I show here) is to directly make the %average over 3x3 pixels (dont upsample it first by 3) and then cut it to %89x67 resolution to match the white noise STA (filter). %%make average per 3x3 movie pixels NyMovie2=ceil(NyMovie/3); NxMovie2=ceil(NxMovie/3); indx=1;%x dimension indx2=1;%y dimension movie_WebContSmall=nan(NyMovie2,NxMovie2,size(movie_WebCont3D,3)); for z=1:size(movie_WebCont3D,3) %over movie frames for x=1:3:size(movie_WebCont3D,2)-2 %over x-axis (first three) for y=1:3:size(movie_WebCont3D,1)-2 %do the corresponding y-axis tempx=movie_WebCont3D(y:y+2,x:x+2,z); movie_WebContSmall(indx2,indx,z)=mean(tempx(:)); indx2=indx2+1;%y dimension end indx=indx+1; indx2=1; end indx=1; indx2=1; end %cut the image to a 89x67 resolution (see Documentation_data.pdf) the cut %is done from the upper left corner movieSignal=movie_WebContSmall(size(movie_WebContSmall,1)-(NyWhiteNoise)+1:end... ,1:NxWhiteNoise,:); %starts from y pixel 14 (the first 13 are cut out in stimulator program) end