%Guide for the patterned spot analysis %Check out the Documentation_Data.pdf, which contains relevant information %for analysing the patterned stimulus clear; close all; %% Do the patterned spot analysis loadData='Z:\Spot\'; %path of the BC files for patterned spot (has to be adapted to your own path) filename='16422006Comp.mat'; %BC file to analyse: for example here we use file 16422006Comp from cell 1, recorded in retina 2 on 160422 Hz=1; % given in the excel file LogInfo_PatternedSpot.xlsx for the corresponding file %% stimulus version 1 %the input frames you need, this part depends on whether you record with %stimulus version 1 or 2 get the start and end points of each patterned spot from LogInfo_PatternedSpot.xlsx. start_halfSpot=51; end_halfSpot=57; start_quarterSpot=59; end_quarterSpot=65; start_25microSpot=75; end_25microSpot=81; inputFrames=[start_halfSpot,end_halfSpot,start_quarterSpot,end_quarterSpot,... start_25microSpot,end_25microSpot]; % %% stim version 2 % start_halfSpot=234; end_halfSpot=240; % start_quarterSpot=243; end_quarterSpot=249; % start_25microSpot=252; end_25microSpot=258; % start_10microSpot=261; end_10microSpot=267; % start_UniformSpot=225; end_UniformSpot=231; % inputFrames=[start_halfSpot,end_halfSpot,start_quarterSpot,end_quarterSpot,... % start_25microSpot,end_25microSpot,start_10microSpot,end_10microSpot,... % start_UniformSpot,end_UniformSpot]; [patternedSpot_output]=BC_patternedSpot(loadData,filename,Hz,inputFrames);%example code to analyse the patterned spot responses