function figure_neurotrace_prepare(fld,monkey,do_plots) fprintf('\n======================================================\n'); fprintf(['-- Running figure_neurotrace_prepare for ' monkey ' --\n']); fprintf('======================================================\n'); % settings snrthres = 2.5; daythres = 3; green = [23, 105, 13]./255; red = [201, 0, 34]./255; cols = [green; 0.3 0.3 0.3; red]; %% find which data to include datainfo = session_info(); if strcmp(monkey,'M1') info = datainfo(1); else info = datainfo(2); end sessions = info.dates; MP = get_mp(fld,monkey,sessions); %% set SNR threshold and find channels and sessions % limit MP to snr threshold incl = MP.snr>snrthres; MP_ = MP; % copy for backup % only include channels that have at least 5 sessions MP = MP(incl,:); [chid, ch_list] = findgroups(MP.chan_id); session_per_chan = splitapply(@length,MP.session_id,chid); % make a list of channels that we will include chans = ch_list(session_per_chan>daythres); %% initialize a figure if necessary if do_plots figure; set(gcf,'Position',[43 476 1197 622]); rws = ceil(sqrt(length(chans))); cls = ceil(length(chans)/rws); end %% load and concatenate the data we need datadir = fld.procdatadir; % first loop all channels numtrls = []; traces = []; tracesLUT = []; grandtraces = []; grandtracesLUT = []; cnt=1; for ch = chans' disp(['analysing channel ' num2str(ch) ... ', ' num2str(cnt) '/' num2str(size(chans,1))]); cnt=cnt+1; chidx = find(chans==ch); incl_sessions = MP.chan_id==ch & MP.snr>snrthres; cur_mp = MP(incl_sessions,:); numtrls(chidx) = sum(cellfun(@sum,cur_mp.goodtrials)); % look at each session for each channel individually env = []; clut = []; for sid = 1:size(cur_mp,1) % session info cdate ={sid}; block = cur_mp.block(sid); % load the data session_id = [monkey '_' cdate '_' num2str(block)]; sessiondir = fullfile(datadir, monkey, session_id); channeldir = fullfile(sessiondir, 'individual_channels'); chanfile = fullfile(channeldir, ... ['Env_preprocessed_ch' num2str(ch) '_' session_id '.mat']); if ~exist(chanfile) continue end % load the data for this session for this channel load(chanfile); % loads 'data' load(fullfile(sessiondir, [session_id '_LUT.mat'])); % loads 'lut' load(fullfile(sessiondir, [session_id '.mat']),'env_t'); % this is overwritten every time but it's always the same so who cares env = [env; data']; clut = [clut; lut]; end lut = clut; % include only correct trials, in which the respective stimulus was in % the RF correct = strcmp(lut.Status,'Target'); goodtrials = [cur_mp.sample_wise_goodtrials{:}]'; targetInRF = lut.TarPos==MP.rfpos(ch); nontargInRF = lut.TarPos~=MP.rfpos(ch) & lut.DistPos~=MP.rfpos(ch); distInRF = lut.DistPos==MP.rfpos(ch); condincl = {targetInRF, nontargInRF, distInRF}; % store in traces, this is the concatenated average for cond = 1:3 incl = correct & goodtrials & condincl{cond}; mn = nanmean(env(incl,:)); traces(end+1,:) = mn; tracesLUT(end+1,:) = [ch,cond,sum(incl)]; end % store in grandtraces, this is the average of the session average do_sessions = unique(lut.session); for sid = 1:length(do_sessions) this_session = strcmp(lut.session,do_sessions{sid}); for cond = 1:3 incl = this_session & correct & goodtrials & condincl{cond}; mn = nanmean(env(incl,:)); grandtraces(end+1,:) = mn; grandtracesLUT(end+1,:) = [ch,cond,sum(incl),sid]; end end % do analysis for individual channels if do_plots subplot(rws,cls,find(chans==ch)); anova_data = []; anova_group = []; for cond = 1:3 incl = correct & goodtrials & condincl{cond}; win_idx = find(env_t>0.15 & env_t<0.20); anova_data = [anova_data; nanmean(env(incl,win_idx),2)]; % window average for anova anova_group = [anova_group; repmat(cond,sum(incl),1)]; mn = nanmean(env(incl,:)); sem = nanstd(env(incl,:))./sqrt(sum(incl)); t2 = [env_t, fliplr(env_t)]; inBetween = [mn+sem, fliplr(mn-sem)]; fill(t2, inBetween, 'g','LineStyle','none','FaceColor',... cols(cond,:),'FaceAlpha',0.3); hold all plot(env_t,mn,'Color',cols(cond,:)); end [p,tbl,stats] = anova1(anova_data,anova_group,'off'); xlim([0 .25]); title(['ch' num2str(ch) ', p=' num2str(round(p*100)/100) ... ', ' num2str(length(do_sessions)) ' days'],'FontSize',8); end end % save output to make a combined plot of all channels savedir = fullfile(fld.basedir,'results','figure_neurotrace'); save(fullfile(savedir, [monkey '_averages_snr' num2str(snrthres) ... '_mindays' num2str(daythres) '.mat'])); if do_plots savefig(fullfile(savedir, [monkey '_channelwise'])); end