## EPHYS_VISUALSEARCH This repository maintains code and data for a monkey electrophysiology visual search project. Preprint: Klink, Teeuwen, Lorteije, & Roelfsema (2022) *biorXiv* [doi:10.1101/2022.06.23.497353](https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.06.23.497353) Contact: c.klink@nin.knaw.nl ### Task Monkeys performed a visual search task in which they detected the odd shape out in an array of 6 stimuli, indicating their choice with an eye-movement to the target. One of the stimuli among the 5 non-targets had a different color than all the other stimuli making it a pop-out distractor. Shapes and color were randomly swapped (or not) on subsequent trials. Rewards were randomly varied between either small or large (4 times small). ### Folder structure `DATA` contains the raw data (`Datasets`), preprocessed data (`Preprocessed_Data`), as well the result figures that are used in the manuscript (`results`). `CODE` contains all the scripts and functions used to go from raw data to figures and statistics. Use `main.m` to manage and execute all analyses.