

Find the minimum and maximum of the spike times in each channel


function [mintime, maxtime]=minmaxsptimes(data)


 Find the minimum and maximum of the spike times in each channel
 Usage: [mintime, maxtime]=minmaxsptimes(data)
 data  (spike times as a structural array of multiple dimensions e.g. channels; channels x trials; 
        can also accept a 1d matrix of spike times)
 mintime       (minimum of the spike time across channels)
 maxtime       (maximum of the spike time across channels)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [mintime, maxtime]=minmaxsptimes(data)
0002 % Find the minimum and maximum of the spike times in each channel
0003 % Usage: [mintime, maxtime]=minmaxsptimes(data)
0004 % Input:
0005 % data  (spike times as a structural array of multiple dimensions e.g. channels; channels x trials;
0006 %        can also accept a 1d matrix of spike times)
0007 % Output:
0008 % mintime       (minimum of the spike time across channels)
0009 % maxtime       (maximum of the spike time across channels)
0010 %
0011 dtmp='';
0012 if isstruct(data)
0013    data=reshape(data,numel(data),1);
0014    C=size(data,1);
0015    fnames=fieldnames(data);
0016    mintime=zeros(1,C); maxtime=zeros(1,C);
0017    for ch=1:C
0018      eval(['dtmp=data(ch).' fnames{1} ';'])
0019      if ~isempty(dtmp)
0020         maxtime(ch)=max(dtmp);
0021         mintime(ch)=min(dtmp);
0022      else
0023         mintime(ch)=NaN;
0024         maxtime(ch)=NaN;
0025      end
0026    end;
0027    maxtime=max(maxtime); % maximum time
0028    mintime=min(mintime); % minimum time
0029 else
0030      dtmp=data;
0031      if ~isempty(dtmp)
0032         maxtime=max(dtmp);
0033         mintime=min(dtmp);
0034      else
0035         mintime=NaN;
0036         maxtime=NaN;
0037      end
0038 end
0039 if mintime < 0 
0040    error('Minimum spike time is negative'); 
0041 end

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