

Local Regression and Likelihood, Figure 7.2.


This is a script file.


 Local Regression and Likelihood, Figure 7.2.

 Conditional Hazard Rate Estimation.
 When hazard rate estimation is performed with multiple x variables,
 the result is an estimate of the conditional hazard rate for the
 first variable, given the levels of the remaining variables.

 The surface plot looks more dramatic than the contour plot in the book!

 Author: Catherine Loader


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 % Local Regression and Likelihood, Figure 7.2.
0002 %
0003 % Conditional Hazard Rate Estimation.
0004 % When hazard rate estimation is performed with multiple x variables,
0005 % the result is an estimate of the conditional hazard rate for the
0006 % first variable, given the levels of the remaining variables.
0007 %
0008 % The surface plot looks more dramatic than the contour plot in the book!
0009 %
0010 % Author: Catherine Loader
0012 load livmet;
0013 fit = locfit([t dm],'cens',1-z,'scale',0,'deg',1,'family','hazard','alpha',0.5,'xlim',[0 1;10000 20]);
0014 figure('Name','fig7_2: Conditional hazard rate estimation' );
0015 lfplot(fit);
0016 xlabel('Survival Time (Months)');
0017 ylabel('Diameter (c.m.)');
0018 zlabel('Hazard Rate');

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