

Local Regression and Likelihood, Figure 7.1.


This is a script file.


 Local Regression and Likelihood, Figure 7.1.

 Estimating the hazard rate for censored survival (or
 failure time) data. Hazard rate estimation is specified
 by 'family','hazard'.

 The censoring indicator variable is passed as the 'cens'
 argument. This should be a vector of 0's and 1's, with 1
 indicating a censored observation, 0 uncensored.

 The 'xlim' argument specifies bounds on the domain of the
 x variable (survival times). Usually, survival times are
 non-negative (lower bound 0), but with theoretically no
 upper bound. The specification [0;10000] gives the lower
 bound of 0, and the upper bound is effectively infinite.

 Author: Catherine Loader

 NEEDS: m argument to lfplot.
 Also, lfplot symbols should distinguish between censored and
 uncensored data points.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 % Local Regression and Likelihood, Figure 7.1.
0002 %
0003 % Estimating the hazard rate for censored survival (or
0004 % failure time) data. Hazard rate estimation is specified
0005 % by 'family','hazard'.
0006 %
0007 % The censoring indicator variable is passed as the 'cens'
0008 % argument. This should be a vector of 0's and 1's, with 1
0009 % indicating a censored observation, 0 uncensored.
0010 %
0011 % The 'xlim' argument specifies bounds on the domain of the
0012 % x variable (survival times). Usually, survival times are
0013 % non-negative (lower bound 0), but with theoretically no
0014 % upper bound. The specification [0;10000] gives the lower
0015 % bound of 0, and the upper bound is effectively infinite.
0016 %
0017 % Author: Catherine Loader
0018 %
0019 % NEEDS: m argument to lfplot.
0020 % Also, lfplot symbols should distinguish between censored and
0021 % uncensored data points.
0023 load heart;
0024 fit = locfit(surv,'cens',cens,'family','hazard','alpha',0.4,'xlim',[0;10000]);
0025 figure('Name','fig7_1: Hazard rate for censored data' );
0026 lfplot(fit);
0027 xlabel('Survival Time');
0028 ylabel('Hazard Rate');

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