function f = matchfiles(patterns,sorttype) % function f = matchfiles(patterns,sorttype) % % is % (1) a string that matches zero or more files or directories (wildcards '*' okay) % (2) the empty matrix [] % (3) a cell vector of zero or more things like (1) or (2) % (optional) is how to sort in each individual match attempt. % 't' means sort by time (newest first) % 'tr' means sort by time (oldest first) % default is [], which means to sort alphabetically by explicitly using MATLAB's sort function. % (note that MATLAB's sort function may sort differently than UNIX's ls function does!) % % return a cell vector of strings containing paths to the matched files and/or directories. % if there are no matches for an individual match attempt, we issue a warning. % % this function should be fully functional on Mac and Linux. however, on Windows, % we have the following limitations: % - you cannot use the '?' operator % - you can use the '*' operator only once and at the end of the expression % (not in an intermediate directory) % % on Mac and Linux, if we run into the too-many-files limitation of the ls command, % we will resort to the alternative mode described above, and this inherits the % same limitations. % % history: % 2017/01/31 - switch to using Keith Jamison's fullfilematch.m implementation % 2011/09/28 - if ls returns too many files, resort to alternative. also, the alternative mode now allows sorttype to be specified. % 2011/08/07 - allow empty matrix as an input % 2011/04/02 - now, works on Windows (in a limited way) % 2011/04/02 - oops, time-sorting behavior did not work. bad bug!!! % 2011/02/24 - escape spaces in patterns using \. this fixes buggy behavior. % 2011/01/21 - explicitly use MATLAB's sort function to ensure consistency across platforms. % input if ~exist('sorttype','var') || isempty(sorttype) sorttype = []; end % do it f = fullfilematch(patterns,[],sorttype); return; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CLONE OF fullfilematch.m from Keith Jamison function files = fullfilematch(filestrings,case_sensitive,sorttype) % function files = fullfilematch(filestrings,[case_sensitive=true],[sorttype='']) % % Find files with wildcard matching. % % Inputs: % filestrings: string or cell array of strings with path(s) to search for % - Paths can include ? or * wildcards anywhere in string % case_sensitive (optional): Use case sensitive search? default=true % sorttype (optional): '' = alphabetical (default) % 't' = newest->oldest % 'tr' = 'oldest->newest' % % Outputs: % files: cell array of UNIQUE matching filenames % % Example: % > F=fullfilematch('~/somedir*/*.mat') % F = % '~/somedir/run1.mat' % '~/somedir/run2.mat' % '~/somedir/run3.mat' % '~/somedirA/run1.mat' % '~/somedirB/run1.mat' % KJ Update 10/18/2016: Overhaul to allow wildcards in middle of path, and % to add sorting options (for use with cvnlab code) % KJ Update 12/14/2016: Assume default directory='.' (pwd) if(nargin < 2 || ~exist('case_sensitive','var') || isempty(case_sensitive)) case_sensitive = true; end if(nargin < 3 || ~exist('sorttype','var') || isempty(sorttype)) sorttype = ''; end if(ischar(case_sensitive)) if(strcmpi(case_sensitive,'ignorecase')) case_sensitive = false; else case_sensitive = true; end end if(isempty(filestrings)) files = []; return; end if(~iscell(filestrings)) filestrings = {filestrings}; end %make sure we can handle '\' filesep for Windows if(isequal(filesep,'\')) fsep='[/\\]'; else fsep=filesep; end %% handle wildcards in the middle of path % eg: expand {'/data/experiment*/*.mat'} % -> {'/data/experiment1/*.mat' % '/data/experiment2/*.mat' % '/data/experiment3/*.mat'} filestrings0={}; for f = 1:numel(filestrings) filestr = filestrings{f}; if(isdir(filestr) || ~any(ismember(filestr,'*?'))) files_tmp = {filestr}; else fparts=regexp(filestr,fsep,'split'); if(numel(fparts)==1) %if no directory separators in input, pass directly to next %step (eg: input is '*' or '*.mat') files_tmp=fparts; filestrings0=[filestrings0; files_tmp(:)]; continue; end %if first character is '/', keep a '/' at the beginning of the new %string if(~isempty(regexp(filestr(1),fsep))) %#ok files_tmp={'/'}; else files_tmp={''}; end %loop through DIRECTORIES in path. whenever we encounter a % wildcard, call fullfilematch on the parent directory to find % matching subdirectories, possibly returning multiple new % directories for the next level of the path (this is OK since % both fullfilematch() and strcat() can accept strings or cell % arrays of strings) for p = 1:numel(fparts)-1 if(isempty(fparts{p})) continue; end if(any(ismember(fparts{p},'*?'))) files_tmp=fullfilematch(strcat(files_tmp,fparts{p}),case_sensitive); else files_tmp=strcat(files_tmp,fparts{p}); end if(isempty(files_tmp)) break; end files_tmp=strcat(files_tmp,'/'); end if(~isempty(files_tmp)) %prune final list to only include directories, then tack on the % filename part (which may include wildcards) to all, before % continuing on to the file-name wildcard search files_tmp=files_tmp(cellfun(@isdir,files_tmp)); files_tmp=strcat(files_tmp,fparts{end}); end end filestrings0=[filestrings0; files_tmp(:)]; end % new filestrings is a cell array that may include many more entries than % the input if there were directory wildcards filestrings=filestrings0; %% main filename wildcard matching for each filestring % (only operates on the last path element., ie: the file name) % eg: expand {'/data/experiment/*.mat'} % -> {'/data/experiment/run1.mat' % '/data/experiment/run2.mat'} files = {}; filedates = {}; for f = 1:numel(filestrings) [files_tmp,filedates_tmp] = aux_fullfilematch(filestrings{f},case_sensitive); files=[files(:); files_tmp(:)]; filedates=[filedates(:); filedates_tmp(:)]; end % remove duplicate filenames [~,iu] = unique(files); files=files(iu); filedates=filedates(iu); % sort by filename or by date if strcmpi(sorttype,'t') [~,ii] = sort(cat(2,filedates{:}),2,'descend'); elseif strcmpi(sorttype,'tr') [~,ii] = sort(cat(2,filedates{:})); elseif strcmpi(sorttype,'none') ii=1:numel(files); else [~,ii] = sort(cat(2,files)); end files = files(ii); %% helper function that does the work to match individual filestrings % returns filenames and dates to allow date-sorting in main function function [files,filedates] = aux_fullfilematch(filestr,case_sensitive) if(isdir(filestr)) files = {filestr}; filestruct=dir(filestr); %pretty sure '.' is always first, but just in case.... i=find(strcmp({},'.'),1,'first'); filedates=filestruct(i).datenum; return; end [filedir,fpattern,fext] = fileparts(filestr); fpattern = strrep([fpattern fext],'*','.*'); fpattern = strrep(fpattern,'?','.'); fpattern = strrep(fpattern,'(','\('); fpattern = strrep(fpattern,')','\)'); fpattern = ['^' fpattern '$']; removeprefix=''; if(isempty(filedir)) filedir='.'; removeprefix='./'; end filestruct = dir(filedir); if(numel(filestruct) == 1 && filestruct(1).isdir) [filedir2,~,~] = fileparts(filedir); if(filedir2(end)~='/') filedir2=[filedir2 '/']; end filedir = strcat(filedir2,filestruct(1).name); if(~isdir(filedir)) files=[]; filedates=[]; return; end filestruct = dir(filedir); end if(isempty(filestruct)) files = []; filedates=[]; return; end filenames = {}; filedates = {filestruct.datenum}; notdots=~cellfun(@(x)(all(x=='.')),filenames); filenames = filenames(notdots); filedates = filedates(notdots); if(case_sensitive) fmatch=~cellfun(@isempty,regexpi(filenames,fpattern,'matchcase')); else fmatch=~cellfun(@isempty,regexpi(filenames,fpattern)); end filenames = filenames(fmatch); filedates = filedates(fmatch); if(isempty(filenames)) files = []; filedates=[]; return; end if(filedir(end)~='/') filedir=[filedir '/']; end if(~isempty(removeprefix) && strcmp(removeprefix,filedir)) files_tmp=filenames; else files_tmp = strcat(filedir,filenames); end files_tmp = files_tmp(:); files=files_tmp(:); filedates=filedates(:);