function saveNEVTetrodes(NEVFullFilename) % saveNEVTetrodes % % Opens saves a new NEV file and splits it into smaller NEV files % containing only the tetrodes according to the associated CCF file. The % CCF file should have the same name as the data file. % % NEVFullFilename: The full path to the NEV to be opened. % DEFAULT: If the filename is not provided, the user will % be prompted to select a file. % % Use saveNEVTetrodes(NEVFullFilename) % % Example: saveNEVTetrodes('c:\datafolder\datafile.nev'); % % The function will open datafile.nev and datafile.ccf and based on the % tetrode information saved in datafile.ccf, it will split datafile.nev % into smaller chunks that will only contain channels associated to that % particular tetrode. % % Kian Torab % % Blackrock Microsystems % Version % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Version History % % % - Initial release. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Opening the file if ~exist('NEVFullFilename', 'var') [dataFilename dataFolder] = getFile('*.nev'); NEVFullFilename = [dataFolder dataFilename]; elseif exist(NEVFullFilename, 'file') ~= 2 disp('The NEV file name does not exist.'); return; else [filepath filename fileext] = fileparts(NEVFullFilename); dataFolder = [filepath '/']; dataFilename = [filename fileext]; end %% Openning the associated CCF file ccfFullFilename = [dataFolder dataFilename(1:end-3) 'ccf']; if exist(ccfFullFilename, 'file') ~= 2 % for 2.x file type ccfFullFilename = [dataFolder dataFilename(1:end-8) '.ccf']; if exist(ccfFullFilename, 'file') ~= 2 % for TOC file type disp('Cannot find the associated CCF file.'); disp('This function requires the CCF file used during the recording.'); disp('The CCF must have the same name as the original recorded file.'); return; end end ccf = openCCF(ccfFullFilename); % Calculating the number of NTrode groups in the file if isfield(ccf, 'NTrodeInfo') if isfield(ccf.NTrodeInfo, 'NTrodeMembers') numberOfNTrodeGroups = size(ccf.NTrodeInfo.NTrodeMembers,2); else disp('This data file does not contain any tetrodes.'); return; end else disp('There is an error in the CCF file.'); return; end % Splitting the data file according to the information saved in the % associated CCF file. for idx = 1:numberOfNTrodeGroups fprintf('Saving tetrode %d containing channels %s.\n', idx, num2str(ccf.NTrodeInfo.NTrodeMembers{idx})); saveNEVSubSpikes(ccf.NTrodeInfo.NTrodeMembers{idx}, NEVFullFilename, 'tet'); end