function removeNSxData(timestamps, filename) % % removeNSxData(timestamps, filename) % % This function removes chunks of data given in a 2-column timestamps % variable from a NSx file and then saves it as another NSx. This is % useful when removing useless data from the file to decrease the size of % the NSx file without modifying the file timestamps. The file size only % changes when the NSx file is compressed. % % timestamps: This variable contains beginning and ending timestamps of % the data that need to be removed from the NSx file. The % format is: % [BegTimeStamp1 EndTimeStamp1 % BegTimeStamp2 EndTimeStamp2 % BegTimeStamp3 EndTimeStamp3 % ... ... % BegTimeStampN EndTimeStampN] % % The data in the NSx between the pairs of timestamps will be % removed and set to 0. % (REQUIRED) % % filename: The name of the NSx file to be used. This input is also % optional. In its absense, a dialog will open and will % prompt the user to select an NSx file. % (OPTIONAL) % % Example: removeNSxData([100,600; 1000,2000], 'c:\datafile\sampleNSx.ns5') % % In the example above, the timestamps between 100:600 and % 1000:2000 will be removed from the file sampleNSx.ns5 and % the resulting NSx will be saved in sampleNSx_chunked.ns5 % file. % % Kian Torab % % Blackrock Microsystems % % Version % Validating the timestamps variable if ~exist('timestamps', 'var') disp('The variable timestamps is required.'); return; end if size(timestamps, 2) ~= 2 disp('The timestamps variable should be a Nx2 variable containing beginning timestamps in the first column and ending timestamps in the second column.'); return; end if ~all(timestamps(:,1) < timestamps(:,2)) disp('The timestamps in the first column (beginning) have to be smaller than the ones in the second column (ending).') return; end % Figuring out the filename, if not passed on to the function if ~exist('filename', 'var') [fname, path] = getFile('*.*', 'Choose an NSx file...'); filename = [path fname]; end if exist(filename, 'file') ~= 2 disp('The file does not exist.'); return; end % Openning and reading the file FID = fopen(filename, 'r', 'ieee-le'); readData = fread(FID, '*uint8'); FID = fclose(FID); % Extracting some information from the NSx file fileTypeID = char(readData(1:8))'; headerBytes = typecast(readData(11:14), 'uint32')+9; samplingFreq = double(typecast(readData(291:294), 'uint32'))/... double(typecast(readData(287:290), 'uint32')); channelCount = typecast(readData(311:314), 'uint32'); % Converting timestamps into uint16 (2 bytes per data point) timestamps = timestamps*2; % Removing given timestamps for idx = 1:size(timestamps, 1) readData((timestamps(idx,1)-2)*channelCount+1+headerBytes:timestamps(idx,2)*channelCount+headerBytes) = NaN; end % Saving the chunked file writeFilename = [filename(1:end-4) '_chunked', filename(end-3:end)]; FID = fopen(writeFilename, 'w+', 'ieee-le'); fwrite(FID, readData); fclose(FID);