function NSxToHL(fname) % NSxToHL % % Opens and reads an NSx file without the header information and saves % the binary data into a .dat file with the same name. This can be used for % specific applications that require this type of data, e.g. Klusters. % Works with File Spec 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3. % % It does not support pauses at this time. % % Use OUTPUT = NSxToHL(fname) % % All input arguments are optional. % % fname: Name of the file to be opened. If the fname is omitted % the user will be prompted to select a file. % DEFAULT: Will open Open File UI. % % OUTPUT: Contains the binary data. % % Example 1: % NSxToHL('c:\data\sample.ns5'); % % In the example above, the file c:\data\sample.ns5 will be opened and % the data will be read and saved without the header information in file % sample.ns5.dat. % % Example 2: % NSxToHL; % % In the example above, the file user will be prompted for the file. The % selected file (e.g. FILENAME.NSx) will be opened and the data will be % read and saved in the file FILENAME.NSx.dat. % % Kian Torab % % Blackrock Microsystems % Version % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Version History % % % - Initial release. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Opening the file % Popup the Open File UI. Also, process the file name, path, and extension % for later use, and validate the entry. if ~exist('fname', 'var') if ~ismac [fname, path] = getFile('*.ns*', 'Choose an NSx file...'); else [fname, path] = getFile('*.*', 'Choose an NSx file...'); end if fname == 0 disp('No file was selected.'); if nargout clear variables; end return; end else if isempty(fileparts(fname)) fname = which(fname); end [path,fname, fext] = fileparts(fname); fname = [fname fext]; path = [path '/']; end if fname==0 return; end %% Reading the headerless file data = openNSxHL([path fname]); %% Writing to file % Determining the filename for the converted file newFilename = [path fname '.dat']; % Opening the output file for saving FIDw = fopen(newFilename, 'w+', 'ieee-le'); % Writing data into file disp('Writing the converted data into the new .dat file...'); fwrite(FIDw, data, 'int16');