function [selected_file, selected_path] = rri_select_file(varargin) % % USAGE: [selected_file, selected_path] = ... % rri_select_file(dir_name, fig_title) % % Allow user to select a file from a list of Matlab competible % file format % % Example: % % [selected_file, selected_path] = ... % rri_select_file('/usr','Select Data File'); % % See Also RRI_GETFILES % -- Created June 2001 by Wilkin Chau, Rotman Research Institute % % use rri_select_file to open & save Matlab recognized format % -- Modified Dec 2002 by Jimmy Shen, Rotman Research Institute % if nargin == 0 | ischar(varargin{1}) % create rri_select_file figure dir_name = ''; fig_title = 'Select a File'; if nargin > 0 dir_name = varargin{1}; end if nargin > 1 fig_title = varargin{2}; end Init(fig_title,dir_name); uiwait; % wait for user finish selected_path = getappdata(gcf,'SelectedDirectory'); selected_file = getappdata(gcf,'SelectedFile'); cd (getappdata(gcf,'StartDirectory')); close(gcf); return; end; % clear the message line, % h = findobj(gcf,'Tag','MessageLine'); set(h,'String',''); action = varargin{1}{1}; % change 'File format': % update 'Files' & 'File selection' based on file pattern % if strcmp(action,'EditFilter'), EditFilter; % run delete_fig when figure is closing % elseif strcmp(action,'delete_fig'), delete_fig; % select 'Directories': % go into the selected dir % update 'Files' & 'File selection' based on file pattern % elseif strcmp(action,'select_dir'), select_dir; % select 'Files': % update 'File selection' % elseif strcmp(action,'select_file'), select_file; % change 'File selection': % if it is a file, select that, % if it is more than a file (*), select those, % if it is a directory, select based on file pattern % elseif strcmp(action,'EditSelection'), EditSelection; % clicked 'Select' % elseif strcmp(action,'DONE_BUTTON_PRESSED'), h = findobj(gcf,'Tag','SelectionEdit'); [filepath,filename,fileext] = fileparts(get(h,'String')); if isempty(filepath) | isempty(filename) | isempty(fileext) setappdata(gcf,'SelectedDirectory',[]); setappdata(gcf,'SelectedFile',[]); else if ~strcmp(filepath(end),filesep) % not end with filesep filepath = [filepath filesep]; % add a filesep to filepath end setappdata(gcf,'SelectedDirectory',filepath); setappdata(gcf,'SelectedFile',[filename fileext]); end if getappdata(gcf,'ready') % ready to exit uiresume; end % clicked 'cancel' % elseif strcmp(action,'CANCEL_BUTTON_PRESSED'), setappdata(gcf,'SelectedDirectory',[]); setappdata(gcf,'SelectedFile',[]); set(findobj(gcf,'Tag','FileList'),'String',''); uiresume; end; return; % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function Init(fig_title,dir_name), StartDirectory = pwd; if isempty(StartDirectory), StartDirectory = filesep; end; filter_disp = {'JPEG image (*.jpg)', ... 'TIFF image, compressed (*.tif)', ... 'EPS Level 1 (*.eps)', ... 'Adobe Illustrator 88 (*.ai)', ... 'Enhanced metafile (*.emf)', ... 'Matlab Figure (*.fig)', ... 'Matlab M-file (*.m)', ... 'Portable bitmap (*.pbm)', ... 'Paintbrush 24-bit (*.pcx)', ... 'Portable Graymap (*.pgm)', ... 'Portable Network Graphics (*.png)', ... 'Portable Pixmap (*.ppm)', ... }; filter_string = {'*.jpg', ... '*.tif', ... '*.eps', ... '*.ai', ... '*.emf', ... '*.fig', ... '*.m', ... '*.pbm', ... '*.pcx', ... '*.pgm', ... '*.png', ... '*.ppm', ... }; % filter_disp = char(filter_disp); filter_string = char(filter_string); margine = 0.05; line_height = 0.07; char_height = line_height*0.8; save_setting_status = 'on'; rri_select_file_pos = []; try load('pls_profile'); catch end if ~isempty(rri_select_file_pos) & strcmp(save_setting_status,'on') pos = rri_select_file_pos; else w = 0.4; h = 0.6; x = (1-w)/2; y = (1-h)/2; pos = [x y w h]; end h0 = figure('parent',0, 'Color',[0.8 0.8 0.8], ... 'Units','normal', ... 'Name',fig_title, ... 'NumberTitle','off', ... 'MenuBar','none', ... 'Position', pos, ... 'deleteFcn','rri_select_file({''delete_fig''});', ... 'WindowStyle', 'modal', ... 'Tag','GetFilesFigure', ... 'ToolBar','none'); x = margine; y = 1 - 1*line_height - margine; w = 1-2*x; h = char_height; pos = [x y w h]; h1 = uicontrol('Parent',h0, ... % Filter Label 'Style','text', ... 'Units','normal', ... 'BackgroundColor',[0.8 0.8 0.8], ... 'fontunit','normal', ... 'FontSize',0.5, ... 'HorizontalAlignment','left', ... 'Position', pos, ... 'String','Choose one of the file format:', ... 'Tag','FilterLabel'); y = 1 - 2*line_height - margine + line_height*0.2; w = 1-2*x; pos = [x y w h]; h_filter = uicontrol('Parent',h0, ... % Filter list 'Style','popupmenu', ... 'Units','normal', ... 'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1], ... 'fontunit','normal', ... 'FontSize',0.5, ... 'HorizontalAlignment','left', ... 'Position', pos, ... 'String', filter_disp, ... 'user', filter_string, ... 'value', 1, ... 'Callback','rri_select_file({''EditFilter''});', ... 'Tag','FilterEdit'); y = 1 - 3*line_height - margine; w = 0.5 - x - margine/2; pos = [x y w h]; h1 = uicontrol('Parent',h0, ... % Directory Label 'Style','text', ... 'Units','normal', ... 'BackgroundColor',[0.8 0.8 0.8], ... 'fontunit','normal', ... 'FontSize',0.5, ... 'HorizontalAlignment','left', ... 'ListboxTop',0, ... 'Position', pos, ... 'String','Directories', ... 'Tag','DirectoryLabel'); x = 0.5; y = 1 - 3*line_height - margine; w = 0.5 - margine; pos = [x y w h]; h1 = uicontrol('Parent',h0, ... % File Label 'Style','text', ... 'Units','normal', ... 'BackgroundColor',[0.8 0.8 0.8], ... 'fontunit','normal', ... 'FontSize',0.5, ... 'HorizontalAlignment','left', ... 'ListboxTop',0, ... 'Position', pos, ... 'String','Files', ... 'Tag','FileLabel'); x = margine; y = 4*line_height + margine; w = 0.5 - x - margine/2; h = 1 - 7*line_height - 2*margine; pos = [x y w h]; h_dir = uicontrol('Parent',h0, ... % Directory Listbox 'Style','listbox', ... 'Units','normal', ... 'fontunit','normal', ... 'FontSize',0.08, ... 'HorizontalAlignment','left', ... 'Interruptible', 'off', ... 'ListboxTop',1, ... 'Position', pos, ... 'String', '', ... 'Callback','rri_select_file({''select_dir''});', ... 'Tag','DirectoryList'); x = 0.5; y = 4*line_height + margine; w = 0.5 - margine; h = 1 - 7*line_height - 2*margine; pos = [x y w h]; h_file = uicontrol('Parent',h0, ... % File Listbox 'Style','listbox', ... 'Units','normal', ... 'fontunit','normal', ... 'FontSize',0.08, ... 'HorizontalAlignment','left', ... 'ListboxTop',1, ... 'Position', pos, ... 'String', '', ... 'Callback','rri_select_file({''select_file''});', ... 'Tag','FileList'); x = margine; y = 3*line_height + margine - line_height*0.2; w = 1-2*x; h = char_height; pos = [x y w h]; h1 = uicontrol('Parent',h0, ... % Selection Label 'Style','text', ... 'Units','normal', ... 'BackgroundColor',[0.8 0.8 0.8], ... 'fontunit','normal', ... 'FontSize',0.5, ... 'HorizontalAlignment','left', ... 'Position', pos, ... 'String','File you selected:', ... 'Tag','SelectionLabel'); y = 2*line_height + margine; w = 1-2*x; pos = [x y w h]; h_select = uicontrol('Parent',h0, ... % Selection Edit 'Style','edit', ... 'Units','normal', ... 'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1], ... 'fontunit','normal', ... 'FontSize',0.5, ... 'HorizontalAlignment','left', ... 'Position', pos, ... 'String', '', ... 'Callback','rri_select_file({''EditSelection''});', ... 'Tag','SelectionEdit'); x = 2*margine; y = line_height/2 + margine; w = 0.2; h = line_height; pos = [x y w h]; h_done = uicontrol('Parent',h0, ... % DONE 'Units','normal', ... 'fontunit','normal', ... 'FontSize',0.5, ... 'ListboxTop',0, ... 'Position', pos, ... 'HorizontalAlignment','center', ... 'String','Save', ... % 'Select', ... 'Callback','rri_select_file({''DONE_BUTTON_PRESSED''});', ... 'Tag','DONEButton'); x = 1 - x - w; pos = [x y w h]; h_cancel = uicontrol('Parent',h0, ... % CANCEL 'Units','normal', ... 'fontunit','normal', ... 'FontSize',0.5, ... 'ListboxTop',0, ... 'Position', pos, ... 'HorizontalAlignment','center', ... 'String','Cancel', ... 'Callback','rri_select_file({''CANCEL_BUTTON_PRESSED''});', ... 'Tag','CANCELButton'); if isempty(dir_name) dir_name = StartDirectory; end set(h_select,'string',dir_name); filter_select = get(h_filter,'value'); filter_pattern = filter_string(filter_select,:); setappdata(gcf,'FilterPattern',deblank(filter_pattern)); setappdata(gcf,'filter_string',filter_string); setappdata(gcf,'h_filter', h_filter); setappdata(gcf,'h_dir', h_dir); setappdata(gcf,'h_file', h_file); setappdata(gcf,'h_select', h_select); setappdata(gcf,'h_done', h_done); setappdata(gcf,'h_cancel', h_cancel); setappdata(gcf,'StartDirectory',StartDirectory); EditSelection; h_file = getappdata(gcf,'h_file'); if isempty(get(h_file,'string')) setappdata(gcf,'ready',0); else setappdata(gcf,'ready',1); end return; % Init % called by all the actions, to update 'Directories' or 'Files' % based on filter_pattern. Select first file in filelist. % % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function update_dirlist; filter_path = getappdata(gcf,'curr_dir'); filter_pattern = getappdata(gcf,'FilterPattern'); if exist(filter_pattern) == 2 % user input specific filename is_single_file = 1; % need manually take path out later else is_single_file = 0; end % take the file path out from filter_pattern % [fpath fname fext] = fileparts(filter_pattern); filter_pattern = [fname fext]; dir_struct = dir(filter_path); if isempty(dir_struct) msg = 'ERROR: Directory not found!'; uiwait(msgbox(msg,'File Selection Error','modal')); return; end; old_pointer = get(gcf,'Pointer'); set(gcf,'Pointer','watch'); dir_list = dir_struct(find([dir_struct.isdir] == 1)); [sorted_dir_names,sorted_dir_index] = sortrows({}'); dir_struct = dir([filter_path filesep filter_pattern]); if isempty(dir_struct) sorted_file_names = []; else file_list = dir_struct(find([dir_struct.isdir] == 0)); if is_single_file % take out path tmp =; [fpath fname fext] = fileparts(tmp); = [fname fext]; end [sorted_file_names,sorted_file_index] = sortrows({}'); end; disp_dir_names = []; % if need full path, use this % instead of sorted_dir_names for i=1:length(sorted_dir_names) tmp = [filter_path filesep sorted_dir_names{i}]; disp_dir_names = [disp_dir_names {tmp}]; end h = findobj(gcf,'Tag','DirectoryList'); set(h,'String',sorted_dir_names,'Value',1); h = findobj(gcf,'Tag','FileList'); set(h,'String',sorted_file_names,'value',1); h_select = getappdata(gcf,'h_select'); if strcmp(filter_path(end),filesep) % filepath end with filesep filter_path = filter_path(1:end-1); % take filesep out end if isempty(sorted_file_names) set(h_select,'string',[filter_path filesep]); else set(h_select,'string',[filter_path filesep sorted_file_names{1}]); end set(gcf,'Pointer',old_pointer); return; % update_dirlist % change 'File format': % update 'Files' & 'File selection' based on file pattern % % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function EditFilter() filter_select = get(gcbo,'value'); filter_string = getappdata(gcf,'filter_string'); filter_pattern = filter_string(filter_select,:); filter_path = getappdata(gcf,'curr_dir'); % update filter_pattern setappdata(gcf,'FilterPattern',deblank(filter_pattern)); if isempty(filter_path), filter_path = filesep; end; update_dirlist; h_file = getappdata(gcf,'h_file'); if isempty(get(h_file,'string')) setappdata(gcf,'ready',0); else setappdata(gcf,'ready',1); end return; % EditFilter % select 'Directories': % go into the selected dir % update 'Files' & 'File selection' based on file pattern % % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function select_dir() listed_dir = get(gcbo,'String'); selected_dir_idx = get(gcbo,'Value'); selected_dir = listed_dir{selected_dir_idx}; curr_dir = getappdata(gcf,'curr_dir'); % update the selection box % try cd ([curr_dir filesep selected_dir]); catch msg = 'ERROR: Cannot access directory'; uiwait(msgbox(msg,'File Selection Error','modal')); return; end; if isempty(pwd) curr_dir = filesep; else curr_dir = pwd; end; setappdata(gcf,'curr_dir',curr_dir); update_dirlist; h_file = getappdata(gcf,'h_file'); if isempty(get(h_file,'string')) setappdata(gcf,'ready',0); else setappdata(gcf,'ready',1); end return; % select_dir % select 'Files': % update 'File selection' % % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function select_file() setappdata(gcf,'ready',1); listed_file = get(gcbo,'String'); selected_file_idx = get(gcbo,'Value'); selected_file = listed_file{selected_file_idx}; curr_dir = getappdata(gcf,'curr_dir'); if strcmp(curr_dir(end),filesep) % filepath end with filesep curr_dir = curr_dir(1:end-1); % take filesep out end h_select = getappdata(gcf,'h_select'); set(h_select,'string',[curr_dir filesep selected_file]); return; % select_file % change 'File selection': % if it is a file, select that, % if it is more than a file (*), select those, % if it is a directory, select based on file pattern % % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function EditSelection() filter_string = getappdata(gcf,'filter_string'); h_select = getappdata(gcf,'h_select'); selected_file = get(h_select,'string'); if exist(selected_file) == 7 % if user enter a dir setappdata(gcf,'ready',0); setappdata(gcf,'curr_dir',selected_file); % get new dir update_dirlist; else setappdata(gcf,'ready',1); [fpath fname fext]= fileparts(selected_file); if exist(fpath) ~=7 % fpath is not a dir setappdata(gcf,'ready',0); msg = 'ERROR: Cannot access directory'; uiwait(msgbox(msg,'File Selection Error','modal')); end % if the file format user entered is not supported by matlab if isempty(strmatch(['*',fext],filter_string,'exact')) setappdata(gcf,'ready',0); msg = 'ERROR: File format is not supported by Matlab.'; uiwait(msgbox(msg,'File Selection Error','modal')); end end return; % EditSelection % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function delete_fig() try load('pls_profile'); pls_profile = which('pls_profile.mat'); rri_select_file_pos = get(gcbf,'position'); save(pls_profile, '-append', 'rri_select_file_pos'); catch end return;