logoUpdates for Tracker


VERSION. 02_2013

Dll changed behavior for Saccade bit sending, use dasgetposition for both eye and mouse position plotting, Dascheck is now simplified. VC2010 runtime install now required from this version and later.

Noise display shifts with position of fix offset.

Mexfunctions now directly acces ControlDas.dll, the dynamic link library.

Stimulus on time and target onset now timed precisely in relation to video refresh.
Also easier to shut tracker, if your runstim crashes.
Estimate of noise in also calulated and displayed if you wish.

Radiobutton for juice initializes as it should. 2. Trialnumber update only after fixation onset. 3. Save parameters to a selected file.

Using shift to adjust zero point fixation now works intuitively in the rightdirection irrespective of the sign of the X or Y channel Bug fix; test eye failure repaired

Mouse control added, to test stimuli by simulating eye motion with mouse movement. Also a small update of the Stimgui program, Pre Fix has been removed, it serves no function

Eyeoffset is now adjustable in arrow direction irrespective of the sign with which the eyechannels are converted.

starting from September 2009
Chris van der Togt