%StimSettings global StimObj %% ======================================================================== % Refreshrate ------------------------------------------------------------- Stm(1).UsePreDefFlipTime=false; %else as fast as possible Stm(1).FlipTimePredef = 1/75; % Background -------------------------------------------------------------- %Stm(1).BackColor = [.5 .5 .5]; % [R G B] 0-1 Stm(1).BackColor = (88/255).*[1 1 1]; % [R G B] 0-1 % Leuven retinotopy clips have a background of 88 out of 256 % Fixation ---------------------------------------------------------------- Stm(1).FixDotSize = 0.15; Stm(1).FixDotSurrSize = 0.75; Stm(1).FixDotCol = [1 0 0;1 0 0]; %[RGB if not fixating; RGB fixating] % Fixation position can be toggled with 1-5 keys -------------------------- Stm(1).Position{1} = [0 0]; % deg from center [vert hor] (-=left/down) Stm(1).Position{2} = [-10 -5]; % deg from center (-=left/down) Stm(1).Position{3} = [+10 -5]; % deg from center (-=left/down) Stm(1).Position{4} = [-10 +5]; % deg from center (-=left/down) Stm(1).Position{5} = [+10 +5]; % deg from center (-=left/down) % Stimulus position can be cycled automatically every n-th trial Stm(1).CyclePosition = 0; % set zero for manual cycling % Retinotopic mapping stimulus -------------------------------------------- Stm(1).RandomizeStim=false; Stm(1).nRepeatsStimSet=1; Stm(1).RetMap.StimType{1} = 'none'; % face / walker / checkerboard / none Stm(1).RetMap.StimType{2} = 'circle'; % face / walker: circle / wedge % ret: pRF_8bar / wedge_cw/ccw / ring_con/exp Stm(1).RetMap.Dir = +1; % +1 = expanding / ccw, -1 = contracting / cw % only informative for face/walker stimuli Stm(1).RetMap.TRsPerStep = 1; %s Stm(1).RetMap.PreDur_TRs = 5; % volumes Stm(1).RetMap.PostDur_TRs = 5; % volumes Stm(1).RetMap.nCycles = 2; % 0=unlimited Stm(1).RetMap.nSteps = 32; % (32 for KUL face/walkers; multiple of 8 for 8bar) Stm(1).RetMap.nBlanks_each_nSteps = [0 0]; % if either is zero, it won't work % This only applies to newly created stim ================================= Stm(1).RetMap.StimSize = 15; % degrees (square) % Maximum size is screen height, will be corrected if it exceeds! Stm(1).RetMap.nBlanks_each_nSteps = [0 0]; Stm(1).RetMap.MotionSteps = 15; % number of checker motion steps Stm(1).RetMap.fps = 20; % speed of checker motion Stm(1).RetMap.WedgeDeg = 45; % angular coverage of wedge Stm(1).RetMap.SubWedgeDeg = 15; % angular coverage of checkers in wedge Stm(1).RetMap.RingDeg = Stm(1).RetMap.StimSize/8; % width of stim ring Stm(1).RetMap.SubRingDeg = Stm(1).RetMap.RingDeg/5; % width of checker ring Stm(1).RetMap.BarWidth = Stm(1).RetMap.StimSize/8; % bar width in deg Stm(1).RetMap.chksize = Stm(1).RetMap.BarWidth/4; % bar checker size in deg % ========================================================================= Stm(1).RetMap.LoadFromFile = false; Stm(1).RetMap.SaveToFile = false; Stm(1).RetMap.FileName = 'pRF_8bars_MOCK.mat'; % Logfolder Stm(1).LogFolder = fullfile('HRF-checker','Default'); %% ======================================================================== % Write stimulus settings to global variable StimObj StimObj.Stm = Stm;